Denim Deb Hay, hay, hay. Thank the Lord!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
According to the weather people, today was supposed to be less humid. They lied! (Or at the very least were waaaaay wrong!) It was so stinking humid this morning it wasn't even funny! It was in the 70s, but was so sticky, it wasn't even funny! And I had a lot that I wanted to get done outside. I got some of it done, and am now hiding in my house.

Some days I get discouraged because it seems like I'm jut not getting stuff done. So, I figured I'd post what work I have (had) planned to do at the farm, and see how much of it I've gotten done. I'm going to break it up into categories.

1. Move gates Done
2. Install lock Done
3. Put up new fencing Most of it is done, I have 2 small sections to do
4. Put up electric Most of it is done, I have to wait until I'm done the fencing to finish

1. Get all old manure, etc, piled up Most is done. I'll finish when I remove the manure pile
2. Get rid of weeds
3. Put down some grass seed
4. Keep pasture mowed I've only needed to mow it 1x. It's been pretty dry, so the weeds aren't growing that quickly
5. Remove manure pile
6. Put in area for chickens, goats and ducks
7. Put in hydrant

1. Clean large, double stall Done
2. Install gate to make into 2 smaller stalls Done
3. Put doors back on stall Done. I have a couple of pieces of hardware to add, couldn't do it today, Licorice bumped my elbow, I dropped my drill and broke the bit! :barnie)
4. Clean Licorice's stall Mostly done
5. Clean Honey's stall Mostly done
6. Finish enclosing stalls
7. Put down weed barrier on floors
8. Add pea gravel
9. Put sand in front of doors
10. Put new gutters and downspouts up and add rain barrels

Parking area
1. Clean up, get rid of junk
2. Pull weeds
3. Put down stone right off of lane so people no longer get stuck!
4. Put up hay shelter

Tack shed
1. Finish outhouse
2. Built lean too off back
3. Insulate
4. Put in better windows
5. Re do floor
6. Finish inside
7. Paint
8. Install solar panels

OK, I'm falling asleep. I'll have to finish this list later.

I took a long nap, and came back and finished the list. This week, I have to get that last large post in, then I'll be working on the parking area, getting the weeds out. I'm not going to kill myself doing it though. I'll just get done what I can. Next week, I should be able to finish cleaning out the stalls, which shouldn't take long, get the last little bit of fencing up as well as get the hydrant in, then I'm telling hubby that w/or w/out his help, the lean-to is getting built, as well as the outhouse.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
I'm not overly happy right now. I scheduled the farrier to come out today. Everyone in my field needed a trim, some worse than others. We couldn't get a hold of the farrier we've been using, so we had to get a new one. I let the others know he would be out today so if he had time and they had a horse that needed to be done, he could do theirs too.

He was late getting here. Not a problem. I know when trimming hooves that things don't always go as planned. But, he didn't quite realize where he was supposed to go. He drove past my parking area because one of the other boarders waved him down to where her horse is! Reason? She couldn't stay long. And, then someone else had him do a horse B4 he was able to come up to my area. I had a chiropractor's appointment this afternoon. I ended up calling them and changing the time. He finally was able to get down to do my horses. But, it was sooooooooo hot and humid that he only got Misty and Stormy done. :somad So, I had to reschedule him for early next week. Am I wrong to be upset? My feeling is this was MY appointment, not theirs. And, if they didn't have the time to stay around, they should have scheduled their OWN appointment, not taken mine. I have the dentist coming in August to float their teeth. I KNOW Misty and Stormy will have to be done, don't know about Honey and Licky. He has the time to do at the most 4 horses. And, you normally have to schedule well in advance to get him. So, you can be sure if anyone else needs a horse done, it will not be LOOKED at until I'm done w/him.


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
Reaction score
I would be FURIOUS! That is so inconsiderate I might be tempted to muck my stalls and smear it on their tack shed door knobs and IN the keyholes, and all over the doors, but that's just me :hu I may be a little bit mean sometimes...but hey, if ya stir in it...they say you're bound to get some on ya, right?

