Denim Deb Hay, hay, hay. Thank the Lord!

so lucky

Almost Self-Reliant
Jan 30, 2011
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SE Missouri
Working at a nature center sounds more like play than work! Unless you are stuck in an office all day. But still, congrats! I bet by the end of the summer, they will want to keep you!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
It's only a summer job. However the naturalist would love for me to be able to take over for her when she retires. But, during the winter, she works on Saturdays, and I don't want to have to do that.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
People are already starting to feel what it's going to be like when I'm not at the farm as much. I had to go and fill out a ton of paper work today. I'm pretty sure I even told people that. So, I'm sitting down reading all these papers and filling them in when my phone rings. Someone wanted to know if I was still at the farm and could feed their horses. They were told, sorry, I was there this morning, and won't be back until later today. Felt good.

Now I'm hiding in my nice, air conditioned house. I just might go and take a nap-I haven't been sleeping well-and figure this is pretty much my last chance to get any extra sleep for the rest of the summer.


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 14, 2011
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People sometimes get so used to taking advantage, a 'slap in the face' is the only thing that wakes them up! Good job slapping, Deb! :lol:

Enjoy that A/C! We are being told our heat will break tomorrow :fl We'll see - those weathermen are never right! :p

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
Yep, it felt good. They did call later and let me know that they were able to make it out and feed their horse, as well as the other ones they're supposed to feed. I guess this is what really bothers me. I don't mind feeding CL's horses or LF's. They both live in PA. CL works, so she can only get down on the weekends. LF has health problems, and it's at least an hour drive for her to get here. KN and PT both live fairly close to the farm. PT has a car, KN has a scooter. I can understand KN not riding her scooter if the weather is bad. But if the weather's nice, even if she can't get there until later in the day, why should I have to feed for her? Come Monday, I'll be going to the farm B4 I go to work. Then, when I'm done, I'll be heading back. So, if I can do it, why can't others? :hu

Went for a long ride on my bike. I'm leading the ride on Tuesday night and I had to see how long my route was. It's about 40 miles. And, that's AFTER I cut out a few roads I was going to go on! But, I don't think it will take as long as some of the shorter rides. Almost every road goes for a number of miles w/out any stops. Plus, there's some nice hills (for around here) and curves on them. And w/the ice cream place we're heading to, we can even play miniature golf.

I was following a truck on the one road, didn't really look to closely at the bumper stickers at first. They had a couple for the Eagles, and then one that I couldn't really read until we got to a stop sign. It was for BYC!


Super Self-Sufficient
May 7, 2010
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A few things hit me on this.
First, how nice of the folks inthe county to pick everyone else and none of them wanted to work! What's up with that? Really makes you feel good to be "last choice"! What jerks! I do hope the job is to your liking. Your friends at that barn will become annoyed with you because you have spoiled them!

I can't help but wonder how some of those folks get their horses fed when they live so far away. Are they paying someone to feed them or do they just parasitize your kindness? My guess is that they know they aren't going to feed those critters so they just figure some softhearted gal is going to do it to protect the animals. My suggestion is charge them for your time and see what they do then. I had the same problem for a while and the owner just figured "well, you are already there" and they weren't paying the feed bill or the rent, so I told them to come get the animal or I'd call the knacker. Funny how indignant they got over that. Still didn't pay for feeder rent but finally moved the animal two months later WITH ATTITUDE!!!

Congratulations on the job,either way.

I was impressed that you did your reconnaissance before leading that ride. That is the mark of aGOOD LEADER!

Saepe Expertus, Semper Fidelis, Fratres Aeterni
Trim sends

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
ICU, when I feed the horses for CL and LF it's because they pay for that service. Everyone else gets reduced board to help care for their horses. It works for all of us-unless you get people taking advantage of it. Normally, I only feed CL's horses. It's part of my responsibilities. KN and PT are supposed to feed their horses as well as LF's. I DO resent when they expect me to feed horses for them because they don't want to reciprocate.

As for the ride, I needed to see how long it was cuz I don't like coming home in the dark! :lol:

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
When I first got my bike, I had trouble keeping it running. As a result, I dropped it a few times, and messed up the front turn signals. Then, I put the milk crate on the back. It went sideways one day-and took out my back right! :barnie For the longest while, they did all work, but then I started to have problems w/them. The front right was taped together. I tried to tape the back right together w/no luck. I HAD to get new turn signals. I was going to get 3 new ones, but the store only had the ones for the right side. So, yesterday I got my new turn signals.

Hubby put the new ones on for me tonight. The lens and the inners of the back were still good. So, he took that apart, then took the left front apart, and was able to replace the broken parts in it! I now have 4 good turn signals. Told hubby he was my hero. It felt so good to ride tonight and know that all my turn signals worked.

It's 8:30 now, and it's still hot! Last time I checked, it was still almost 90* out! I HATE this type of weather. Next week is supposed to be cooler. I hope they're right.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
At least since November of 2010 we've had a problem w/the radiator in my truck. It was leaking and for awhile, we couldn't find the leak. But, some time last year, we found it. And, hubby decided we needed a new radiator-I'm still waiting.

I've been having problems w/the lights on my trailer. Hubby keeps saying he needs to work on them, but kept putting it off.

This afternoon, we were invited to a party at the home of one of the guys hubby works with. Only catch-they wanted us to bring a pony. I told them I had no insurance in case anyone got hurt, but they were willing to take that chance.

We were late leaving because hubby never worked on the lights until this morning. And he realized that the problem is not w/the lights, but w/the truck itself. He didn't have time to find the problem. I had the light on the right side of the trailer working-but that's it.

We're driving there. We've been checking the water level in the radiator B4 driving. The truck has been fine-until today! For some reason, it overheated! And, even w/the truck running while we added water, he couldn't get it to cool down. Something about it not circulating. (Not a mechanic, so I don't know. I just know that you can add water if the truck is running.)

Needless to say, we were late getting to the party. I gave all the kids rides, then took a chance and ran Honey back to the farm. By the time I got back, he was drunk. I cannot stand to be around him when he's like that.

I'm beat. I'll be going to bed soon so I can get a good night's sleep B4 going to work tomorrow!

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