Colowyo - grudgingly settling in :P


Super Self-Sufficient
Jul 21, 2008
Reaction score
Sorry for your upset

nothing was accomplished tho

when frustrated and feelings hurt is the time not to retaliate in hate but to speak with this person and let her understand why it was inappropraite, then maybe she would have gotten something out of the confrontation....this way she just thinks you are a loser guy with a bad attitude ya know

When she got to the counter I would have said I heard her comment and didn't appreciate it and maybe you would have gotten an apology and she might have truly taken to heart that her words in public do have an effect on people...something good comes from speaking calmly in bad situations sometimes.

unfortunately this is everywhere still....words are unbelievably strong and yes people do need to take what is said in public to heart truly.


Lovin' The Homestead
Sep 18, 2010
Reaction score
Eastern Kansas
FarmerChick said:
Sorry for your upset

nothing was accomplished tho

when frustrated and feelings hurt is the time not to retaliate in hate but to speak with this person and let her understand why it was inappropraite, then maybe she would have gotten something out of the confrontation....this way she just thinks you are a loser guy with a bad attitude ya know

When she got to the counter I would have said I heard her comment and didn't appreciate it and maybe you would have gotten an apology and she might have truly taken to heart that her words in public do have an effect on people...something good comes from speaking calmly in bad situations sometimes.

unfortunately this is everywhere still....words are unbelievably strong and yes people do need to take what is said in public to heart truly.
this is true. and I was aware of this. However last night I also sent an email to both the main headquarters and the local/denver headquarters detailing the incident, and I called and spoke to the night supervisor about it. Honestly, I'm not looking for an apology out of these people, I just want them to correct the behavior.


Always doing laundry
Oct 31, 2008
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Try spanking your child in public....that's always fun. The last time I took my children to goodwill they got in an arguement over a book....guess I should be proud of that one, anyway I tried to calmly talk them out of it but my daughter hauled off and hit me. I popped each of them one time on the butt and told them to both sit down. Boy did I get some looks that, who ever would have thought disciplining your own children would ever be so controversial.

In the end I put the book back on the shelf and after a few minutes of letting them sit there and a small but to the point conversation about manners and appropriate behavior we left with nothing but evil looks from some of the other customers.

My brother is gay, love him to pieces, but he does not mind causing a scene anywhere we go. He once told a coworker that was reading over his shoulder at work....and I quote...."you are way up in my hula hoop and you SERIOUSLY need a tic tac." The hula hoop thing was a lesson we had in kindergarten about the amount of personal space you should allow everyone....thus the hula hoop.

He lives in Atlanta so people are more used to the lifestyle....much more accepted than where we grew up. He wore a silver lame sarong to prom....yeah, that went over real well in a southern hick town. :lol:

Anyway, I understand your anger....I hate it when people make those remarks but sometimes you just don't know how to respond to it. Should you say something or should you just walk away...hard sometimes.


So when ya going back to goodwill again? :p


Low-Carb Queen - RIP: 1963-2021
Jan 3, 2009
Reaction score
Is it a full moon or somepin'? :gig

I swear! People are losing their minds and going crazy lately (no offense to all my mentally interesting friends and family members :D).

I doubt the individual who said that will change, but I am betting her coworkers think twice before saying anything that stupid in the future.


Super Self-Sufficient
Jul 21, 2008
Reaction score
well an apology from her to you would mean at least she did totally understand she was in the wrong....just to cement some sense into this person lol

it was a good idea about the least you did get to bring this upset to closure.


Lovin' The Homestead
Sep 18, 2010
Reaction score
Eastern Kansas
lorihadams said:
Try spanking your child in public....that's always fun. The last time I took my children to goodwill they got in an arguement over a book....guess I should be proud of that one, anyway I tried to calmly talk them out of it but my daughter hauled off and hit me. I popped each of them one time on the butt and told them to both sit down. Boy did I get some looks that, who ever would have thought disciplining your own children would ever be so controversial.

In the end I put the book back on the shelf and after a few minutes of letting them sit there and a small but to the point conversation about manners and appropriate behavior we left with nothing but evil looks from some of the other customers.

My brother is gay, love him to pieces, but he does not mind causing a scene anywhere we go. He once told a coworker that was reading over his shoulder at work....and I quote...."you are way up in my hula hoop and you SERIOUSLY need a tic tac." The hula hoop thing was a lesson we had in kindergarten about the amount of personal space you should allow everyone....thus the hula hoop.

He lives in Atlanta so people are more used to the lifestyle....much more accepted than where we grew up. He wore a silver lame sarong to prom....yeah, that went over real well in a southern hick town. :lol:
Anyway, I understand your anger....I hate it when people make those remarks but sometimes you just don't know how to respond to it. Should you say something or should you just walk away...hard sometimes.


So when ya going back to goodwill again? :p
:lol: :gig :lol: :gig :lol: :gig :lol: :gig i would love to see a pic of that!
I had a friend who was a couple grades below me decide that her and a friend were going to attend prom together. they weren't lesbians, they just didn't have any guys they wanted to go with. They went to go buy their tickets and were told they couldn't. They went to the principal and he backed the decision. They went to the school board and they backed the decision. So, they got a lawyer and started filing a case. They were given two tickets to the prom :lol: :gig They went both dressed in Tuxes and they had a good time. Wish I would have been there though, that would have been something.


Lovin' The Homestead
Sep 18, 2010
Reaction score
Eastern Kansas
So, I went out to the coop to let everyone out and our smallest youngster was dead. actually she was dead and kinda flattened. I think the smaller younger ones had all bunched together on the ground during the night and she got smothered. It's kinda sad because we thought we were over the birds dying thing but honestly, I kinda expected something like this to happen. She was the smallest, and a silkie, so I didn't expect her to make it through the winter anyways. Ah well.


Super Self-Sufficient
Sep 12, 2008
Reaction score
NOT Southern, Ca. :)
If your birds are piling like that it might be because they are cold. How is the weather?? Maybe close them up a bit.


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