Denim Deb Hay, hay, hay. Thank the Lord!


Queen Filksinger
Dec 2, 2009
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My hubby isn't THAT bad, but I do sometimes wonder if he would be buried alive if I did not continually get rid of his clutter.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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:pop (It's amazing how much this grew when I wasn't even on here! :lol:)

In other news, Roxi isn't broody-yet. I got to the farm early this morning, and she was the first chicken I saw. I checked her nest, and she's now up to 14 eggs. So, she just took a long time yesterday. Or, she's thinking about becoming broody.

Penny is now down to 6 eggs. Yesterday I took out 2 I could tell were bad-they were real light. I broke both of them and yep, they were no good. That left 7. One more exploded overnight, so she's down to 6. I'm really disappointed. Roxi had BETTER get broody. I want chicks! I just might have to buy some. I bought 25 lbs of chick starter when I was expecting them to hatch earlier, and I don't really want to store it over the winter. I doubt it would still be good next year.

I went canoeing at the nature center today as a volunteer helper w/a bunch of kids. That was interesting to say the least. Most of the kids got the hang of it w/out many problems. Some took to it like they were born w/a paddle in their hands. But this one canoe.... :th At one point in time, I took my canoe and went between them and the bushes they couldn't get away from and pushed them back were they belonged. Of course, that just meant they then got hung up on the OTHER side of the stream. I don't know how they were able to get that far. (We had to paddle across a lake first.) And once we were out on the lake, they did no better. They finally ended up getting towed. Glad I didn't have that job! RU is away. If she wasn't, when I was done w/the kids, I would have just gone back out by myself. I really didn't want to stop. But, I had to go and feed her animals. But, my canoe is still in the back of my truck so maybe I'll go this evening. It's not that far to the lake near me.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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It is. And, I did decide to go out again. I'm so glad I did. Lately, I've been getting almost nothing done around the house. I finally figured out what my problem was. I needed a break to recharge my batteries. So, I went out on the lake near me. You can't really get too far down stream. You get so far, and then you start to come across downed trees, poison ivy hanging over the water, etc. So, I was only out for about an hour. But, I feel so much more relaxed. And, I saw a great horned owl! I wasn't expecting that! At first I wasn't sure it was an owl, but it looked too fat to be a hawk. Then, it landed in a tree. When I got close enough, I could see the horns! Tomorrow, I'm planning on going horseback riding w/KN. I'm not sure when the last time was that we just went for a ride. Then, I'll spend the night in my tack shed, cook my dinner over the fire, and just relax. I think I'll be able to get more done next week.


Queen Filksinger
Dec 2, 2009
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You saw an owl in the daytime? Here they only seem to be around at dusk or early morning, but I think I saw a spotted owl here.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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I've seen owls at least 4 times during the day. A couple more if you count the snowy owl, but since it was a visitor, and it's not that unusual to see it during the day, I don't count it.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Talked to the boss yesterday. She has someone all lined up to take over come September! And, it's someone that she doesn't need to show them what to do first, which is good. She's going away Labor Day week, and if she hadn't found anyone, I would have done that week also at the very least. Now, I don't need to! And, if I want to, I could leave B4 then. But, since I need the money, I'm sticking it out. Only problem being, there are some days, especially weekends when it just doesn't seem like it's getting any closer. So, I've decided to add weekends into my count. Only problem being, I don't have a calendar w/me-I'm at the farm, so I'm hoping I have the right number of days down. This way, I can subtract a day every day, even on weekends. I can hardly wait!

Yesterday, KN and I went for a ride in the evening. It was so nice out. This place is fast getting to become my favorite place to ride. Normally, you don't see anyone else on horse, and very few, if any, people. It has hills, it has woods, it has open areas, and after it's rained, it has water. So, you can work on all kinds of stuff. Plus, it's not overly big. Once we were done riding, we went back to the farm, made a fire, cooked some dinner and just relaxed. Then, we went to bed. She slept in RU's tack shed, I slept in mine. I didn't sleep the greatest though, one of the cats peed on my bed! :somad I had to bring a different sleeping bag w/me. I didn't realize they'd peed on the t shirt I sleep in, so I wore the shirt I had on. It's not made for sleeping in, so I kept waking up. And, of course, the roosters started to crow at 4:22 AM. I'm sure if I heard them every morning, it wouldn't wake me up. I tried sleep longer, and finally gave up. But, it's a nice, cool morning out. And, the horses think they want to be fed. So, I guess I'd better get off of here and feed them. (They're all standing in their stalls rattling their buckets.)

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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I found a calendar, and marked it down on there. And, not including 9/2, it is 27 days. I figure there's 2 ways to look at it. If I go by the evening, which is when I normally update, then that's how many days left until I'm done. So, on 9/1 in the evening, I'll have 1 more day!

Today, I went to TSC w/KN. She wanted to get something, but had no way to get it back to the farm since she's on her scooter. I needed to go to the bank which is just around the corner. So, I took her. Glad I did. They had some big thing going on, and the lady I got hay from earlier in the year was there. Since I lost my phone, I lost her number. She's says they should be cutting hay again soon. So, I'll get another 60 bales or so from her. Then, I just have to get some more RBs, and I'm done getting my hay for the winter! Since I've started buying the hay for the horses myself, I've never been able to get all my hay this early. I've had to go to the hay auction all winter long. This year, I have not been to the hay auction since May! I'll probably go some once I'm done work just cuz that's the only place I see some people. But, it's so nice NOT to have to go.


Lovin' The Homestead
Aug 17, 2010
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Folsom, Ca
You know, I'm so glad I read your posts. I've been having a hard time with motivation and energy, as well as migraine attacks. I think what I need is to recharge my batteries as well! I'm going to look into what I can do. Maybe I'll give myself a pedicure.

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