Denim Deb Hay, hay, hay. Thank the Lord!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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I felt so guilty this morning. I slept until I woke up-instead of setting the alarm. Then I went to the 1 store and got a scale for $6.50. Much cheaper than I was expecting and if this works, I'll save a ton of money! Then I went to the feed store. I'll admit to being a bit out of it and driving right past the 1 road I was supposed to turn onto. :he By the time I realized it, I was quite a distance past it. So, I took the next turn. It's a bit farther to go that way. After going to the feed store, I headed out to the farm. And, when I go this way, I have to go right past church. I'll admit to feeling guilty when I drove past since it was right around time for Sunday School. But, w/how I'm feeling, it's probably better that I didn't go.

I stayed long enough so I could give Stormy his 2nd feeding, and then came home. But, my tack shed is cleaned out. I took a bunch of stink bugs swimming. :hide My propane heater is working. I have a fire burning in the wood stove and a loaf of bread in the bread machine. Now I'm going to sit back and do nothing for the rest of the day. (Except maybe some dishes. :/)


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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You shouldn't feel guilty for giving your body what it needs. Sleep is healing - and you needed it! I can almost smell that bread from here...yum! :drool

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Well, it's done. Now I'm trying my hardest to let it cool down some B4 I cut into it.

I was going to do 2 loaves and do it in the oven. But, I couldn't recall how much loose yeast was equal to 2 packages, and I didn't feel like looking it up, so I just did it in the bread machine.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Well today, I finished weeding the section I was working on, and started on the last one! So, providing everything goes as planned, I'll finally finish weeding my field by Saturday.

I had a ton of pumpkins come up in my garden. Only problem being, I lost most of them to bugs and the drought. :he I had one really nice sized one, and was able to salvage that one-but not the whole thing. So, I cleaned it up, cut it up and it is now steaming in the oven. When it's done, I'll let it cool down, then freeze it in 1 cup portions. Then I'll be able to make some pumpkin pie and pumpkin bread! I might get a few more small ones so I know I have enough.

Last week, we needed the AC. This week, we need a fire! I had one burning yesterday, but haven't gotten one going yet today. But, I think I need to make one B4 it gets too late.

I have a ton of dishes to do, so I guess I need to finish up on here and go and do them.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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I don't think I'm overly upset that I lost most of the pumpkins. I tasted it while I was bagging it, and it just didn't have a real good taste. So, I'll probably add it to other things rather than using it as the pumpkin for pies and breads. I'll have to see if I can find some to do up.

Got most of the dishes caught up. I couldn't believe how many there were! I also got a little bit of wood cut up and split today. I'm not sure if I'll need a fire the rest of the week-it's supposed to warm up, but I have one going now.

It's been raining so many days the past week that I had to toss a load of clothes in the dryer. But, it's my hubby's coveralls that he needs for work, so I didn't have any choice. I think the rest of the clothes I need soon I'll be able to hang out.

Hubby's going to start working a ton of overtime. So, we'll have some extra money plus I'll be able to get more done. When he works these hours, I get a ton done because I'm not tripping over him! So next week, I'll be starting on getting the garden all cleaned up and put away for the winter. I'll also probably get a ton done in the yard and maybe get more firewood in.


Almost Self-Reliant
Jan 7, 2009
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Evening Shade, AR
Congrats on hubby picking up some overtime! :celebrate I always get more done when doc isn't around, too! ;)

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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I think most of us do. :lol:

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Today was another dreary day. And, I'm starting to get a bit tired of them. We've barely had any clear days in almost 2 weeks! The farrier came. I was afraid it was going to pour, and if it had, we would have had to reschedule. But, he got them done.

I left Misty and Stormy in the seeded area, and did some more weeding. RU is away, so I had to take care of animals for her, then went to give Stormy his 2nd feeding. He didn't want it. He had a mild colic. So, I gave him some banamine and waited.

Meanwhile, Lick decided I was too slow in getting out the hay. So she put hr nose under the rope, and went under it and the electric wire! I was not happy. She was put back where she belongs, I put out a bit of hay, and put up another strand of electric. So, next time she tries this, she get a shock. (I hope.) I had my doctors' appointments, and Stormy seemed to be doing OK, but he wasn't right. So, I went to my appointments, went to Aldi's and went back. When I got back, he was eating hay, so I let him out and gave him his 2nd feeding.

I was beat by the time I got home, so I fed the goats, got a shower, changed the sheets on the bed, and have now had something to eat and am relaxing.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
Well, Stormy was fine this morning. Ate all of his grain w/no problem.

The one I had a problem w/was Honey! She's decided that she can't wait to be fed, she needs to barge in when I'm feeding Misty. Misty gets fed first because she's at the bottom of the herd. Then, she gets closed in her stall. (Right now, that's the only stall that closes, which is why she has it.) Honey gets fed last because she only gets a little bit of grain just to make her think she's getting something. So, for the 2nd time this week, I had to chase her out.

And, I've come to a decision. RU is away right now. When she gets back, I'm talking to her. I want to take Honey out of my field by the end of the month. That's when I plan on opening up the seeded section, and having her out will mean there's that much more grass for my horses. I'll have to buy less hay and RU will have more money for hay than she does now. I had been going to wait, but I think this is probably better.

I'm almost done weeding! I don't think the rest of the area is as bad, so hopefully tomorrow, I'll be all done! I hope so. I'm thrilled w/how it's looking and am looking forward to having it all done. Plus, w/all the wet weather we've been having, I'm way behind on picking up my manure. So, I'd probably spend the day on Friday getting it all cleaned up.

Putting out the hay the way I have been is working. I know for a fact they'd be all done this bale if I had just stuck it out. And, I still have at least 3, if not 4 more days worth of hay.

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