Denim Deb Hay, hay, hay. Thank the Lord!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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I hoping it's not too cold Friday morning when I leave. It's supposed to get into the 50s, but I have the farrier coming at 9:00. So, I need to leave around 8:00.

Well, the wood won the decision. And, this is probably the most I've gotten at any one time, and the best looking. But, it took me quite some time. All told between loading everything in the truck, cutting it down, loading it in the truck, unloading everything and doing just enough wood for tonight, it took me 3 hours! :th And, I'm beat! I was hoping I'd get done early enough to at least check out the garden and the greenhouse, but no go. Plus, I was going to do dishes. Well, none of it is getting done tonight. I'm about ready to go to bed!

It probably wouldn't have taken so long, but I had 2 trees that I cut down that were bigger than what I normally cut down. I actually have to split it. Plus, from the 1 tree, I had to cut it in sections that would fit in the stove. It was the only way I could carry it. Beside these 2 trees, I also cut down a smaller cherry and red maple. I'll cut up some in the morning, plus cover the wood pile. Since my truck was overfilled this evening, it's going to take me awhile to get it all done. So, I may not get back into the woods until midweek next week.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Well, they've changed the forecast for today, so it's a good thing I got that load of wood when I did. They're now calling for rain to start around noon, instead of later in the afternoon like they had said. If it's not raining when I get home, I might do some work in the garden. And, I'm really thinking of doing some work in the green house.


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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I think our rain has moved out. Maybe I can get a good bit of work done outside today, then come in and finish up laundry that I started yesterday. I'm HOPING! :D

Have a great day sis!!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Well, don't know how good it was, but it was tiring.

Got up, got the trash and recyclables out, then cut up some wood. And, I need my chain sharpened yet again! This oak and cherry I've been getting is as hard as a rock! So, it burns slower, but it's hard on the chains. Had some errands to do, then went out to the farm.

The one errand I had to do was to the insurance company. We have auto pay, and they screwed up! And, they messed up more when they went to solve their problem. :he I just hope they get it fixed soon. It's making money VERY tight around here.

Once again, Licky managed to get into the seeded area. She's such a brat. In another month and a half, I'll be letting them in there anyway. I just hope I can keep her out of there until then!

From the farm, I went shopping. I didn't get a lot, cuz I didn't need a lot. I spent just under $21.00! They had whole chickens for $0.69/lb, so I got one that's just the right size for the rotisserie oven. It's in the fridge right now, don't know if I'm going to throw it in the freezer, or if we're going to cook it soon.

Got home, and did some dishes and cleaned part of the kitchen! Now, I'm relaxing, watching a rerun of Swamp People and playing on my laptop.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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And once again, we had rain followed by snow overnight. At least, we haven't gotten any large snow storms all winter. The most we've gotten is only around 2 or 3 inches, so that's good. It's going to be warm again today, but I don't know that I can take the bike. I don't know if the road is covered or not, and if it is, it's not the best place to have the bike!

I went to bed early last night which meant I got up early. So, I should be able to do more this morning B4 I leave.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Yeah, I'm hoping that once it's all cut up, I'll have the wood shed half filled. I'm going to try to get it done over the weekend, but we could get another storm. :hit

They were calling for warmer weather today. But, this morning, there was still snow on the ground. And, the clothesline was covered w/ice. But, in spite of that, I took a load of sheets and hung them on the line. Don't know if the neighbors noticed or not, and if they did, they probably thought I was nuts. But, I need clean sheets, and I love the way they smell after drying on the line. And, they were dry when I took them down, so it worked.

It was almost 40* when I was ready to leave for the farm. But, I looked at our road. That's a pretty good indication of what the rest of the roads are going to be like. And, it was clear. So, I took the bike. There was one spot that was a little dicey, but I just went in the tracks from the other vehicles that had been on the road, and I was fine. I wasn't sure how "Boarder's Lane" would be, but it was fine. The parking area was a little slick, so I went real slow in there, and was ready in case I slipped to catch myself, but I was fine. And, by the time I left, the snow was pretty much gone. So, that worked as well. I'm not sure when I'll be able to ride again. I'd like to take the bike tomorrow, but I need to leave early since I have the farrier coming at 9:00, so it probably won't be warm enough. Plus, I need to take some stuff w/me.