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
At times like this, I REALLY want my own place. But, he did notice that there's a whole lot less flies in my area than in the other area he was working. Amazing the difference cleaning up the poop makes. I'll sometimes call my area Goshen, and the other boarder areas Egypt. And, he like what I did w/the big stall. :D


Super Self-Sufficient
Sep 12, 2008
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NOT Southern, Ca. :)
I would definitely have a little talk with the farrier. Let him know that when you call for an appointment you want to be serviced first.

I would be mad too!!! :somad



Rudeness, in general, is commonplace, but that was very unprofessional of the farrier. I would politely let him know that i was offended. I like your list. Let me know if you need some design help with the solar panels.:cool:

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
sunsaver said:
Rudeness, in general, is commonplace, but that was very unprofessional of the farrier. I would politely let him know that i was offended. I like your list. Let me know if you need some design help with the solar panels.:cool:
To be honest, I don't think the farrier quite understood who all he was doing. This was a new farrier for most of us. We got his name from the one boarder that he did. I did have a talk w/both of the others today and let them know I was upset. I didn't see them at the same time, so it was one on one. The first one said she tried to send him up my way, but the other person was telling him to stop. And, if he hadn't been late, there wouldn't have been a problem. Well, even if he hadn't have been late, she wouldn't have gotten the horse done. She left right after it was done because she had to go someplace.

Then when I saw the other one she said "I didn't know you had a doctor's appointment." :barnie Neither really apologized. Nor did they offer to help me get some stuff done to make up for the time I'm now going to lose on Monday. :rant

Oh, and SS, I'll be posting a question in the solar section so it doesn't get lost in my journal.

I don't know that I'm going to get anything done at home this week. It's just too hot. And, after I spend most of the day outside in the sun, about all I want to do when I get home is get in the AC and sleep. And, since it hasn't rained much, I'm putting a lot of miles on the bike. I think I'm up to around 2000 for the year. Yesterday I rode it to my chiropractor's appointment. If I had taken my truck, I'd need to put gas in it. It's now been over 2 weeks since I got gas, and I still don't need any! I bought a milk crate at Lowe's and have that on the back. It's working pretty well for putting stuff in. I just need to figure out a better way to attach it. The baling twine isn't working that great. :/

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
Right now, it's raining! We so needed it. It's been quite hot and humid here. And, I'm glad I was able to get things put away at the farm B4 it hit!

Today, I had my new hay guy deliver 9 RBs. I had planned on picking them up, but my trailer STILL isn't fix, and I would have had to make 3 trips. So, I figured that even if he charged a delivery fee, it would be worth it. KN was getting 10 SBs but had to leave B4 he got there, so she left the money w/me-but nothing for a delivery fee. I didn't have a clue as to how much it would be.

He got there a lot later than I was hoping. Basically, I got nothing done while I was waiting. I did something to my knee today, but don't have a clue as to what. It hurts! So, I was hiding in my tack shed reading a book until he called and told me he was on his way. He and his father showed up w/2 trucks. There was a RB and the SBs in the back of the one, the other had a HUGH RB, and was pulling a wagon w/8 more. I helped them unload the SBs. They were impressed w/how my skills and said they'll hire me if they ever need help. :lol:

I was wondering about that 10 RB, and figured that maybe they were taking it to someone else. Nope, they GAVE me a free bale! And since it's only a few miles from them, they did NOT charge me a delivery fee. Plus, the son ran the tractor since my knee was hurting. They basically didn't let me do anything! I think I like my new hay guy! I told him I'd be wanting more, I just have to wait until the beginning of August so that I'll have more money. And, I have some very happy horses.

In other news, it's now been a week since KN got her horse back. She weighed her today. And, in the week she's been there, she's gained 25 lbs! KN was afraid she was coming home to die. Now she's hopeful that she'll get all the weight back on and she'll be able to ride her again.

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