Denim Deb Hay, hay, hay. Thank the Lord!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Today was a good day, but very tiring! I got most of my kitchen cleaned up. And, w/as messy as it was, that was a big accomplishment. And once again, most of the dishes are done.

I got 2 loads of clothes folded up and put away, plus washed a load of shirts and hung them out on the line. I got them in JUST in time. We had a shower roll thru maybe 5 minutes after I got them in.

I got the majority of my field cleaned again. DS called. He's just started a job (night shift), hasn't gotten paid yet, and needed money. So, B4 I left for the farm, I had to run to the bank and get him some money. I left it at home. But, he wasn't able to get it on his way home from work. He got stuck in a major traffic jam, and just went home. He only got about 4 hours of sleep B4 he had to leave for work, so he swung by then and got the money. If I hadn't had to run to the bank first, I would have had the whole field cleaned.

Got home, and FINALLY got some seeds started. The green house isn't ready yet, so for now, I have them in the house. Once I had that done, I went out and worked on the green house. It's almost ready to use! Hubby still hasn't checked out the kerosene heater. I hope it's operational. I should have it all done by Friday. Then, as long as the heater is running, I can move everything in there!

Hubby got a new chainsaw sharpener. He got a chain sharpened and realized that not only did he have a problem w/the sharpener, but he was putting the wrong angle on the chains! :th No wonder I was having so much trouble cutting wood! :rant I didn't do a lot of wood cuz of the weather, but it took me very little time to get the wood cut up for overnight! What a difference having the chain properly sharpened made! I'll be able to get wood done easily tomorrow, and may just go out on Friday and get another load. There's a chance of rain Saturday, Sunday and Monday, so I just might not have any choice. :/

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Winter's back. :hit And, it was a lot colder today than I was expecting. I didn't wear my Carhartt, and really wished I had. But, at least I didn't have to stay at the farm all morning. I went to my Bible study. When I got back, I gave Stormy his 2nd feeding, then cleaned up the field. It's finally clean! Tomorrow, I'll be working on cleaning up the parking area. I hope to get it all done, but if not, it's not that big a deal.

Had some errands to run, so I didn't get home until late. Got the animals fed, then worked on wood. I got most of the wood holder filled and I didn't have to wrestle w/my chainsaw! I have very little left that I can cut, so tomorrow, I'll be going in the woods. Right where I was working, there are several standing dead trees, so I'll be able to cut those down w/no problem now and some of them have no bark. I'm hoping they're pretty dry.

Hubby's been drinking, and is getting very annoying, so I might go to bed soon just to get away from him.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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OK, every time I start to see a glimmer of light at the end of the tunnel, someone moves it back!

This morning, I got more of my bedroom cleaned. Great! Only problem being, I found a whole ton of summer shirts that had been ironed and folded up to be put away for the winter. Well, they never made it into the container, so now they're all wrinkled again. :hit

I had a ton of stuff in my horse trailer that came out of my tack shed. I wasn't worried about it since I didn't plan on using the trailer for awhile, and had hoped to get the tack shed done B4 I needed the trailer. Tomorrow, RU's neighbor is having a shot clinic for horses. By taking the horses over there, we don't have to pay a vet call. While I give most of my own shots, I can't do rabies or a coggins test, so the plan was to walk them over. Well, they're calling for rain, so I had to take all of my stuff out of the trailer so I can use it, and put it back in my tack shed! KN still has stuff in there, but she has to work tomorrow, so her hubby is coming over in the morning to "help". I'm planning on having him stick all of her stuff in his car until we're done, then he can put it back. Plus, since she's working, I have to feed in the morning.

I pulled all the blankets off the horses since it was so warm out. I've now had to put them all back in. I also put out a ton of hay in the RB feeder, and filled their hay nets. At least this way, I don't have to do it in the morning. I also hung up water buckets in their stalls. This way, I can lock them in their stalls until I'm ready to head over for the clinic.

Yesterday, I went into Lowes and got the cheapest tube of caulk I could get. Today, I caulked around the windows in my tack shed. And, I think I've figured out why they leaked! There was a gap at the top of the window! So, they're caulked in place. Hopefully, tomorrow, I won't get any more water in there!

Got home much later than I'd planned and put some pizza in the toaster oven. Phone rings. It's my hubby. DS borrowed money from me awhile back, and was supposed to drop it off today. Well, he didn't have time, and hubby told me to meet him at the local Wawa to pick it up. I had to turn my pizza off and go meet him. He gave me most of it, so at least I can pay the vet tomorrow! Got back, finished cooking my pizza, ate it and relaxed for a bit, then went out in the woods and cut wood. I got another truck load. But, since I got in there so late, I didn't have time to do as much wood as I wanted. I have enough cut to last until Monday. The rest is covered w/a tarp.

Now, I'm sitting back, relaxing. I'm about ready to go to bed!


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 14, 2011
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Oh Deb, I bet my lazy ways would drive you nuts! I consider it a success if I get all the Spring/Summer clothes shoved into a tub, I sit on the lid until it clicks, then slide it into the closet :lol: Usually, the first couple days of warm weather, we're all running around in clothes that look like we've slept in them :hide

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Oh yeah, I can't STAND wrinkles in my shirts! Jeans, it doesn't bother me cuz they go away on their own.

