I think that the process to reduce the fat content in milk is a bad thing....oxidized fat or something equally negative and contributing to atherosclerosis. Or something close!
They add powdered milk to give low fat milk the right "mouth feel" and they don't have to label it because it is considered milk! And powdered milk is bad, bad, bad. Only buy whole milk.
I had a student in my last class, the one that just finished, tell me that she just had her check-up and the doc said she had the "numbers" of an eight-year-old child. All her labs came back great. This is not someone who had been the picture of health, mind you. She told me that due to major stresses in her life lately, she has not been able to incorporate much that she learned....she "ONLY" added all the good fats, like good egg yolks, buying only full fat dairy, cream, sour cream, yogurt, eating meat with the fat and chicken with the skin, no veg oil, etc. And reducing processed foods a bit. Cool, huh? She focused mainly on ADDING fat, and her health improved dramatically. Hmmm....not an experiment I would have suggested, but there it is.