Defending Yourself, Your Family, and Your Homestead after TSHTF


Low-Carb Queen - RIP: 1963-2021
Jan 3, 2009
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Ours would be a difficult place to defend. Not impossible though. We don't have guns because of our autistic son, but that doesn't mean we are defenseless. We have a few neighbors that we get along with and already trade things with. THEY have guns...LOL

On Our own

Lovin' The Homestead
Jan 21, 2009
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rty007 said:
Think it is wrong to compare WWII with revolution, what we are facing is revolution, WWII was purposely started by one man, planed by a couple but started as such, by one man. I think that If there was to be a SHTF event, which would not be climate-connected. I mean it would be started by people's action, it would be us(citizens) against them(government). If it were to be a climatic event, it would highly depend on the extent of damage. However I think that people would be willing to join their efforts to work for a better tomorrow.
No dictator, not Hitler, not Saddam Hussein, not Pol Pot, none of them can do what they do without the collusion of a good percentage of the population. WWII took many decisions that may seem fore ordained in hindsight, but were by no means given. The US had no intention of joining the war in Europe, Roosevelt thought we should but there was no political will, the people did not think we should be involved. There is good evidence that the attack on Pearl Harbor was provoked deliberately. It just turned out to be bigger than he had thought they would or could pull off.

France responded one way to Hitler's aggression, other countries responded differently. Those are all decisions made by many.... it takes many to make war no matter who leads the charge.


Out to pasture
Jul 25, 2008
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Northern California
Wifezilla said:
Ours would be a difficult place to defend. Not impossible though. We don't have guns because of our autistic son, but that doesn't mean we are defenseless. We have a few neighbors that we get along with and already trade things with. THEY have guns...LOL
I think neighbors are a valuable source of protection. Chances are you will be at home, when something happens, or close to home. So will your neighbors. In the minor skirmishes we have had on our street/block, we have found that us neighbors will stick together to support and protect each other from outside invaders (thieves, gang members, vagrants etc) and mother nature's vengeance.

I can only prepare for the event of a bad earthquake. Anything else is just too big for me to get my senses around solidly. So then I will take my earthquake preparedness and hope I lived a good enough life to go and deal with whatever gets sent my way. I will also be praying the gods will look out for me and have my best interest at heart.


Crazy Cat Lady
Jul 12, 2008
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Ontario, Canada
Ldychef2k said:
Hmm, I see your point, that we are able to see how disaster has affected places like Haiti and Somalia, so why try and imagine. But perhaps the difference is that Americans do not see themselves as living in a third world country (yet). Perhaps that is precisely why so many cannot visualize such devastation happening in the United States. And perhaps that is why the analogy falls apart. These third world countries are impoverished and could never had prepared themselves as we can. I wonder, don't you, that if after the disaster they suddnly had the means, would they prepare for a next time?
What DO they teach in history classes at schools these days? :p

Yugoslavia was not a "third world country" when it was ripped apart in a really nasty civil war that saw Sarajevo and the former Olympic Stadium turned into a battlefield of neighbor shooting neighbor and "urban refugees" hunkered down for some several years in their neighborhoods and apartments and such.

Anywhere that WWII rolled across was certainly not "third world"; Moscow, beseiged, was certainly not; nor was Cuba after the severe embargoes that descended after the communist revolution there. Or just look at how people got by during the Civil War (the american one :p).

Many of the areas that have seen huge horrible earthquakes over the years are not "third world countries" either, nor (as you say) New Orleans and the rest of the eastern Gulf Coast after Hurricane Katrina.

I would disagree that people in quote third world countries unquote are less prepared for disaster. In many ways I think they are often far BETTER prepared, just automatically, than affluent lazy ignorant North Americans. Because if you are USED to foraging, fishing, hunting, growing your own food, and cooking what's available, having to do so is not much of a challenge compared to if you're used to drive-throughs and frozen pizza. Likewise if you are USED to making do with what's available, building shelter from <whatever>, repairing machines, sewing and repairing clothing, etc. And I daresay that many people in the world have immune systems much better adapted to cope with lapses in sanitation, simply because of there having not necessarily BEEN much in the way of sanitation in the FIRST place ;)

But neither do I see as practical a plan which depends upon others, even with a cohesive post-apocalyptic community attempting to operate in an orderly, civilized fashion. When the reality of what it means to have a societal collapse really sinks in, there will be some who go completely rogue. Some of them will be higher ups in these communities, some will simply be threats. I would never join up with unrelated others when the survival of my family is at stake. They have not earned my trust, and they are every bit as concerned with their own provision as I am with mine. They won't put my family first, they will work for their own.
Well, I would direct you to the examples of history to see how well "I will only stick with my own family, not band together or cooperate with others" tends to work out.

