Denim Deb Hay, hay, hay. Thank the Lord!


Super Self-Sufficient
May 7, 2010
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Denim Deb said:
According to the weather people, today was supposed to be less humid. They lied! (Or at the very least were waaaaay wrong!) It was so stinking humid this morning it wasn't even funny! It was in the 70s, but was so sticky, it wasn't even funny! And I had a lot that I wanted to get done outside. I got some of it done, and am now hiding in my house.

Some days I get discouraged because it seems like I'm jut not getting stuff done. So, I figured I'd post what work I have (had) planned to do at the farm, and see how much of it I've gotten done. I'm going to break it up into categories.

1. Move gates Done
2. Install lock Done
3. Put up new fencing Most of it is done, I have 2 small sections to do
4. Put up electric Most of it is done, I have to wait until I'm done the fencing to finish

1. Get all old manure, etc, piled up Most is done. I'll finish when I remove the manure pile
2. Get rid of weeds
3. Put down some grass seed
4. Keep pasture mowed I've only needed to mow it 1x. It's been pretty dry, so the weeds aren't growing that quickly
5. Remove manure pile
6. Put in area for chickens, goats and ducks
7. Put in hydrant

1. Clean large, double stall Done
2. Install gate to make into 2 smaller stalls Done
3. Put doors back on stall Done. I have a couple of pieces of hardware to add, couldn't do it today, Licorice bumped my elbow, I dropped my drill and broke the bit! :barnie)
4. Clean Licorice's stall Mostly done
5. Clean Honey's stall Mostly done
6. Finish enclosing stalls
7. Put down weed barrier on floors
8. Add pea gravel
9. Put sand in front of doors
10. Put new gutters and downspouts up and add rain barrels

Parking area
1. Clean up, get rid of junk
2. Pull weeds
3. Put down stone right off of lane so people no longer get stuck!
4. Put up hay shelter

Tack shed
1. Finish outhouse
2. Built lean too off back
3. Insulate
4. Put in better windows
5. Re do floor
6. Finish inside
7. Paint
8. Install solar panels

OK, I'm falling asleep. I'll have to finish this list later.

I took a long nap, and came back and finished the list. This week, I have to get that last large post in, then I'll be working on the parking area, getting the weeds out. I'm not going to kill myself doing it though. I'll just get done what I can. Next week, I should be able to finish cleaning out the stalls, which shouldn't take long, get the last little bit of fencing up as well as get the hydrant in, then I'm telling hubby that w/or w/out his help, the lean-to is getting built, as well as the outhouse.
You made me tired just reading this list of chores. Just so you know, while I have a lot on my plate (as you have read in other posts) I thought you would enjoy my philosopy on that long list of chores you posted.
Now you know why I like cattle and Harley-Davidson's motorcycles.

1. Harley-Davidson's only eat when you ride them. The intake and exhaust are adequately separated by a long distance. :ya
2. Harley-Davidson's only make waste while they are moving and you don't have to clean it up. :clap
3. Harley-Davidson's only go where you tell them; when you tell them. :lol:
4. Harley-Davidsons stop when you tell them, where you tell them. :weee
5. Harley Davidson's stay where you put them until you make them move. :gig
6. Other men appreciate when you oogle "their" Harley Davidson :idunno
7. Some men will let you ride their Harley Davidson without any concern of any kind. :woot
8. You can trade your Harley Davidson in for a new one whenever you want. :smack
9. You decide how you want YOUR Harley Davidson to look and dress it up the way you want. :bow
10. You can own and ride as many Harley Davidsons as you want, whenever you want. :old

Cattle on the other hand aren't quite as flexible, but then they are pretty easy to just put out on the grass till the snow covers it up for the winter.

Just having a little fun here.
Trim sends :hide


Queen Filksinger
Dec 2, 2009
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I'm so glad to hear that horse gained 25 pounds!

Yay for the hay guy! We just got an awesome deal on hay as well, it must be that time of year. :weee

I hope your knee feels better!


Almost Self-Reliant
Jan 31, 2009
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I wish I could get some free hay! What a score! Tomorrow we have got to get some round bales. The squares are getting expensive and I don't have a lot of room to store them.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Oh yeah, and they know I want more. I just won't have any more money until the beginning of August.

Some more good news, I no longer have to "babysit" KN when she rides her scooter. She passed her test today! I am so glad.

I came home early today hoping to get some stuff done. But, I'm beat. I went to bed way early last night, and didn't want to get up this morning. So, I'm just relaxing. Plus, it's raining right now. We really need the rain, so I'm not complaining too much. Hopefully, it will make it less humid. It was just too oppressive to do any outside work today, so even though I wanted to get that big post in, I didn't. Hopefully, I can tomorrow. W/the rain, the ground shouldn't be as hard. And, I really didn't feel like doing any more fence posts. I had to do 2 at work yesterday. :hit I'm getting tired of doing fence posts. B4 long, people are going to tell me I'm the best fencer around, w/out it involving swords. :/


Queen Filksinger
Dec 2, 2009
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40 days doesn't sound so long now....40 days and 40 nights! Or probably 39 by the time you read this. You are getting closer to your goals!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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That's 40 days of work, doesn't include weekends. It's easier for me to keep track. But in total, it's now 53 days if you include weekends, or 8 weeks minus 1 day.

