Denim Deb Hay, hay, hay. Thank the Lord!


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
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Fallston, MD
Oh, they might Deb! I was driving by one day and saw one do that, and it was out of the corner of my eye, and I almost ran off the road trying to wait for him (her?) to pop back up! :lol:

They're pretty! I know that MD is a migratory route for a lot of water fowl.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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We get a lot of migratory birds, and not just waterfowl. Come June, I'm planning on going w/the club down to Forsythe Wildlife Refuge. It's a neat place, and they'll do a free program for us. I have to contact them, and get more info on it, but I think the kids will really enjoy it. I already have my theme for next year all picked out, Let 4 H WOW you. We'll be studying the Wonders of Wetlands, so I figured that was a good title. Then, we'll be learning that 4 H is a shore thing. I'll probably need 2 years for that and we'd look at both fresh and saltwater shores.

Got more of my green house cleaned out yesterday. I would have had more done but my schedule got messed up. Normally I head to the farm straight from 4 H to feed Storm, take care of the chickens, the cats and bag feed. I got a call right B4 I left. KN had just gotten there a little bit B4. (She feeds when I have 4 H, makes it easier on me.) She wanted to be sure the rain was out of the area B4 she left so she could take her scooter. So, it did me no good to go out then. I got home, worked on the green house for a bit and the guy that is looking at the woods showed up w/his wife. I know the woods, he doesn't, so I took them for a walk. I thought it was 33 acres, it's only 18. And, the price isn't bad for this area, $140,000. If I could afford it, I wouldn't mind owning it. But, at least he's not planning on making a development. He basically just wants to own it and leave it as is at least for now.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Thank you. Hope you do, too.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
Well, if he didn't I'd be looking to get out of here PDQ!!!!! Those woods are the only thing that makes living here possible. In fact, B4 we got this house, the house next door had been for sale. We looked at it, but didn't want it. This house wasn't for sale, but we commented that if that house was for sale, we'd be interested. Wasn't too long after that that this house went on the market.

In other news, a while back, I put a sweet potato in water to try and sprout it. I even checked on line thinking that maybe I had done something wrong because I wasn't seeing anything on it. Well, I got home from church today, took a look at it and realize that I have a very small sprout starting! :ya Now I just need to figure out how to grow them above ground if at all possible.

I'm hoping to be doing a bunch of work in the green house this week. I'm hoping that by Wednesday by the latest, I'll be able to get seeds started. They'll be about 1 1/2 weeks behind, but all things considered, that isn't bad.

It was cold in church today. And, I thought it was warmer out than it is! I was going to take the cycle out, but have changed my mind. I'm working on getting warm right now. Then after a bit, I'll be leaving for the farm. I'd wait longer, but the horses will need hay today. And, if I don't get it out quick enough, Licky ducks under the electric, and gets to the RBs. :rant


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
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Fallston, MD
It was colder here today than I thought it was going to be, too! If you could stay in the sun and out of the wind it was fine... otherwise it was COLD!
Said something about flurries tomorrow... :rolleyes:

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Ugh, I hope not! In the meantime, I'm kind of upset. I get out to the farm this afternoon to give Storm his 2nd feeding and find out that no one gave CL's horses any grain last week! For some reason, the other boarders thought I was feeding her horses again. Right now, other than my own horses, there are very few horses that I'll care for. Most of them don't have good enough manners, and I can't move quickly yet. Nor can I make sharp turns. And her one horse can be a real PITB!!! Until I'm able to move a bit better, I'm NOT feeding her horses.

I go in my tack shed and start to bag feed. (I have 7 different things that I bag, so I do one every day for a whole week normally.) I have the heater on. Both cats are in there, and for once, Rerun isn't really growling that much. I was enjoying the peace and quiet-until CL and PT start to talk right near my tack shed. And it comes over me more strongly than in the past how much I DON'T want to be there. Don't get me wrong. I don't have a problem w/RU. And, I don't want to get rid of my horses. I just don't want to have to board. More and more I feel the desire growing for my own farm. The Bible teaches us that we should be content in whatever state we're in. So, I find myself praying more and more that God will take this desire from me, or if this is His will, that He'll provide both the farm and the finances.

I get home, chilled to the bone. Figure I'm going to get the goats fed, then cut up some small stuff. After all, hubby was supposed to put the chain back on my saw. I open the shed. He didn't touch it. :he So I grabbed some sassafras and some pine. It took a bit since it was kind of damp, but I was finally able to get the fire going. I had had to put on my muck boots-which makes my feet sweat. So, I changed into dry socks and I'm finally starting to warm up. Of course, I'll probably get warm just in time to leave for church.

Hubby went shopping. He says he told me he was going to Aldi's. It never registered. I would have told him to buy some chocolate. They have the best chocolate bars. As it is, I'm down to one bar. :hit Guess I'll be making brownies and/or fudge tomorrow. But, at least he is now out taking care of my chainsaw. So, providing it's not too cold tomorrow, I should be able to get the rest of the wood I have here cut up. Then one day this week, I'll have to go in the woods and get another truck load.


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
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Fallston, MD
Checked the weather again, and it doesn't appear we'll be getting anything on Monday. I'm glad, but the low on Monday night is like 26... YIKES! Where the heck is spring??? :( I miss the warm weather.
It'll get a little warmer through the week, and at least right now the rain has moved off the weekend, which is a GOOD thing! I have too much to do outside next weekend!!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
Same here. I need to finally get my chickens moved.

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