Heck, see the early settlers of the American frontier (including back when "frontier" meant, like, central Pennsylvania :p) for good examples.




Mr. Sunshine
Sep 10, 2008
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North Arkansas
Partially, my original post was mainly directed towards getting us to consider the possibilities and what our subsequent actions may be. A lot of people buy a firearm, put it in a drawer or a closet, and tell themselves that they'll use it if need be. They never give any thought to seeking out training, practicing firing and/or reloading under stress, or if they would actually be able to pull the trigger if needed.

A lot of us hunt, but that is different than taking a human life. Doing so has many consequences beyond the legal realm. I myself, like to believe that I am capable of killing another person, to safe the life of a loved one or myself. I have had training and I practice with the firearm regularly. I do however, fervently pray that I never have to actually find out.

In your home or on your property, you may be able to defend against one or two violent people. Defending against gangs or roving groups, especially if they have had any training or practice, would require a coordinated response by a community. A family in a typical American home would stand little chance defending against a large group. In such a case, a "tactical retreat" (RUN AWAY!) would be in order.

As Brave Sir Robin victoriously rides away from an encounter with the three-headed knight in the dark forest of Ewing...

Brave Sir Robin ran away.
Bravely ran away, away!
When danger reared its ugly head,
He bravely turned his tail and fled.
Yes, brave Sir Robin turned about
And gallantly he chickened out.
Bravely taking to his feet
He beat a very brave retreat,
Bravest of the brave, Sir Robin!


Almost Self-Reliant
May 12, 2009
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North Central Miss'ippy
k0xxx said:
Partially, my original post was mainly directed towards getting us to consider the possibilities and what our subsequent actions may be. A lot of people buy a firearm, put it in a drawer or a closet, and tell themselves that they'll use it if need be. They never give any thought to seeking out training, practicing firing and/or reloading under stress, or if they would actually be able to pull the trigger if needed.

A lot of us hunt, but that is different than taking a human life. Doing so has many consequences beyond the legal realm. I myself, like to believe that I am capable of killing another person, to safe the life of a loved one or myself. I have had training and I practice with the firearm regularly. I do however, fervently pray that I never have to actually find out.
Indeed. Practice can prepare you, but only so much. You need the physical practice to build the muscle memory so that if you do have to respond, you can. But you need to make sure you can defend yourself & your family when needed.

I believe I can pull the trigger, if my life or the lives of DH or my kids were in danger. I have had to use force to free myself from a bad situation once, that was before I carried a firearm. But I never, ever wish to HAVE to use it.

k0xxx said:
In your home or on your property, you may be able to defend against one or two violent people. Defending against gangs or roving groups, especially if they have had any training or practice, would require a coordinated response by a community. A family in a typical American home would stand little chance defending against a large group. In such a case, a "tactical retreat" (RUN AWAY!) would be in order.
And hide too. Learn how to use your surrounding to hide you & how not to make noise while traveling quickly, should you need to make that retreat. Learn the terrain in your area, look for hiding spots & paths normally not taken, trees or vines you can climb to get across that creek. Or ladders (for you urbanites) and windows & drainpipes to use.


Almost Self-Reliant
Oct 7, 2008
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Ldychef2k said:
Globally, there is a lot of buzz that this is just the tip of the iceberg. Yesterday, China started talking about sanctions against U.S. interests, which is thought to be the first step toward demanding we settle our enormous debt with them. shows that they have purchased 900 Billion in US treasury bonds alone. I am not sure how much we have borrowed aside from this. But if they called in our debt to them, that would be the end of us -- we just can't pay them.

I am doing what I can to be able to survive if TSHTF. I don't think it will be one big event that suddenly takes us to the brink of collapse, threatening personal safety. It will happen slowly, one lost job or foreclosure at a time. The foundation is already crumbling, and pretty much the only thing we can do on a personal level is make sure we can take care of our families and take strong measures in defending our property.
I have to agree on all of this. I too lived in a gang infested area, South Dallas, for 15 years.

I know what it is like to raise two small boys, putting them down to sleep at night with bullets whizzing past their windowns.

I know what it is like to grab your children and hit the floor.

I have slept with knives under my pillow knowing people were traveling though our yard.

I too have seen the swat team march down my street and point their M16's in my window at me!

I have watched teenagers wield handguns, casually walking past my house.

We lost a neighbor boy two houses down to drive by assination right on the front porch.

Neighbors found two dead bodies in a car along side the park my children played in.

My babysitter found her neighbor, an elderly woman rapped and murdered in her home. Come to find out there had been a series of these type of murders of the elderly in our neighborhood but nobody thought it was important enough to put on the news.

I have aprehended a thief bare handed in my house and held him until the police came, done without weapons but just my wit, god help me.