Today when I fed KN's horse, I stepped in one spot where the mud was almost to the top of my boot! She's supposed to be there tomorrow, so I'm going to have her help me. I got the hinge off of Licky's stall door. I have heavier ones to put on it. So, I'm going to have her help me get that door on. Then, I'm going to finish making the door from my field into her stall. I'll get that on, then I won't have to go in her field to feed her. That will make my life so much easier. Then, I'm finally going to finish fixing the wall. I have some other boards to put up that are easier w/2 people, so I'll have her help me get that done. Then, I just need to wait for the field to dry out so I can get the stones in the stalls and put the boards across the bottom of the stall door opening, and other than hanging buckets (which I don't have nor the hardware for doing it), I'm done the horse stalls! I have to put a 2x12x12 up between Honey's old stall and CL's stalls, and I can put my feed cans in there! I needed 2, I got one up today, but didn't have the screws w/me. I managed to find 3 in my pocket, but that was it. I'm hoping I can have everything done by the end of the month! Then, I'll FINALLY have the time I want to spend w/the horses and spend working on things on the computer while I'm out there!

Last night I dreamed that the cat that I had disappear last year came back. I wish it were true. I miss her. :(

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Well, I didn't get the stuff done that I wanted to do. KN didn't get there until almost 12:00! She had some stuff to do this morning, but never told me. By that time, I just didn't feel like getting started on anything. Plus, a friend, DF, was there and was down visiting w/LF. So, we went down and talked to them for an hour. And I'll admit, they upset me. According to DF, there's no reason for an older horse to be thin if they're being fed properly. KN disagreed and asked, what about Stormy? LF said, he's not getting the proper nutrition. I've talked to several vets, reps from feed dealers, other horse owners, etc and am currently spending $80.00 a month on his feed alone! I've tried I don't know how many different types of feed, supplements, hay pellets, cubes, beet pulp, rice bran and I don't know what all else and I CAN'T get weight on him! And the vets have all told me the same thing, I'm doing everything I can-especially since he's a picky eater. :he So, I left and went back to my area, gave Stormy his 2nd feeding and left.

Got home, relaxed for a bit and ate some lunch. Then, I got the fire going, went out, fed the goats and bunnies and was all set to work on firewood when the kids from down the street came down. Their grandfather sent them to tell me that they had been cutting trees down around the corner and it was free for the taking! I just wish they had told me sooner. By the time I got there, most of the smaller stuff was gone. But, I was still able to get 2 truck loads of red maple, oak and black cherry! It's green, but once I get it cut and split, it will be good late next winter, or the following fall. Bad thing is, hubby came out to help me. And, while that sounds like a good thing, it actually makes it harder for me to unload the truck cuz I have to watch for him. As a result, I tripped and fell out of the bed of the truck. I was not in a good spot to fall, but managed to twist around so I didn't land on the wood. Plus, I was able to keep my head up so I didn't hit my head. But, I'm sore. I'm glad I have my chiropractor's appointment on Tuesday. I know I put my back out of whack.

I cut just enough wood for tonight. Now, I'm sitting back and relaxing. I'm about ready to go to bed.


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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I don't blame you for being upset with them. Some of those oldster horses just can't keep weight on. Their bodies are tryin so hard to keep everything working that putting on fat is about the last thing they ca do.

I worked with a vet one time who said the same thing - feed 'em enough and they'll gain weight. Phooey! He ended up changing his mind. A friend of mine had an old mare, and by old I mean 30. She was a poor keeper no matter what we did. We floated her teeth, we fed her 3 times a day, she got all the supplements you could ever imagine. Finally, we just started increasing her feed until she started, finally, to gain weight. Sounds good, huh? The problem came when the horse simply couldn't handle all the feed she got and began to colic quite regularly. Even the vet decided then that she was much better off being a little thin than trying to force her old body to handle too much feed. We did start giving her some oil in her worked better than extra grain. We started her with corn oil, but after some serious research decided that flax oil would be better - but too pricey!

This mare stayed thin, but healthy for a few more years until she finally had to be put down because of hoof problems.

Hope you're not too sore tomorrow!