Denim Deb Hay, hay, hay. Thank the Lord!


Almost Self-Reliant
Jun 21, 2010
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Ahh, A fellow special person. Glad to know I'm not the only one to have those genius moments. :ep :hide

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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2dream said:
Thanks for telling that story. I am now cleaning coffee off of my computer.
Here's a helper for the coffee. :frow Did he get it off?

Well, I now no longer have to worry about CL's horses breaking thru a fence-unless the one is really stupid or the electric goes out! That whole field is now strung w/electric! :weee W/RU away, and no one else at the farm, I didn't really have time to do anything else. I also had to put out hay for a couple of her herds, as well as for my guys, then I shoved all the manure I've cleaned up recently into a pile. And, the pile will now grow a lot slower since I don't have any stalls that need cleaning!

Got home, read some while I relaxed and ate lunch, then had to go to the post office and mail tax forms. Then, I went for a short ride on the bike. There's an old, abandoned campground near us. I went in there and rode around. I don't have a clue as to who owns it, but would love to find out. It would be such a neat place to go canoeing and horseback riding. I was going to stop in at the tax office to see if I could find out, but by the time I left, it was almost 4:30, and that's when they close. If it wasn't for my hubby's allergies, I'd love to own it. But, he's allergic to oaks, so we'd be better off finding some place else to live.


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 14, 2011
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Do you have GIS for your county? I use that all the time for our county. It is listed on my counties home page. It has an 'identify' option, that is really cool!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Have no idea, never heard of it. How would I find out?


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 14, 2011
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Denim Deb said:
Have no idea, never heard of it. How would I find out?
If you go onto your counties web site, they usually have a list of depts, etc. On the counties I've been on (both this one and our old one down in so. MI) the GIS is hilighted. Our old county had it in a box, this one has it on the left side, with stars (*). If you click on it, it should explain how to operate it. I have fun, checking on properties that I see abandoned/foreclosed on that I'll never be able to afford! (Here, when you click 'identify', it lists who owns it, what their taxable/assessed value is, where their tax bills are sent, a description of the property and it's exact size!) ;)


Almost Self-Reliant
Jan 7, 2009
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Evening Shade, AR
Icu4dzs said:
Dawn419 said:
I can see a whole lot of potential with that place, Deb. :D

I've been drooling over this place lately. It's just up the road from us, not exactly what I'm into, house-wise but there's pasture, woods and a lot of room.

Edited to fix link
Not including the house they want almost $4000/acre for that place. WOW!!!
Seems a bit spendy for that area...or am I way off on that?
Trim sends
I suspect the price is higher due to being on the highway. We paid just over $2,500 an acre for our almost 16 acres that was raw.

At the same time we came out to look at our place, there was 5 acres with a house and two older outbuildings that was going for $65,500. We thought about looking at it until we saw this place and we lost our hearts to it. After we got the family together, they let us know that they'd checked out that place and the land was a solid hunk of rock. Made us glad we didn't bother to look.

It really all depends on the location, as far as prices go, out here.

:gig Loved your OOPS! moment! :hugs


Almost Self-Reliant
Jan 31, 2009
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We paid $1000 an acre for the 10 we have and it was set up to have a mobile home pulled in. Already had a well, septic, and electric. Now the bare 1 acre lot beside where I am now on the place I inherited is almost $15000, and it only has access to utilities. Were on a highway and near a resort and about 2 1/2 miles from a marina that host world walleye classics and such. The two places are only about 15 miles apart.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Right now, I'm really feeling miserable. We have a system just hanging around, doing nothing-except making my ears hurt. I can't stand even the slightest noise right now, so I'll be missing prayer meeting.

Got almost nothing done today. I didn't want to get up, I felt like I was drugged. But I was finally able to get up and get to the farm. Since DH had my truck, I had to take my bike and didn't really want to. And, I almost got stuck cuz it started to rain. But it stopped so I booked it home. Ate lunch, and got nothing done at home.

I'll be glad when RU gets home. Between the weather and taking care of her animals, other than cleaning manure and mowing the weeds (and dirt) I got nothing done.

