Denim Deb Hay, hay, hay. Thank the Lord!


Almost Self-Reliant
Jan 31, 2009
Reaction score
savingdogs said:
Sometimes you just can't do everything you'd like to. Maybe you are pushing yourself too hard. You should go back over and read your own journal and make a hash mark every time you see that you accomplished something. You have been very busy!

Your body is trying to tell you it is time to rest. I know you have goals, but maybe you are too ambitious sometimes and should pat yourself on the back more, not be upset you didn't do more. I couldn't do half the things you get done AT ALL. :bow
SD is right! Take some time to relax and then get going again only after you are refreshed. Take a day to rest and DON'T WORRY about the things that just cant be helped. Shoot I was proud that I got the living room clean and rearranged, and the rabbits moved! I'd be really proud of myself if I did half what you do!


Abinormal Butterfly
Oct 21, 2009
Reaction score
rebecca100 said:
savingdogs said:
Sometimes you just can't do everything you'd like to. Maybe you are pushing yourself too hard. You should go back over and read your own journal and make a hash mark every time you see that you accomplished something. You have been very busy!

Your body is trying to tell you it is time to rest. I know you have goals, but maybe you are too ambitious sometimes and should pat yourself on the back more, not be upset you didn't do more. I couldn't do half the things you get done AT ALL. :bow
SD is right! Take some time to relax and then get going again only after you are refreshed. Take a day to rest and DON'T WORRY about the things that just cant be helped. Shoot I was proud that I got the living room clean and rearranged, and the rabbits moved! I'd be really proud of myself if I did half what you do!
That! Total agreement.


City Biddy
Aug 6, 2008
Reaction score
Missouri USA
Using one of my Grandma Nettie's favorite sayings ... You normally work "like a dray horse."

Take a day off. Heck take two! You will be able to get more done when you no longer have that job. :hugs

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
Today, I was late getting to the farm yet again. I worked until almost 1:00! But, we were doing something that we couldn't leave half done. KN got to the farm just B4 I did. She called me B4 she got there since she was at a local convenience store. I had her grab me an iced tea and a hot dog. No sooner did I get my food from her when she got a call. She's still been doing some driving of her school bus during the summer, and had to do a run. So, she didn't have time to feed the animals she normally does. So, that meant that once again I had to feed them.

Once they were fed, I ate my dog, then started on the work that I had planned for today. I had the frame up for a portable garage. The cover had been destroyed when we had a really bad wind storm because it wasn't fastened down properly. My hubby wants the frame to put up in front of his shed. Then, when he's working on a vehicle, he can drive it under there and put a tarp over the frame so he's in the shade. Plus, the frame was in my way for building my lean to. I get a wrench, and start to take the nuts off and the bolts out.

I get most of this done when I notice some yellow jackets going in and out of a hole in the frame. So, I decided I'd better get down and go and get my wasp spray. It was so hot, I was in bare feet. I had tried to wear my flip flops, but I need to fix them, so they weren't staying on. I have a pallet down for a deck in front of my tack shed. I step on it, and felt something sharp in the bottom of my foot. My first thought was that I had stepped on a piece of spiny pig weed. So, I turned around to find where it was so I could get rid of it. No pig weed, but there was a yellow jacket and my foot was starting to burn. Oh great, I had stepped on the stupid thing and it stung me! I'm allergic, and I didn't have my epipen. Called my hubby and let him know, then went over to RU's house. I didn't know if I was going to need to get to the ER or not. She got me some ice, and I held it on my foot for about 15 minutes. Other than feeling a bit funny and tired, I didn't have a reaction! The shots are working! :woot

So, I walked back over, put my shoes and socks on, sprayed every place I knew where there were yellow jackets, or I thought there might be, and went back to work. It's down and in the back of my truck. I'm relaxing now, and will get something to eat soon. I might get to bed early tonight, don't know yet. But, w/that done, I can move all the lumber that's there, then get a bunch of really tall weeds dug out. Plus, I can get the back at least of my tack shed built. Then, on Friday, I can make the lean to, then start working on cleaning another area up.

And, once I'm done, RU and I are talking about going canoeing/kayaking. I own a solo canoe, she owns a solo kayak. I am so looking forward to it.


Lovin' The Homestead
Jan 19, 2011
Reaction score
Isle of Wight, VA
Glad you didn't have to go to the ER for that yellow jacket sting! This summer was the first year both of my kids got stung by bees. I didn't know if they would have an allergic reaction. Thank goodness they didn't because we live an hour from the closest ER. Hope you continue to feel well! ;)

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
I never used to be allergic. I developed the allergy when I was about 11 or 12, and it got worse over the years. I went from mild hives and local swelling to just barely being able to breathe. So, I get shots every month. And, they help a bunch.


Almost Self-Reliant
Mar 3, 2009
Reaction score
Spotsylvania, Virginia
LovinLife said:
Glad you didn't have to go to the ER for that yellow jacket sting! This summer was the first year both of my kids got stung by bees. I didn't know if they would have an allergic reaction. Thank goodness they didn't because we live an hour from the closest ER. Hope you continue to feel well! ;)
The Dr told me a few years back that you sometimes won't see a reaction until the second sting. Keep your eye out if they've only been stung once.


Made in Alaska
Mar 25, 2010
Reaction score
In response to your earlier thoughts on not being cannot do it alone.
From everything I have read in your journal, you are living 3 lives on your own.
You have your home and family. Then you have the farm where your tack shed is. Then you have your job.

one, if not two of those portions will have to go.


Mr. Sensitive
Dec 22, 2010
Reaction score
Bubblingbrooks said:
In response to your earlier thoughts on not being cannot do it alone.
From everything I have read in your journal, you are living 3 lives on your own.
You have your home and family. Then you have the farm where your tack shed is. Then you have your job.

one, if not two of those portions will have to go.
Great advice, BB. :thumbsup


Yard Farmer
Oct 13, 2008
Reaction score
Eastern CT
Ouch!!! I hate hate hate yellow jackets. I'm on allergy watch for them. I got stung on the back of my calf like 4 years ago. It swelled up and the tissue was all inflamed for a long time. It left a scar. The next year I was wearing Crocs and walking across a lawn full of white clover in bloom. A honey bee got in my shoe and before I could get the Croc off it stung me on the toe. Hurt a bit but the weird thing was the area on my calf where the yellow jacket had stung me swelled up a bit and was really itchy. I haven't been stung by another one since but I'm under instructions to be ready for a worse reaction the second time.
Have fun on the water! I learned to canoe on the Mullica River in South Jersey!

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