Denim Deb Hay, hay, hay. Thank the Lord!


Almost Self-Reliant
Sep 23, 2009
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Hope you are able to settle into a less crazy routine, and that moving the wire fixes both problems :)


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 14, 2011
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I have been weeding a lot here too - but have made use of all of it! The cows, pigs and chickens are all in love with the most prolific weed we have here, so every day I pull a handful for each of them ;) Makes me not feel quite so bad for being a weed-slacker this summer :lol: Luckily, the soil here is very sandy, so pulling is easy (making my lack of upkeep that much worse!).

Has the mini learned his lesson yet? A little juice is a great teacher!

My father stopped by and went over our stove set up yesterday - I am so excited about getting it finished up and using it! :weee Wood heat is so nice, cozy and warm!!! So much better than this water heat! Temps here have been in the low 40's at night for the past couple weeks - and I refuse to turn on the stupid water heat! We have put the warm sheets and down comforters on the beds, but dragging our butts out of the warm bed in the morning is torture!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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I haven't seen any one try to rub up against my fence or reach thru it since I put the electric up. I'm so glad.

I worked on the weeding some more this morning and can now say I'm at least half way done that field! I'm trying to get up the energy to go back out. Today was the last free canoeing over at the nature center, and I went. It would have been really nice except for one thing-it got windy out there! But, other than one woman, everyone that showed up was one of the volunteers that knew how to paddle so that made it nice. We were fine going out. And, the wind wasn't a problem when we set out, but coming back in was horrible! I wanted to stop paddling, but couldn't for the most part. Every time I did, I'd get blown back the same way I had just come, so I had to keep going. Once I did get back in, and got home, I went back to bed! I was beat.

SSD, it's been cool here some mornings as well. I'm loving it. But, it warms up during the day which is good. I don't want to have to turn on a heater or get the wood stove going yet. I'll be working on getting more wood during the month of October, and hope to have it all in by the end of the month.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Managed to get up enough energy to get out to the farm. I weeded for about another hour, then cleaned up some more poop. I'm so far behind on cleaning it up, but it will get done at some point in time.

I'm sitting here w/the TV on watching a line of storms on the radar. Originally, we had a 90% chance of getting hammered around 7:00. Well, that didn't happen and now I don't know if we're going to get ANY of the rain. I hope we do get some. We could still use quite a bit. While the water level in the lake wasn't as low as it was earlier in the summer, it's still down enough that you had to watch out for stumps. I got hung up a couple of times, but nothing too bad.

I did open the gate between the chickens. And, I managed to rip the netting that's over top of the door! :barnie So, I'll have to fix that. But, I didn't see any problems. The pullets just walked around some in the main area, pulled at some grass, and that was about it. When it started to get dark out, they headed back to where they're used to sleeping. Eventually I'll have to do something about that. I want them to get used to sleeping w/everybody else, but don't really have it set up for that yet. When I do, I'll probably shut the gate again.


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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All that paddling is bound to be hard work...glad you overcame!

I'm jealous of ya'lls cool weather. We did have a low of 57 the other morning, but it got up to 93 that afternoon. That's what we were again today and tomorrow is supposed to be warmer... geeze!

Hope you get a little rain, and glad you're getting a little rest this evening.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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It's raining right now, so that's good. I do need to get up and find something to eat. Oreos aren't the best thing to eat for dinner. :hide

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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I managed to find a TV dinner my DD never ate. I was just too beat to cook dinner last night, and didn't really want to get up this morning. But I finally got up and went and fed the horses. They were out of hay! I tried to just roll a RB into the field, but couldn't get it out, so I had to get the tractor. RU didn't cover it last night so that meant it had a wet seat and was hard to start. I did put an old feed bag on the seat but still got a little wet. And, I was able to start it, so I put out the hay.

The chicks are doing well. They haven't made it into the coop yet which means they haven't found the food. I might just have to catch them and put them in so they know it's there but in the meantime, I refilled their feeder. Now I'm home relaxing for a bit B4 heading out to church.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Today I basically got nothing done, but since it's Sunday, I don't feel bad about that. My ear is hurting-but not as bad as it was on Wednesday. I had trouble getting up and going out to care for the horses. I get there, and they were out of hay! I JUST put out that RB on WEDNESDAY!!!!! So, I'd say they like that hay. I tried rolling one out, and had no luck, so I had to get the tractor. I wasn't sure when I would get out there in the afternoon, and didn't want to leave them w/out hay for that time. So, I had to go and get the tractor. Bad thing is, I woke up RU.

The only reason I went to church this morning is because I had Junior Church. And, I didn't want to do it. They have it split up by age and the age I was doing had no kids any longer, so w/out asking me, they moved me to a younger group. I don't like working w/that age group, and don't handle them as well as I do the older kids. Plus, I couldn't seem to get them to understand that my ear hurt and they were making it worse. I talked to Pastor a bit tonight, so hopefully, after this month, I won't have to do it again.

Came home and took a nap, then went out and fed the horses again. Came home and made some scalloped potatoes w/ham for a covered dish dinner. I was hoping I'd be able to bring most of them home. And, since I got there late, I was able to. They'll be frozen in individual serving size portions, so that gives me a few dinners.

I'm still beat, so I'm going to go to bed real early, probably by around 8:30 at the latest.


Almost Self-Reliant
Sep 23, 2009
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:hugs I hope your ear spell ends quickly and you feel better soon, I can't imagine what you go through.

Great idea on dividing up the scalloped potatoes and ham into meal portions, one of my favourite dishes :)

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