Denim Deb Hay, hay, hay. Thank the Lord!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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SS, I didn't want to stay home, there's no fun in that! I just didn't want to go to work! That's why if I get this job next summer, it will be perfect for me. I want to work in the summer when it's too hot to do anything, and have the fall and spring off. And, if I need more money, I'm thinking of looking into doing some substitute teaching. I have the qualifications for that. (64 college credits) I'd just choose the days I want to work :D


Mr. Sensitive
Dec 22, 2010
Reaction score
Hey DD, I've been following your journey, just not posting lately. Still pulling for you!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
What a day! Once again, we had rain in the forecast. But, the forecast wasn't calling for any rain until later in the day and I was thinking about taking my bike-until I saw the radar. They showed a band of storms just on the other side of the river! The windows were opened in my tack shed. I had set my tent up yesterday so it could dry out-and it was still up. I was going to get a shower, but I didn't. I just left. And, B4 I had everything done, it started to rain. :barnie I grabbed my rain coat out of my truck, but didn't put on the pants right away.

Because of the rain, I figured all I'd be doing today was stalls and running the manure spreader. So, I didn't take any water w/me, nor any snacks. We didn't get a whole lot of rain-just enough. I got the manure spreader stuck. I wasn't really surprised. I wouldn't have run it in that field, but that's where I was told to run it. At least, I didn't get it buried. It was more that I just couldn't get any traction-no 4 wheel drive.

Then the boss decided it had stopped raining, and she wanted to do some work to the riding arena. I didn't get done until almost 1:30! At least it helps to make up for some of the really short days I've had.

I got to the farm. I knew that KN wouldn't be there, but wasn't sure about PT. If KN isn't going to be there, PT feeds the horses. I tried calling KN-no answer. And, lots of times, PT doesn't get there until late, so I didn't worry about feeding them. I just worked on my stuff. By 2:30, I started feeding chickens. I had to do that, put hay out for the horses, and feed the cats B4 heading for home. That's when KN called me to say that PT wouldn't be there either. There was NO WAY I was going to go and feed them then. I try to leave by around 2:00, I was late today because of work. She KNOWS I normally leave then. So, I didn't feed them. I don't know if she was able to get RU to feed them or not. But I did tell her that if PT is not going to be there, she needs to call ME!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
Today when I got to work, I learned that she had no power, and hadn't for a few hours. We've only had 1 day this week when we haven't had thunderstorms, so I guess it was no big surprise that there was a power outage. But, that meant, other than a stream, the horses had no water. So, I decided that ASAP, I was going to get my tank out in my field, even though I wouldn't be able to put it where I wanted it. But, w/all the rain we've had, I didn't want to just dump all the water that was in the tank. So, I just loosened the plug enough to let it trickle out. I was hoping I could keep at least some of the water in it, get it on my wagon, and put it out in the field. After all, it was supposed to rain again, so I figured that would add some water to it.

I wasn't able to leave as much in as I had wanted to, so it only had a few inches in it, but it was enough. I get it in position, and start to leave. Honey and Licorice were in the field, Misty and Stormy were in the parking area. Of course, Honey and Licorice HAD to come over and check it out. I was expecting Honey to be really interested in it, but the others, not so much. To my surprise, Licky was the one interested in it! She started to paw at it, and put a hoof over the top of it. I had to get it out. Then, she moved it. I decided I'd better add some more water so it was too heavy for her to move it. I go and get the hose. I get back to put the hose in and realize that she's had her foot over the top again, and there's mud in it. So, I dump it, put it back in place and start to fill it up. I turn around, she's got her hoof back over the top. This time, I just left her. She was able to get it out on her own. I didn't fill it all the way to the top, but at least, she can't move it nor dump it.


Lovin' The Homestead
Jun 2, 2011
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eastern plains, Colorado

Just reading about everything you've gone through this week makes me tired! Poor wet boots (hey, does duct-tape work on that?), and the tank thing and ... ... wow!

Get dry!


Lovin' The Homestead
Oct 1, 2010
Reaction score
I enjoy reading your journal. Makes me smile everytime.

And I love the weather reports. Nice to know someone is getting some.

Dry and hot just gets old really quick and we are month three of it.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
Believe me, if I could send some of this rain elsewhere, I'd do it in a heart beat! I think Philly has now set an all time record for the wettest month in recorded history. I know as of yesterday morning, they only needed about 3/4" of rain.

For the boots, I need to find an old inner tube. I'll see if I can glue a piece of that on for a patch.


Lovin' The Homestead
Oct 1, 2010
Reaction score
yeah I heard that on the news this morning. Maybe you will dry out a bit and we will get a soak. Come on weather patterns, we are needing a bit of a change up.... :fl