Sounds like you lucked out on the hay guy. Congrats!
You made me tired just reading this list of chores. Just so you know, while I have a lot on my plate (as you have read in other posts) I thought you would enjoy my philosopy on that long list of chores you posted.Denim Deb said:According to the weather people, today was supposed to be less humid. They lied! (Or at the very least were waaaaay wrong!) It was so stinking humid this morning it wasn't even funny! It was in the 70s, but was so sticky, it wasn't even funny! And I had a lot that I wanted to get done outside. I got some of it done, and am now hiding in my house.
Some days I get discouraged because it seems like I'm jut not getting stuff done. So, I figured I'd post what work I have (had) planned to do at the farm, and see how much of it I've gotten done. I'm going to break it up into categories.
1. Move gates Done
2. Install lock Done
3. Put up new fencing Most of it is done, I have 2 small sections to do
4. Put up electric Most of it is done, I have to wait until I'm done the fencing to finish
1. Get all old manure, etc, piled up Most is done. I'll finish when I remove the manure pile
2. Get rid of weeds
3. Put down some grass seed
4. Keep pasture mowed I've only needed to mow it 1x. It's been pretty dry, so the weeds aren't growing that quickly
5. Remove manure pile
6. Put in area for chickens, goats and ducks
7. Put in hydrant
1. Clean large, double stall Done
2. Install gate to make into 2 smaller stalls Done
3. Put doors back on stall Done. I have a couple of pieces of hardware to add, couldn't do it today, Licorice bumped my elbow, I dropped my drill and broke the bit!)
4. Clean Licorice's stall Mostly done
5. Clean Honey's stall Mostly done
6. Finish enclosing stalls
7. Put down weed barrier on floors
8. Add pea gravel
9. Put sand in front of doors
10. Put new gutters and downspouts up and add rain barrels
Parking area
1. Clean up, get rid of junk
2. Pull weeds
3. Put down stone right off of lane so people no longer get stuck!
4. Put up hay shelter
Tack shed
1. Finish outhouse
2. Built lean too off back
3. Insulate
4. Put in better windows
5. Re do floor
6. Finish inside
7. Paint
8. Install solar panels
OK, I'm falling asleep. I'll have to finish this list later.
I took a long nap, and came back and finished the list. This week, I have to get that last large post in, then I'll be working on the parking area, getting the weeds out. I'm not going to kill myself doing it though. I'll just get done what I can. Next week, I should be able to finish cleaning out the stalls, which shouldn't take long, get the last little bit of fencing up as well as get the hydrant in, then I'm telling hubby that w/or w/out his help, the lean-to is getting built, as well as the outhouse.