I was going to work in my garden last night and first thing this morning. That didn't happen. It started to rain. We weren't really expecting much. It looked like just a thin line of storms. KN was on her scooter and called me. She had pulled over under an overhang at a store. She planned on leapfrogging thru the storm to the farm. I was beat, so instead of doing any work, I relaxed and read a bit. Then, I turned on my laptop and checked the weather. By this time, it was really pouring. I was shocked when I saw the radar. The storm had gotten quite big. It had morphed into this huge red, green, orange and yellow mess. All I could think of was KN on that scooter. It was not good weather to be riding in. So I tried to call her. No answer. I called again, still no answer. By this time I was getting worried and left a message telling her to call me. I figured between the 2 of us we could pick up her scooter and put it in the back of my truck, and I'd drive her to the farm. I put my jeans back on, got socks on, then my rain pants, my shoes and rain coat. W/out them, I would have been SOAKED by the time I got to my truck. Once I was dressed, I headed out.

I tried listening to the radio, but couldn't. There was just too much static. And, I couldn't go fast. It was raining so hard even on high, my wipers couldn't keep up. The rain finally eased up a bit and I was glad! I came to a few places where the water was across the road, and several inches deep. Some people turned around and went the other way. But there were others that were driving thru, so I went real slow and followed them. Meanwhile, I kept trying to call KN. I finally got her. She had gotten caught in the heaviest rain w/no place to stop. So, she kept going. She was now in RU's tack shed stripping and dripping. At least she had some dry clothes to put on. And, she wanted to know if I had any thing in the tack shed to eat. Her dinner plans had been messed up by the rain. By this time, I was almost to the farm. I told her that and told her I'd take her someplace so she could eat.

It was still raining pretty hard when I got to the farm, but not like it had been. I was so glad that I had shut the windows to my tack shed. But since KN was supposed to feed the cats for me and shut them in overnight, they were out. Cindy was by the door when I got there. So, I opened the door, gave her some food and left her in. I could not find Rerun. KN and I went to the dinner. She was shivering, and of course they had the AC on. I had a quilted flannel in my truck, so she took that in w/her. It didn't fit, but she put it around her until she warmed up. We got back to the farm, and there was Rerun by the door wanting to go in. She was wet. Normally when I open the door like that when Cindy's in, she wants back out, especially since she and Rerun are still hissing at each other a bit. Not last night. In fact, this is the best I've seen them get along, so maybe there's hope for them yet.

KN said she'd feed the horses for me this morning, so I'm relaxing. I'm going to get up in a bit and do some housework. But, it feels so good to just sit back and relax. I might even go back to sleep. I only got up because I had to pee!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Today I took a long, hard look at what I need to get done, the weather, my time and my health. And right now, I feel like I can't win. Thursday, I did something to my left knee. I don't know what, but my knee was KILLING me! Basically, I got nothing done all weekend. By Sunday, it was feeling much better, so I figured I'd get a ton done today. Then, I hit my right knee on the pedal of my bicycle! :barnie I wasn't riding it, it's parked next to my motorcycle, and I was getting something out of the milk crate I have strapped on there. It was bothering me some, but not too much today. Then, right about when I was ready to come home, it started to hurt really bad.:hit I just barely made it home. Once home, I fed the animals, put my helmet and everything I took to the farm today in my house, then went to CVS and got some ibuprofen. I took 2, got some ice, and relaxed-until my hubby started complaining about the pots and pans. He's the one that's dirtied the majority of them, but he won't clean them. :rant

But, I got nothing done over the weekend. I had to stay at the farm extra long today because I had to have the farrier back out thanks to 2 other people. :rant So, I got nothing done today.

As much as I want to be more sufficient, I just can't do it right now. I'm too far behind to work at it right now. I still don't have my garden in. I never picked my rhubarb nor my raspberries. I never got my pool up, and it has tadpoles and wigglers in it. So, I'm putting a lot of my plans on hold. Tomorrow, I should be able to leave the farm by 2:00. Don't know if I'll do anything outside or not, it's supposed to be really hot again, but I will work on getting my house clean. I will get some stuff in the garden, just not as much as I want. If I have to, I will get some stuff from roadside stands, etc if I need it to supplement what I'll have. I only have 8 more weeks of work. I will get done as much as I can B4 then, then I'll have more time to work at it all w/out killing myself.


Queen Filksinger
Dec 2, 2009
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Sometimes you just can't do everything you'd like to. Maybe you are pushing yourself too hard. You should go back over and read your own journal and make a hash mark every time you see that you accomplished something. You have been very busy!

Your body is trying to tell you it is time to rest. I know you have goals, but maybe you are too ambitious sometimes and should pat yourself on the back more, not be upset you didn't do more. I couldn't do half the things you get done AT ALL. :bow

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