I have hoverd in the middle of the night in a secured closet as someone banged banged banded on my door and cars scretched by, me on the phone with the police, the police never came to my beckon for help.

Let me tell you all, who think you are so dam safe and cozy in your country retreats..... it things get really bad these people will be coming your way. There are litteraly millions and millions and millions of them.

It you think what I say is not true then you are asleep at your own wheel and you will get what you get,

You can pray all you want and ask for salvation, do the right things, grow your gardens, but these people will come if they must, for just like you, as a mother and caregiver for others, there are a million deprived mothers out there who will do anything ANYTHING to feed their children and themselves when the gravy train stops, and they and their men have guns and not only know how to use them, but have used them in the most unsavory of circumstances

We have escaped a distance from this type. It takes a hundred and ten miles for the masses to get to me. I don't know if that is far enough and I would guess probably not. So I will be prepared and god save us all, that it will never come to pass.

But the way things are looking, to me, it might.

Why should be be so arrogant to feel that these things that have happened thoughout the ages we are somehow, as a culture, as a society, have beome immune to?

Look at china
look at England
look at germany
look at Rowanda
look at nigeria
look at Iran
look at syria
look at Israel
look at greece
look at chile
look at venezuela
look at guatemala
look at Mexico
look at Nicaragua
look at our own Indiginous Nations

all this suffering and pain in the last hundren years. Just look at the last 100 years, never mind the countless centuries before.

Then Look at ourselves and the wars we have created, as a US government, US funded, black boxed, instigated, supported.

Eventually it will come down to one event, that one event that really means anything only to you. When YOU are faced with personal confrontation to survival. It is already happening to many many YOUs out there already, right now.

My brother works for the 911 system in Sacremento California. He told me recently that they had to round up and move the many hundreds of new homeless people out of the city. Many with children, some even with jobs. The inner city was getting near overwhelmed (so they say)They don't wait till getting overwhelmed. They move them out as fear increases. Kind of like what Guilliani did in NYC. He moved them all out. Now it is difficult living for some people in upstate new york cause thats where many went, but hey, that was over 15 years ago now, before the SHTF in 2008. Up state NY aint' what it use to be, not near as peaceful and safe.

My mama use to say what goes around comes around.


Survival Chef
Jul 21, 2009
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Unforunately, you are right. When TSHTF, the first place those leaving the city will go is where there is food. Gangs aren't going to stay in the city, they will go to the country and take over. It's not a matter of "if", it's a matter of "when". And with the interest on our national debt being $6 million a day, the economy isn't long for this world. We think it can't happen here, but that is naive thiking. It already IS happening, but so slowly people aren't noticing.

All of North America will be in deep doo doo and these discussions will be long forgotten while we do what we can to survive and protect what little we have.


Lovin' The Homestead
Jan 4, 2010
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Well, when it is gonna come down, a single person will be incapable of defending a normal flatland property. So the best choice would be to move to mountain terrains. It is a basic math, you sure could place traps, place beacons that would indicate someone cumming with a sound when tripped, but there is no way that you could be awake 24/7 to protect it, and there are people that can:
1 track you down
2 move through the forest not leaving any signs of movement behind, and probably doing so without making any sounds.
3 just like mackay said, there is a whole world of crazy right now... dread to think what would come if TSHTF.
4 @ mackay you forgot about Poland, we had our own situation just like that a long time ago tho, so the peasants took their scythe blades attached them to the handles up straight making a weapon, and rose against the elites, killing a greater part of them. Then WW I, WW II. Now the government is corrupt, and does not give a hoot. (that was not political, so please don't ban me :) ). And even though you could hear some voices about a up-rising, but it won't happen any time soon, that is for sure.


Almost Self-Reliant
Oct 7, 2008
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Man, Idaho is known for gun toting wackos living in the mountains!:D

I certainly do not want to be classified as that. I am hoping that communities will hold together and support one another in trade and health care and defense.

and if someone sneezes around here it is reported thoughout and all are informed by noon the next day....nothing slips by.

I live in the middle of a long narrow valley. Anyone will ill intent heading up this way will have gone through a fair amount of scrapping before they hit my door.... in which case I will know that they are particularly tough.... so whatever we got to throw at them they will get smacked with.

This neck of the woods (Idaho) is known for some of that survivial mentality backed up by good old christian doctirne. No one wears fatigues around here nor packs guns in the open, but I would not be too surprised if a few of them M16's or the like lived in dark cabnets and cellars. Many houses you go into around here have guns at the front door. not mounted and pretty on the wall, but sitting in the corner, ready to go... you know, for the vermin.

and we have next to no crime, people leave their doors unlocked, and if they are not home when you come over they expect you to just go in and get what you need or whatever. Respect and honesty is assumed.