Oh, and hubby said if we got rich all of a sudden, he's suffer w/his allergies to buy the old campground. :lol: As it is I'm praying about being able to move. The more I think of that little farm, the more I'd like to own it. If we could somehow find a way to consolidate all our bills so we were paying less each month, we might be able to really think about it. Living there would cost us less than living where we are. It's closer to hubby's work, and I'd save a ton in gas, hay and maybe even feed.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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This morning I got a call at 7:30. I had just gotten my coffee going, and was ready to make some breakfast, then was going to eat that while I worked on my Spanish. The call was from RU. She's away, and had gotten a call from her neighbor-there were horses out in the road. So, I got changed real quick, put my coffee in a travel mug, grabbed a couple of packs of instant oatmeal as well as some instant pancake mix and a cereal bar and left.

When I got to the farm, right away I saw horses in the RP. But, it was only about half of the horses from that herd. As soon as I saw them, I KNEW where they had gotten out. I didn't realize that RU hadn't fixed that section of fence. So, I went over to her barn opened the door, and let the rest of the herd in the barn. There were 2 horses on the other side of the fence there, so I had to get them and lead them back into their field. Once all the horses were in the barn, I shut the door behind them. Then I went and checked out the fence line. Great, it needed 4 new posts. The posts had rotten, so it was easy for them to knock down a section. I had the farrier coming at 9:30, and just didn't have time to fix the fence B4 then, so they'd just have to stay there until later.

I head back over to my guys. I get them fed, as well as CL's horses and 2 mares that she has in the riding arena. I checked the time and figured I'd have enough time to get my field cleaned B4 he got there, so I got started. I didn't get done B4 he arrived-he was early. And, he had brought someone else w/him. So, it didn't take him as long to get all 4 of them done.

Once they were done, I went back in my field and finished cleaning it. Now that it's all clean, and the stalls are clean, it's so much easier! It takes me 2 days to fill the cart. I don't dump it until it's full-unless I'm going to be working on the manure pile.

By the time I was done all this, I was starving. I had drunk my coffee and eaten the cereal bar, but there was just no way I was going to be able to do anything else w/out eating something more. So, I made myself a batch of pancakes and sat down and ate them.

In order to fix the fence, it meant I had to drive in the neighbor's field. I didn't want to take the truck cuz I didn't want to damage it. I'm not sure what he has growing-it could just be something he's going to turn under, but didn't want to risk it if not. So, I put 4 fence posts on the top of the cart. Then I added my post hole digger, a shovel, a rake, an old handle I use to tamp dirt down, a hammer, some fence staples, some baling twine and a small section of cattle panel. I head over.

I got 2 of the holes done. It wasn't easy. The soil has a bunch of rocks right there, so it was hard to get them dug. But, I did it. Then I propped that part of the fence back up. The rest was going to be harder. W/the way the fence was leaning, I really needed help. I couldn't dig the holes the way I needed to. I decided to start to fasten the fence. KN called. She was there and wanted to know where I was. I told her, so she came over. She was able to push the fence enough so I could get 1 hole dug. As soon as I had it dug, I got the post in and w/that in, it meant I could get the other post in by myself. So, she started working on fastening the fence while I got the last hole dug.

Once the fence was done, I got all the horses in stalls. Then KN and I got the horses in the RP and put them in the barn. I fed everyone. By that time, the hay guy had FINALLY arrived. I expected him yesterday. If he had come then, I wouldn't have had to do all this. But 2 of the herds were completely out of hay. 2 others were almost out of hay. So, I then had to put out the hay, and unload the rest of the trailer. KN opened some gates for me, and moved a truck that was in my way. She also let all of the horses out of the barn when they were done eating.

By the time I got all this done, it was too late for me to do what I wanted to do. I had planned on riding. That didn't happen. I had been planning on getting home early enough to get some housework done. That didn't happen. More and more I'm finding I don't want to be there. Don't get me wrong, I love RU. But, she tends to be very disorganized. Since she was working on other things, I thought the fence was fixed. She knew she was going to be away, but only left hay for about 1/2 the time. Plus, she's almost out of feed. Then, there's the ruts all over the place. Since I hurt my shoulder, I've been afraid to drive the tractor. But, none of the other boarders know how to run it. The only reason I can run it is because I already knew how to drive a tractor, and I used to run fork lifts. Right now, I'm so tired and discouraged, I either want to cry or bury my head in the sand.


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 14, 2011
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Sounds like RU really needs lessons in prioritization!

For someone like you (you set goals, make lists and follow them, and think ahead! ;) ) it has to drive you right up a wall when people act so scatter brained about things! I know it would drive me insane!


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