Denim Deb Hay, hay, hay. Thank the Lord!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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So far, all we've gotten is rain. And, we really need it, so that doesn't bother me. I haven't even heard any thunder, so that's good. And, I have gotten soaked going out to check on the goats. Their roof was leaking, so I had to fix it in the pouring rain once!


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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You are a brave woman, Deb - doing roof repairs in the middle of a rain storm. Fingers crossed that all of ya'll (and your critters) who are getting bad weather are gonna be fine.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
It wasn't a high roof! I didn't even need a ladder. And, there was no thunder or lightning, just heavy rain.


Almost Self-Reliant
Sep 23, 2009
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You go girl! :thumbsup

Glad it was only rain and not a tornado, and hope the rain was needed/wanted :)

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
Rain was badly needed. We got over an inch!

Got out to the farm today and not one of the horses was in the seeded area! So that meant the only reason Licky was getting in was because the charger wasn't working right! I didn't really have time to mess w/the electric today, so I figured that could wait. Instead I worked on the weeding. To give you an idea of how bad the area is right now, I spent about 2.5 hours and got done an area that's about 10' x 20'. And, it's almost ALL spiny pig weed! But, it was easier to pull today. W/the rain, I was able to pull most of them out. I rarely needed to use any type of tool to get them out. I had hoped to get the area all done by Saturday, but I don't see that happening. Maybe by the end of next week, but not this week.

Once I have all the weeding done, I am planning on fertilizing that area. I'll probably still have some weeds to get rid of next year, but it probably won't be as bad.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
Almost forgot to say, I found my glasses this morning. They were in my truck, so I must have dropped them.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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I was a bit late leaving this morning. It was rather chilly out when I got up! (In the 40s) and I was hoping it would warm up a bit B4 I left for the farm. Well, it didn't really get much warmer, and I finally had to leave. So, since I was late leaving, I was late getting to the farm which meant I didn't get a whole lot done after feeding the horses B4 I left for the Nature Center. Today's lesson for the volunteers was on the birds and the bees. In other words, leading a bird walk, and doing an insect safari.

When I got back to the farm, I got Storm fed and was going to start weeding when I heard this horrible noise. I look up. There's a mini in CL's field. And, he's rubbing up against the fence. He was rubbing so hard that I was afraid he was going to push the staples out! As it is, that section of fence is all messed up looking. And, I just put it up earlier in the year! :somad So I decided I HAD to do something about that B4 he completely destroys it. I got out some wire holders and put them up on the posts about knee high on her side of the fence. Then I got my new wire out. I didn't want to put it there since I want to do inside my field first and want to be sure I have enough. So, instead I took down one section of the wire I had up in my field and replaced it w/the new stuff. Then, I used the stuff that I took down to put electric up over there, then checked it all out. It all works. I kept hoping he'd try to rub up against it again. I wanted to see his reaction. :hide He never did rub up against it while I was still there.

I finally got to my weeding. I can see a big difference between the ground yesterday and today. Yesterday, I hardly had to use any tools to get the weeds out. Today, I had to use something quite a bit. But, I'm almost half way done the area. :ya While I was weeding, I hear Ralph crowing. Midway thru the crow he stops. I look up, and there's another rooster over there! And, he decided to attack Ralph. I stopped weeding and watched. I don't know if it's because he's missing an eye or what, but Ralph is not a good fighter. I wanted to see if he was able to run off the intruder B4 I interfered. Well, he wasn't able to do so. Instead, he's the one that got sent running. I am NOT going to just sit there and watch my rooster get beat up. So, I reacted. I got up, went in my tack shed and got out my lunge whip. W/that, I was able to chase the rooster out of the parking area. (And no, I never hit him w/it.) I think Ralph appreciated it.

I go back to my weeding and get another section done. It was getting late, and I needed to get home. Even if I can't get the chickens all penned up, I at least like to have them in my field. And, they were in the parking area. I put down some treats and they all start trying to find the gate. But, I didn't see one. I start looking and realize that there's one in CL's field! :barnie I go to try and chase her in my field and she runs the wrong way. Great, just great. I head for KN's chickens to see if she's in there. Nope, no sign of her. Head back towards my field, and she's back in CL's field again! I go to try and herd her in where she belongs and that's when I found out how she's been getting in there-she flew over! So, I'm going to have to clip her wings. I'm hoping that if I clip them once that will be enough, but we'll see. But, it has to be done B4 I let the chicks out. I don't want them learning how to do that. Fortunately, none of the others have figured that out and I'm hoping they don't.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
I'm sitting here watching the Phils. It's the top of the first and the score? Phils 7, Mets 0! They've batted around and are still going!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
Today I worked some more on weeding the field. And, once again, I have to use some type of tool for almost every weed. :( W/all the clay in the soil and w/as dry as it's been, the soil is quickly turning hard again.

One of the horses in CL's field decided today that it was going to start eating the wood that separates Honey's stall from their part of the run in! I've never noticed him doing that B4 and wasn't really happy w/him. I do have electric strung up along that area, so I decided to drop it down a few inches. I don't think he can do it now w/out getting zapped. And, this is where the chicken has been going over the fence. She was flying up, landing on the top board, then jumping down on the other side. Right now, all of my chickens are penned up and will be for the next few days. But, I'm hoping that w/the height of the wire, she either get a shock which will discourage her from going over, or that the wire will interfere w/her ability to do this. I don't want to have to clip her wings if I don't have to.

I'm getting nothing done at home right now. I think it's because I'm so busy out at the farm plus I've been going to the nature center 2 days a week for the volunteer training classes. There's only 2 more days of that, next Thursday and Friday, then it's done. And, once it's done, I'm going to start going out to the farm later. I think that will help. I'll be able to do some work here then head out. And, since it will (hopefully) be cooler than it's been, I should be able to get stuff done w/out dying in the heat. Eventually I'll have it where I'm getting out to the farm around 9:00 or 10:00, then be coming home around 2:30, 3:00. That will give me time to work w/the horses plus do any work I need to do and maybe even relax by a fire for awhile. :D

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