Colowyo - grudgingly settling in :P


Lovin' The Homestead
Sep 18, 2010
Reaction score
Eastern Kansas
Farmfresh said:
She MAY be coming into heat!!! Nothing more obnoxious. ;)
see, this may be true except for one thing, she's been fixed! the shelter we adopted both cats from spays and neuters all their animals before they are allowed to be adopted :) My SO was thinking along the same lines, but he was thinking she might think she's in heat, without actually being in heat! how long does this usually last if they are in heat?


City Biddy
Aug 6, 2008
Reaction score
Missouri USA
I asked my D1 the vet tech and she gives the following possibilities. She may still have the hormones in her body if she recently got spayed... or they may have left a bit of ovary which is continuing to produce the hormone... or she may be a hermaphrodititty kitty (which is less uncommon according to D1 than you think).... or - lucky you - she is really just nuts!

:/ Sorry to be so comforting.


Lovin' The Homestead
Sep 18, 2010
Reaction score
Eastern Kansas
Farmfresh said:
I asked my D1 the vet tech and she gives the following possibilities. She may still have the hormones in her body if she recently got spayed... or they may have left a bit of ovary which is continuing to produce the hormone... or she may be a hermaphrodititty kitty (which is less uncommon according to D1 than you think).... or - lucky you - she is really just nuts!

:/ Sorry to be so comforting.
*sigh* well, it makes sense. at least she ain't gonna get preggers!! :D
hermaphrodititty kitty huh? well, at least she's in the right house to feel most at welcome! :) can't get much more queer than that now! :/ thanks for the info, it is very much appreciated! and please thank your D1 for me! :thumbsup
at least she's quiet right now, thats a plus!


Lovin' The Homestead
Sep 18, 2010
Reaction score
Eastern Kansas
lol, not that we are aware of? although I suppose it's possible!

now my SO is thinking that she is actually in heat. He spent five minutes yesterday investigating her and he says he can't find any evidence that she has been fixed! and he used to work in a vet clinic when he was younger! so, now we aren't even sure if she is fixed, which means very possibly she is in heat, and if that is the case the humane society owes us a free fixin!!

or, its possible she is just off her rocker and doing her best to drive my SO insane (so far her plan has partial success, he already was, she is just making it worse!! :lol: :gig :gig )

i've started tuning her out lol generally when shes going i'm generally doing :caf and its easy for me to get lost in the forum postings :D


Lovin' The Homestead
Sep 18, 2010
Reaction score
Eastern Kansas
Updated long term task list 5 Oct 2010

winterize the coop
dig a trench around the coop to lay the hardware cloth
put up wanted posts on craigslist and freecycle for leaves for mulch

buy flower bulbs for planting
buy topsoil for the new garden and flower beds
buy straw/hay for mulch
mow the back "yard" so it grows decently come spring
- will offer BIL $10 to do it (lazy SOB)
winterize the trailer
start planning the gardens for 2011

Get wood chips from Jax, as well as straw/hay - Done on the chips, will get the straw next time
Finish the vents, since I already started that
Get going on the winterizing of the coop
- put up wooden blockers to fill all the large, medium and small gaps
- need to seal the cracks and such to make a wind free coop
- not sure what to do about the "window" though.
rework the savings budgets to figure out exactly who how and what
make vet apt for corgi
- done! :)
Last edited by colowyo0809 (10/02/2010 6:58


Lovin' The Homestead
Sep 18, 2010
Reaction score
Eastern Kansas
You know, its odd. On my updated list of goals for today, I don't recall listing "cause a scene in the goodwill".
But it happened. And it's a very good reminder of why you should always pay attention to what you say, you never know who is around that might not like it.
I had a training in another town (really, since they all bleed together in the denver area who can tell what is where?) and afterwards I went to the nearby Goodwill store to look for some books. (long story, short version, I had to get rid of most of my library, so I am trying to build it back up again). I was in the book section, minding my business, when a couple of the workers around the corner start talking about dinner. they decide they need the opinion of a third worker, so they tell her to come over. As she is walking over, she says, and I quote "What do you want Homo's?". For those of you who haven't figured it out yet from the first nine pages of posts, I'm one of them there homo's. My instant reaction was to walk around the corner and slap the tar out of the lovely woman but I didn't. I did finish browsing while listening to their conversation to see if anyone would say anything about it but they didn't. I walked up to the sales counter to pay for my books. There is no one there. I am standing in full view, not hidden or anything, waiting for two minutes for a cashier. Noone comes to help me. I am already pissed off at this point to begin with. So, in what is nowhere near my loudest voice but what I use to get attention in rather large areas (such as stores) I say "CAN THE HOMO GET SOME HELP AT THE FRONT COUNTER?!!?". And then I waited. And from the general area of the books, which by the way is in a back corner of the store, comes slouching the lovely, nice lady who made such a fantastic comment. Halfway to the counters I also hear her say "WOW" in a sort of quiet but rudely antagonistic voice. She gets to the counter, she rings up my books, and I don't say a word. She tells me my total and I hand her my card. The woman whose brain is probably in the upper 150's for IQ then asks me if I want to put it on my card. I say yes, she swipes, I sign and she says "have a nice day" to which I replied "yeah" and walk out. I was so angry, and frustrated, I was quivering inside and out. I could literally see my hands shaking as I handed her my card I was so affected.
:he :he :he :he :he :duc :duc :duc :rant :rant :rant :somad :somad :somad :tongue
*sigh* i don't like displays of anger, and I especially don't like them in public, never have, never will. :hide


Goat Whisperer
Mar 28, 2009
Reaction score
:lol: :gig

I think that was enough to teach her to keep her nasty mouth shut.

That actually reminds me of something that happened to a friend. He worked at a feed store and one of his coworkers changed the name on his nametag to 'Juan' as some sort of joke. The next day an old guy comes in asking about some parts, 'Juan' says he doesn't know where they might be. The old guy walks away mumbling '!@#$% stupid Mexicans, need to go back to where they came from.' In reality my friend is part Anishinabe so I suppose one could see how the mistake was made, but jeez, some people!