Denim Deb Hay, hay, hay. Thank the Lord!


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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glad it ended up being a good afternoon (even if it was pricey) sometimes its the actual going out part thats hard...once your out...its fun..but the getting up and going is tough. least for me.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Yep, especially since if I hadn't gone I would have finished cleaning out Licky's stall (I have less than 1/5 to go!), plus I would have gotten more of my garden done.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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For the first time since the horses were moved around, ALL OF MY STALLS ARE CLEAN!!!!!! :weee :ya

Originally, there were 9 horses and 9 stalls that KN and I were taking care of. We had a work day when the horses were first moved around on the farm, and had people helping us. We were able to get 5 stalls cleaned, some posts put up, and some pressure treated lumber along the front of the stalls as well as putting pea gravel in the stalls. That left us w/4 stalls that still needed to be cleaned. And, I kept trying to get her to help me. I wanted to not only get the stalls cleaned out and the gravel put in, but I wanted to get the stalls finished. That way, if for any reason we had needed to shut them in, we could have. Well, I couldn't get her to help.

We decided we didn't need the one stall after all. It faced the wrong way, and since we had a smaller pony and a mini in the field, they could just share a stall. That took us down to needing to do 3 stalls. But like I said, I couldn't get her to help.

Last year, when PT came to the farm, we split the herd. I was left w/my 3 and Honey. Honey's stall was the only one that had the gravel in it, but I hadn't been able to keep up w/cleaning it, and KN wouldn't. So, the manure was piling up in there. And the other 3 stalls hadn't been touched. But now that I was by myself, I was determined to get them cleaned.

I was able to a bunch of loose stuff out of Honey's stall and got Misty and Stormy's stalls cleaned. I started on Licky's, but was never able to finish. W/all the rain we had, the field was a muddy mess, and I couldn't keep up on the poop in the field let alone w/what was in the stalls. But, I was determined to get it all done this spring.

First thing I did was get caught up on the field. W/the cart, that didn't take as long as I was expecting. Then I tackled Honey's stall. I got all of the loose stuff out of there. Then I got a turning fork, and worked at the packed stuff. There is still some packed stuff in there, but there's not much. Whenever I get the chance, I go in w/the fork and loosen up another section, but I'm not worried about it.

W/Honey's stall done, I next did Stormy's stall. It didn't take long at all. Then I did Misty's. And finally, I got started on Licky's.

Well, I'm happy to say that other than some packed stuff in Honey's stall, the stalls are all cleaned! Tomorrow I'll be putting up the last section of fence and redoing the electric in a few spots! It doesn't seem real. Maybe someone should pinch me to see if I'm awake!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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It does. Starting next week, I'll have more time to work w/the horses and actually be able to ride them! Right now, I can hardly wait for fall because I won't have all this stuff to get done at the farm, and will be able to do a lot then. Right now, I have about 1 1/2 months B4 I'll be starting work-providing I get the job.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Didn't get to the fence today. I had my bird walk and nature club today. When I got home, hubby wanted to work on the coop. So I stayed home for in case he needed any help. Plus, I was hoping he'd get it done so we could get it out to the farm. Well, that didn't happen. Right now, it looks kind of like an ice cream stand for vertically challenged people.

While he was working on the coop, I set something up for the nuggets outside and put them in there while we were right there. They were not quite sure what to think about being outside. :lol: I had a dogloo in there for shelter and they spent most of their time in there. They did get a bit braver, and did come out, but not for long. Everyday the weather is nice and I'm working in the yard, I'm going to put them in there so they're used to being outside once they get old enough. I also worked in the garden some.

I've come to the conclusion that there is just no way I'm going to have the whole garden ready for planting this spring. But, the section I'm not going to have done is where my spears and rhubarb are right now, as well as where I'm planning on putting some fruit trees, bushes and strawberries. So, we'll put up a temp fence on the one side and I'll work on the rest later. I'll get that section done by fall, and when my spears are dormant, I'll finally get them done. And, instead of planting the rest this spring, I'll see if I can get them in in the fall.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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I'm just hoping I have some pullets! I'm pretty sure DH was right w/Ralph. He's getting a comb. And, I have 2 bantams that aren't pure silkie (they have yellow skin) that are also developing combs. But I'm wondering about the rest cuz they all act like they want to fight.


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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All chicks act like that. It's part of the pecking order. They all want to assert dominance early on. Look at the tails at around 2 weeks. The ones with the longer tails are your best bets on the pullets. IME that has been the case and about 85% accurate with my chicks. How old are they now?

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