Cornish Cross Spring 2020


Mountain Sage
Jul 11, 2008
Reaction score
Mountains of WV
This year I ordered 20 str. run WR chicks so I can get some new blood into the flock and also have meat this fall. Will evaluate the males for keeping a breeder and the rest will be butchered.

Also hatching out as many chicks under broodies as I can this year, as well as have two ducks sitting nests. Gave the mail order chicks to one broody, though I split the order and gave 6 of them to a broody that had just hatched her own brood of 12. Two of hers got crushed by big ol' feet shortly after hatch, so it gives her a nice round 16 to raise and the other 14.

Got another broody on a nest and have two more in the coop that need to be loaded up and placed on nests of their own. May give them a joint nest so I won't have to provide separate places.


El Presidente de Pollo
Dec 7, 2009
Reaction score
I haven't had any broody girls this year, and I really thought I would. I have 15 RIR pullets coming in June. Bee, this is my second year with White Rocks and they are awesome. Love them!


Mountain Sage
Jul 11, 2008
Reaction score
Mountains of WV
I haven't had any broody girls this year, and I really thought I would. I have 15 RIR pullets coming in June. Bee, this is my second year with White Rocks and they are awesome. Love them!

I knew you would, BB. They are so very calm and feed thrifty, as well as beautiful. They are different than any other breed I've raised in their overall demeanor, meat and feather quality. I can't believe none of yours have went broody....usually I have at least 4 out of the bunch who do.


El Presidente de Pollo
Dec 7, 2009
Reaction score
I knew you would, BB. They are so very calm and feed thrifty, as well as beautiful. They are different than any other breed I've raised in their overall demeanor, meat and feather quality. I can't believe none of yours have went broody....usually I have at least 4 out of the bunch who do.
I have raised Barred Rocks several times, and these are not like them at all. My birds are bigger, and heavy layers and foragers.


Mountain Sage
Jul 11, 2008
Reaction score
Mountains of WV
I have raised Barred Rocks several times, and these are not like them at all. My birds are bigger, and heavy layers and foragers.

I've tried to tell folks that, but they assume they are just like barred rocks. I don't think they realize what a difference there is between the different color varieties~Partridge rocks aren't as good a layers as the Barred, nor are they as social, are less hardy overall and even have a less heavy carcass that both barred and white.

I've also found the WRs meat has a golden, peachy color due to the fat marbling within the meat fibers that I've not seen in any other breed I've raised. Not sure why that is, but they do. Consequently, they also have a more tender, more flavorful meat. Before I raised them I pretty much thought all chickens tasted the same, had the same meat quality. I've been impressed with them ever since.

I'm so tickled you like them!


Sustainability Master
Nov 13, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
I think I need to get some White Rocks. I have Easter Eggers and they are ok, but not a good carcass as old layers. Which hatchery has the best strain?


Mountain Sage
Jul 11, 2008
Reaction score
Mountains of WV
I think I need to get some White Rocks. I have Easter Eggers and they are ok, but not a good carcass as old layers. Which hatchery has the best strain?

Not sure. This is the first time I've ordered from hatchery since '08 and that was through MPC, who was using Meyers back then, but I've heard since then that their strain of WRs isn't that stellar any longer. The hens I got from them are still showing their traits in my current flock, as this line I have was started with a 5 yr old from that original purchase.

This time I ordered through MMcM....will let you know how they all look and turn out. The chicks are all very vigorous thus far, though not overly large. WRs are slow growers also, so you sometimes can't tell which is cockerel or pullet for a good long time....I've had quite a few who don't even crow until 7-8 mo. of age. Also, a WR roosters are pretty quiet compared to other breeds. Usually only crow in the wee hours of the morning and then not much after that, but are dedicated flock masters, vigilant about guarding and gentle breeders.

Great layers, longevity of lay, heavy carcass, docile and regal chickens....can't say enough good about them.

Bay, I also use black Australorps, my second fave really can't beat them for laying and laying for many years, hardiness and feed thrift. Most have a respectable carcass, though none will touch a WR...I haven't had a breed that did.


Sustainability Master
Nov 13, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
Are the WR roosters mean? I hate a mean rooster. My EE rooster attacked me on Tuesday. I was already worked up on the thought of putting Sentry down and boy howdy, did I ever take it out on that durned rooster! We did a kick-step idiot mad dog dodging rooster dance with me kicking his stupid head and him retreating and attacking. I finally dumped the feed out of the bucket into the tub, then used the bucket to lambast him with. There was no escape from my wrath! I dang near beat him to death. He finally huddled up in a corner, bleeding from his stupid head. I stopped whalloping him with the bucket and let him be. Now he has gone back to his good behavior, getting on the roost when I go in the coop. His 4 girls are slated to go to a neighbor when the coop is finished, then I'm giving him a lesson on rooster slaughter and Mr Stupid will go home in a baggie to be their crock pot dinner. My little granddaughters love them some mean rooster soup, but I can now make any chicken soup and call it mean rooster soup. LOL LOL I HATE MEAN ROOSTERS.


Mountain Sage
Jul 11, 2008
Reaction score
Mountains of WV
Are the WR roosters mean? I hate a mean rooster. My EE rooster attacked me on Tuesday. I was already worked up on the thought of putting Sentry down and boy howdy, did I ever take it out on that durned rooster! We did a kick-step idiot mad dog dodging rooster dance with me kicking his stupid head and him retreating and attacking. I finally dumped the feed out of the bucket into the tub, then used the bucket to lambast him with. There was no escape from my wrath! I dang near beat him to death. He finally huddled up in a corner, bleeding from his stupid head. I stopped whalloping him with the bucket and let him be. Now he has gone back to his good behavior, getting on the roost when I go in the coop. His 4 girls are slated to go to a neighbor when the coop is finished, then I'm giving him a lesson on rooster slaughter and Mr Stupid will go home in a baggie to be their crock pot dinner. My little granddaughters love them some mean rooster soup, but I can now make any chicken soup and call it mean rooster soup. LOL LOL I HATE MEAN ROOSTERS.

I've never had one even look sideways at me. In fact, they are quite moochy and some will come sit by me as I split firewood or do construction projects and not for treats, as I'm not a treat giving woman. Huge, heavy, regal looking birds and sweet as can be when handled....I've never even had one of the roosters flap or struggle when I've plucked them off the roost to be worked on.

My grandgirls can go in the coop, grab hens, squat down and play in the feed trough and the roosters don't look at them twice. I've never had to school a WR rooster on proper etiquette around humans.

Those 50 CX? I had a WR rooster at the time, living in the coop with the little ones at first....and he started to mother them, squatting in the brooder with them at night and trying to warm all 50 CX. It was darling.