Denim Deb Hay, hay, hay. Thank the Lord!


Queen Filksinger
Dec 2, 2009
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That is how my hubby can be too. We have so much junk, it is embarassing. I have to pile it all up in certain places to empty out space for living. If he had a 3-car garage, he would fill it with junk in about a year. If I gave him enough time, he could probably fill about 10 garages full of junk. He always is making things with the junk to prove to me how great it is to have junk laying around. :he


We can be real jerks, obsessive compulsive, hoarders, selfish, insensitive and demanding, ignorant, and totally oblivious. I hereby apologize to the entire female gender on behalf of the entire male gender. Believe it or not, some of us are really tying to make it better.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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sunsaver said:
We can be real jerks, obsessive compulsive, hoarders, selfish, insensitive and demanding, ignorant, and totally oblivious. I hereby apologize to the entire female gender on behalf of the entire male gender. Believe it or not, some of us are really tying to make it better.


Yard Farmer
Oct 13, 2008
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Eastern CT
We have a two and a half car garage that contains one car, a 57 Buick that isn't running. And a hovercraft. That isn't running. Somewhere in there are our bikes. There's a work bench. Somewhere under his stuff. The basement is about the same. I just ask that he keeps a path clear to the laundry and cat box. (We need a sighing smiley)


Lovin' The Homestead
Jan 19, 2011
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Isle of Wight, VA
Yup my DH is the same way. He will bring all kinds of stuff home. One time he brought a drag racing tire's still sitting by the shed. :rolleyes:


Queen Filksinger
Dec 2, 2009
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sunsaver said:
We can be real jerks, obsessive compulsive, hoarders, selfish, insensitive and demanding, ignorant, and totally oblivious. I hereby apologize to the entire female gender on behalf of the entire male gender. Believe it or not, some of us are really tying to make it better.
Thank you sunsaver, I feel much better now. Now you see why I started the thread, would you want your sig other on here? While my Hubby knows FULL WELL my feelings about his junk pile, he doesn't like people to know about it. Sometimes I take photos of the dogs and some of his junk is in the background, I tell him "Hah!" we can crop it out of the photo, too bad we can't crop the junk out of our driveway!


Super Self-Sufficient
May 7, 2010
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Well, I for one don't necessarily apologize for collecting certain materials. The reason I don't apologize is that men, (quite unlike the 46 XX gender) see certain purposes for either the thing itself or the parts contained therein. What goes on in our mind is "I can fix that and make it useful" or "I can use the ___ part inside that thing to do ___!

That my dear ladies is how MEN think. We have a natural gene inside the Y chromosome that is keyed by mother nature to fix things and supply our women with what we believe is a good life; or at least better than they may have had prior to hooking up with us. Our fathers taught us this from the days before time was recorded. It is our way, just as being mothers is YOUR way. While we all know "there is nothing new under the sun" (as my dad would often say) it appears incumbent on the MEN in society and on an occasional woman, to find a way to either fix something or invent something using the item in question. This is HARDWIRED into the male on the Y chromosome. We can't change it and you can't "aculturate it out of us". It is one of those things that women usually look for in choosing a mate because they want to know that the candidate is NOT a lazy, shiftless, bum who sits in front of the TV drinking too much beer and cheering for the wrong team consistently.

Now that you understand that, we can move on to the REAL REASON those "things" pile up. While I don't know anything about any of your DH's, my guess is that the fact that you are all on the SS pursuit, it is REASONABLE to assume that your DH is in complicity with you on the SS pursuit. That having been said, it is also reasonable to assume (yes I know what happens when you ass u me but we'll take it on any way) that your DH's or in some situations SO's, have skills and interests that often result in getting one of those "things" fixed or dis-assembled to retrieve that one part which made it desireable. (Now we get into the situation of what to do with the remaining junk left behind after that one part was retrieved but that is another story).