I hope things start to improve soon, both weather wise and work wise!

Saturday didn't go that well. We weren't supposed to take the horses over until after 12:30. Just had the horses fed and RU calls, it wasn't raining yet, so they wanted us to bring the horses over earlier. KN's hubby wasn't there yet (he hadn't even left his house!), so I had no place to put all her feed. So, I led Licky over to the neighbor's. She was good. Since there were a bunch of horses that needed to go over, some of the 4-H kids came back to the farm. We led Stormy and Misty over. Misty was horrible! I have never seen her act this bad while being led. So, she's going to be getting some lessons in manners this week.

The kids had taken over CL's horses. Her horses are rude to begin with, and w/being led by strange kids, they were even worse! When they went to put the horses back, we found out that the stupid ram had battered down some fencing to get into that field. And, he was trying to attack the girls. We're all starting to think stewed mutton.

RU wanted Honey taken over, so I halter her and start over. She's leading fine. We get about half way there and she yanks the lead rope out of my hand, and goes flying back to RU's. She had to cross the street to get there. Fortunately, there were no cars coming. There was no way I was going to try and get her over after that. I don't know for sure what she did to my hand, but my pinky and ring finger hurt. The ring finger is swollen. I don't wear my wedding rings around the horses for just this reason, and I'm glad. I can't get my rings on.

RU had taken KN's horse over, but for some reason, they didn't draw the blood for her coggins, so she needed to go back over. So, I took her over. By the time this was done, I was exhausted and ready to go home and take a nap.

I get home, hubby's drunk. So, basically, I hid in the bedroom until he fell asleep. I had wanted to do wood, but since it was threatening to rain all day, I didn't even try. Yesterday, as much as I hated to do anything, I went out and did wood. I filled the wood holder in the basement up.

Today, they're calling for more rain, so I don't know that I'll get anything done outside today. So, it looks like I'll get a bunch of housework done.


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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It's raining here too so it's housework and errands day for me as well. I really wanted to work on the garden area :/

Hope you have a productive day sis!


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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Sounds like your Saturday was a hot mess! I hate days like that - it seems like I meet myself coming and going. It made me tired just reading about it.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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It really threw us for a loop. Both CL and LF live over an hour away, so we couldn't wait for them to get there.

So far, I haven't gotten anything done around here. It was bone chilling cold out at the farm! I could not get warm. KN called and wanted to know if I wanted to go out to lunch-her treat. Of course, I said yes. :lol: I managed to pretty much warm up by the time I left the diner, but got cold all over again when I went back to the farm. I kind of wish she had called me 15 minutes later-I had planned on getting everything done super early so I could go home and get warm.

Now, I'm home. I've gotten the fire going. I've checked the seeds I planted-some have sprouted!-and now I'm sitting here w/a blanket over my lap trying to get warm.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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I hope it's dry in the morning. If it is, I'm going to go and try and finish the greenhouse. Then, I'll check the temp in there B4 I leave. And, if it's warm enough, I'm going to stick the seeds I've started in there. The ones that have sprouted need the light. I'm thinking that the ones that haven't may need warmer temps. Then in the evening, I'll bring them all back in.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Well, it wasn't dry. Plus, it was foggy. And, I had nothing to do inside. So, I basically sat w/a cat on my lap and did some logic puzzles. Cindy thought that was a great idea. :lol: I had the heater going, but it still wasn't the warmest in there. Then, I ran out of propane. :/ Since I had my doctors' appointments today, I decided I'd leave a bit early so I could stop at Home Depot. I'm wanting to put some mini blinds up in my tack shed, and wanted to see what they cost in there. I'm glad I did. I found the windows I want for my shed when we replace what's in there. Only problem being, they're $85. I'd love to find them someplace else-even used-for cheaper. I still had some water come into the shed, but not as much. I'm thinking that on Friday, I'm going to be doing some more caulking. Even after I painted the bottom of the boards, I still had water come in at the floor. And, while I didn't get the puddle by the window, I still had some water come in. I just can't figure out where it's coming in. I also got some weather stripping while I was in HD, so I'll be putting that up around the door tomorrow.

I got home B4 hubby. So, I worked on the greenhouse. I stapled the plastic back down. I need to put some wood strips up along the bottom, but didn't have time. But, it was nice and warm in there! So, I put my plants in for now. It's too cold to leave them out overnight though, so I brought them back in. I should be able to put them back in tomorrow for several hours. Plus as soon as I can find a (cheaper) place to buy kerosene, I'll be able to leave them out overnight!

Today was our 30th anniversary. We went to a local place for dinner. I didn't really want to go in there, but hubby did. (Last time I ate there, I got sick B4 our food ever came.) Well, I cannot eat there. I started to feel sick again. So, we took our food to go. There's not a whole lot on the menu that I want to eat. And, while I ate some of what I got, I can't eat the rest of it. There is something about some of their dishes that make me dizzy. I've never enjoyed eating there since it's basically a bar, so now I have a good reason not to go. I'm glad. I wanted to go the other direction to a diner. They have good food and it's cheap. Oh well, maybe this weekend.

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