Denim Deb Hay, hay, hay. Thank the Lord!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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I had high hopes this morning, but the day didn't go as planned. I got out to the farm and it had been cold enough overnight that I didn't need to put on my muck boots. That was a welcome relief. Got my horses fed and CL's, but since KN was coming over, didn't feed her horse. I decided I was going to clean the hay out of the RB feeder cuz I noticed some weeds in w/the hay and w/the hay in there, it's hard for my guys to sort thru it. So, I put it in another field. Well, the stupid sheep has gotten into that field and he decided he needed to come over and head butt me. :he As soon as I saw what he was up to, I put the bucket w/the hay in front of him, so he ended up butting that. I dumped the hay and was hoping he'd go and check that out, and leave me alone. Nope, he had to come right back at me. Since there was nothing in the bucket then, I put that on his head while he was trying to butt me, then started to pound on it. He didn't really like that and when I took the bucket off, he walked off. But, I was taking no chances. The rest of the hay, I dumped over the fence.

I got the piece of wood cut for the opening into KN's horse's stall. Then, I cut a piece of 2x6x10 pressure treated that was the right size to go at the bottom and screwed that on. We carried that over to put it in place. But, in order to do that, I had to take a door off. I tried to unscrew the screws. Some would come out, but not all of them. So, I went and got my screw extractors. It's not as easy to drill a hole into a screw as you might think. All I ended up doing was breaking the drill bit. :somad And, I couldn't get smaller bits to turn in the screw head, so I had to give up. We were able to put the piece of wood up, just not quite the way I wanted it. But, since we couldn't get the door off, it was tied so that the horses won't mess w/it and maybe break it.

Since I couldn't get the doors off, there was no way I could change them around. And anything else I needed to do I had to cut wood. But, I had pretty much drained my batteries trying to get the screws out, so we had to quit. But, I can do much of it by myself. It's supposed to be cold and windy tomorrow, so I'll work on that then.

Got home, and grabbed a quick bite to eat. Then, I grabbed my generator, chainsaw and pruners and headed for the woods. I knew there were some branches I'd need to prune some and I was right. I got a whole truck load of wood and was just barely able to turn around. I got some of the wood cut and in my wood holder in the basement. The rest I'll get cut up tomorrow and stack in the wood shed. I'm hoping I can get another load on Wednesday, and 1 more on Thursday. We could get some nasty weather on Friday, so that would give me enough wood for a couple of weeks at least!

I'm beat now, but still have a bit more to do. I think I'll sleep good tonight.


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 14, 2011
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We just got the brunt of our storm today - 15 for our high, below zero tonight and tomorrow night, and we're snowed in! Had three eggs freeze solid in the nest box :ep Stack that wood high, just in case your weather that's coming is anything like this!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
I'm trying. They were calling for flurries today, and we didn't get them. It was doing nothing when I came in. Hubby and I were both beat, so we ordered dinner. And when the guy got here, there was about 1/2 an inch of snow on the ground and still coming down! I honestly don't think the weathermen really know what they're doing.


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 14, 2011
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When I went out for last check last night, it was just light flurries - really cold but beautiful. By the time I got up today, we were buried! :p At one point I looked out the window and couldn't even see the road for the snow coming down! Ugh. It isn't beautiful anymore - it just looks like another chore to get done! :p


Almost Self-Reliant
Jun 11, 2010
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Lafourche Parish, LA
I just don't know what I'd do if I had to live in such a cold location. DH read the past few posts with me and it made him want to check our weather. It was cool today, but I wore a short and t=shirt. Think it was in the 60's, but he said those people's cold will start getting pushed down to us. Its now 55F and supposed to get down to 45F. We don't care for the cold much, but I'll try to remember that whatever we have, ya'll have worse. Yuck....below zero??? Never in my life. Think the coldest it ever got here was 10F.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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It doesn't normally get below 0 here, either. But I've talked to people that live in other locations and are in the area during the winter. They've told me it feels colder here at times than where they're from because of the humidity here. But, I'd hate to live where it's even colder w/the humidity! I can just about handle the weather here.

But, at the same time, I wouldn't want to live where there's no snow and colder weather. I don't mind it-as long as it doesn't stick around for too long. :/

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
Good for you! I don't know if I ever want to raise turkeys or not.

It's cold out there! It's in the teens, and not supposed to warm up that much. In fact, it will be below freezing for the next few days! At least we didn't get much snow, only about an inch. Friday's the day we could get more, so I'll try and get stuff done outside B4 then.


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
Reaction score
That alien funky white junk? Keep it....I'm staying in the sun!!!! :p

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
OK, today was cold! And, the wind made it even colder! We had a wind chill temp in the single digits all day long. But, in spite of that, I was actually pretty warm while I was working outside. Of course, that could have something to do w/how I was dressed-insulated jeans, 2 pairs of socks, a ski mast, 3 shirts, a vest, my Carhartt coat and insulated Muck boots. I didn't get cold until I had to change to go to my appointments! I couldn't dress quite the same way. Once I got home, I changed back into my warm clothes and went out and fed the goats and the bunnies. I also took about 1/2 a bale of hay and threw it in the goats house for bedding. I don't even bother to buy straw. I know they're just going to eat it anyway, and this was actually cheaper, so I figure it's a win win situation.

W/as cold as it was, I wasn't sure if I was going to be able to clean my field. I was afraid all the manure would be frozen to the field. Well, it was cold enough yesterday to pretty much freeze the field after I cleaned it yesterday, so by using a garden rake, I was able to clean up all the manure. I now have a full cart of poop and no way to dump it. One tire on the cart blew out. So, I bought a new tire today. I have the battery in the basement, but since I don't have it on a charger, I doubt I'll be able to do anything w/it tomorrow. I'll probably just dump the manure into Mt. Manure tomorrow and Thursday, then since I'll (hopefully) have more time on Friday, dump it then.

We might get quite a bit of snow of Friday, so tomorrow and Thursday I'll be getting as much wood home as I can, then covering it w/a tarp. And, I think I'm going to be doing a lot of baking for the next few days. This cold weather is supposed to continue at least thru the weekend, so that will help heat up the house. :lol:

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