Most of you are now groaning with "OMG, this guy is psychotic" but the truth is that not only am I NOT psychotic, but I'd bet real money, (not imaginary national debt) that I am right on the mark here as mentioned and that your DH's will back up my assertion.

What you don't know or may not recognize is that we men, have also been aculturated to go out and get "jobs" to earn REAL MONEY so that we can pay for the care and feeding of our wives/so's and children for anywhere up to about 50+ years until we just drop over dead from exhaustion thereby leaving wealthy widows to spend our insurance money to clean up the yard of all that stuff we collected and never got time to work on because we were always at work.

You are asking yourself, "Where does this guy get all this from?" Well, I for one have 5 jobs, not just one. I have my farm, I work in thre different hospitals, I am the county coroner and the city mayor. With all my voluminous free time I try to get a few hours of sleep once a week. My DW lives 1600 miles away and has essentially nothing to do with me so I am on my own with respect to housework, etc. NOT fun but it has to be done so I do it.

I have some of the things you all mention as being junk, but try to limit this because I am only able to tolerate just so much clutter in my life. I grew up with two parents that lived during the "GREAT depression" and were unable to throw away anything "because you never know when you are going to need it again". That was the MANTRA of the Great Depression survivors like my parents. Many of them are/were what some now call "hoarders" and live in literal junk piles so deep that they can't walk in their homes. I know this becaue I lived through it with my parents and I still see it when I go to the home of one of them who has recently died.

Some of you ladies may know of this syndrome which I call "the PACK-RAT syndrome. It appears to afffect mostly the folks who were born between 1923 and 1945 because they grew up having to conserve EVERYTHING. Once the foreign markets flooded the country with cheap junk everyone was able to buy new stuff and throw everything else away. So now we have huge piles of stuff that has re-claimable parts but many folks born later did not inherit the "fix-it" mentality, rather they learned the "throw away"mentality and that is why we have junk yards all over this nation filled with parts and junk. Frankly, my favorite TV show (and I get to watch TV once every few years) was called "JUNK YARD WARS" because they would get two teams of guys in a junk yard, give them all the tools they could ever dream of needing and told them to make a specific thing from what was available in the junk yard. Well for guys like us (DH's and SS'er) this would be like "going to heaven" because we'd have the TIME to do it. We wouldn't have to go to work all day, come home tired and then try to get our creativity brain waves turned on to start building that thing we got that piece of junk home for!

Frankly, I'll bet the DH's in the crowd can identify with this explanation so I won't be offended if I get flamed off here for it. I'm tougher than I look.

Hope this helps all you ladies who are frustrated with those piles of "junk" your DH's/SO's bring home. The truth is THERE IS A REASON FOR IT!

... --- ... / ... --- ...


Trim sends


Queen Filksinger
Dec 2, 2009
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Hah! :gig He tries to explain men.....:duc

Actually, I think you guys and my Hubby are all CLONES cut from the same DNA. :he And I can attest that the Pack-rat syndrome survived to 1963 for the birth of my husband. :smack I don't know about Denim Deb, but my hubby was SS before I was, and the fact that I am on this forum is more a sign that I love him that anything else I've done, I embraced HIS life, and his goals, and even admit that good things emerge from his junkpile on the driveway. I think Deb is still working on her Hubbs, I think he has strayed from the path a bit, so she leads the pack in her neck of the woods. :bow



Super Self-Sufficient
May 7, 2010
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savingdogs said:

Hah! :gig He tries to explain men.....:duc

Actually, I think you guys and my Hubby are all CLONES cut from the same DNA.:pop
Yup, that is exactly what I said...DNA in the Y chromosome. :lol:


Abinormal Butterfly
Oct 21, 2009
Reaction score
sunsaver said:
We can be real jerks, obsessive compulsive, hoarders, selfish, insensitive and demanding, ignorant, and totally oblivious. I hereby apologize to the entire female gender on behalf of the entire male gender. Believe it or not, some of us are really tying to make it better.
Gosh. That sounds autistic. :gig

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