Denim Deb Hay, hay, hay. Thank the Lord!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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I'm not going to do anything outside here today. We could get some showers late, so I don't want to get caught in that. Plus, I'm tired of the mess in the living room. And, while it's not as bad as it was, I still want it gone. I get that done, and I'll work in the basement for a bit. I don't know that I'd get to that today, but at least I'll have a clean living room. So, my list for today:

1. Practice piano
2. Wash a load of laundry
3. Feed animals
4. Pick field
5. Go to Bible study
6. Work on weeding field
7. Feed Stormy, put out hay, take care of Cindy and the chickens
8. Run a couple of errands
9. Put away laundry
10. Work on living room
11. Make dinner-I'm hoping I have what I need for stew. Then I can throw that in the crock pot early
12. Do dishes
13. Collapse

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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I didn't even bother to look for stew ingredients. Hubby called, he didn't come home for dinner. So I just cooked a burger, some potatoes and a salad. Almost all of the dishes are done, should finish all of them up tomorrow. (And he's STILL not home.)

I'm not sure if I'm going to make a list for tomorrow. I have so much I want to get done B4 I leave on Saturday. There are some things I HAVE to get done, like washing my sleeping bag and cleaning out my truck. And, there's other things I'd like to finish, but don't have to-like cleaning the living room. It's about 90% done. I had thought about ironing the basket of clothes I have, but think I'll wait until Monday. I want to leave early tomorrow-I have a store to run to and choir practice. The store doesn't open until 10:00, and choir practice is at 10:30. I'm planning on getting to the store B4 10:00 in the hope that they'll open early. It's better for me to go early rather than later. If they don't open early, guess I'll be late for choir practice. But this sale is just 2 days. They have the boots I wear almost every day on sale for 20% off, and this is the only time in the year they'll on sale.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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OK, rather than list what I'm doing today, I'm going to list what I HAVE to do B4 I leave tomorrow. Anything else I get done is a bonus.

1. Go buy new boots (I'll continue to wear the old ones at the farm until I no longer can safely. They're starting to come apart.)
2. Wash sleeping bag and hang it on line
3. Find sweat pants and air them out (I'll sleep in them)
4. Clean out truck
5. Find bag chair and small, folding table
6. Make potato salad (My contribution to dinner tomorrow night)
7. Check out my little propane heater and make sure it works
8. Find lantern, lantern stand and stove
9. Freeze small bottles of water (to go in my cooler)
10. Figure out what I'm going to wear and pack it
11. Figure out what I'm going to eat and pack it
12. Get out everything I need for Misty-including hay bale bag!
13. Pack everything in the truck
14. W/hubby's help tie some baling twine over the top of the truck and put some loops in it. It might rain tomorrow evening. This way, I should be able to rig a tarp up over my tent. I have a couple of telescoping poles to hold the one side up, but if I tie the other side to the trailer, it's not high enough. Hopefully, this will work.

I can't think of anything else I need to do, but if I do, that will get added to the list.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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OK, I got my new boots. I've also got to thinking that w/where my old ones are developing a problem, I might be able to get them fixed-providing I can find someone that repairs shoes and it's not too expensive. So that's something I'll be looking into when I get back.

My sleeping bag is washed and out on the line. It JUST barely fit in the washer! My sweat pants and a sweat shirt are also out on the line airing out. And I found my chair and my table. My stove, lantern and lantern stand are in my tack shed. It's just a matter of remembering to pack them tomorrow. I also have all of Misty's stuff, I just have to make sure I remember it all!

I was going to clean out the truck, but it was windy today. Plus I didn't get home until late.

I need to try my heater still, then pack my truck. Hubby's going to help me put up some baling twine tomorrow. I'm thinking of making pancakes for breakfast on Sunday. Then, if I make more than I need, I can make the rest into a PB & J sandwich. It actually tastes pretty good doing that.

I still need to do my potato salad. I may have to wait until morning. Hubby's messing me up again! And getting home late didn't help. And I need to freeze some water.

I know what I'm going to wear, just need to pack it. I also need to see if I can figure out what light I have that I can use in the tent.

I also spent about an hour and a half digging dock. I'm really seeing a difference.

Cindy is not doing good. CL picked her up today and noticed fleas on her. I never even thought about them. Every time I checked her B4, I'd maybe find 1. But more often than not, there were none. So, I combed her and felt really bad when I saw the amount of flea dirt on her. I killed all the fleas I combed off and put some flea stuff on her. I don't know if it will work or not-it's a store brand that RU had. She's also started to sneeze and her nose is really gunky. RU had some cat antibiotics, so I gave her a dose of that and will hopefully be able to give her more. And, she's not really eating. CL said a vet had told her B4 that if they can't smell, they won't eat and had suggested beef baby food. When I locked her in tonight, she showed no interest in her food. And she was so weak that I was afraid she wouldn't make the night. So I ran to the nearest supermarket and got a jar of baby food as well as a medicine syringe-the plunger type. I went back to the farm and opened the food. She showed no interest in that. So I took the syringe, took the plunger out and put food in it. Then I stuck it in her mouth and depressed the plunger. I got about 1/4 of a can into her. That's more than she's eaten some nights. Providing I don't lose her overnight, I'll give her another 1/4 can when I get there tomorrow and I'll also give her 1/4 can B4 I leave for my trip. Monday I'm spending cleaning the basement. Then hubby's going to look at the stove and make sure it's running. He's not giving me any trouble about bringing her home. I'm glad about that.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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You and me both. Truthfully, I don't want to go on this ride. I'd rather stay home and get the house cleaned up so she could get home even sooner. If I hadn't gotten bucked off, she'd be home already. But I didn't want to take her to the vet when I figured she's going to be needing antibiotics 2x a day. I knew hubby wouldn't do it.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Cindy didn't make it. :hit I had a feeling when I left the farm yesterday that she wouldn't make the night and I was right. I'm hurting right now. I was so looking forward to having her home and having a nice warm kitty curl up on my lap. while I was playing on the computer, or just sitting in front of the fire reading a book.

The ride was so-so. We wanted to ride last night, but I knew that wasn't going to happen. It was cloudy and we had periods of rain. Plus it got cold! I did not want to get up this morning. I was warm in my sleeping bag, but knew that as soon as I got out of it, I would be cold-and I was right. I was really wishing I had a camper to sleep in.

I couldn't get my tablet to turn on last night. I wanted to get on and check in, but couldn't. Hubby was able to get it started when I got home.

Right now, I'm thinking about bed! Wish I didn't have to get up in the morning.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
Thanks, FEM. Come tomorrow, I'll have to bury her. It was dark by the time I got home tonight.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
I'll be burying Cindy this morning. It's on the top of my to do list. Then I'll call the vet and cancel the appointment. It feels strange. For the first time in over 30 years, I have no small animal pet. I hadn't been going to get another pet rabbit for awhile. Now I find myself wondering if I should get one. It will be at least next fall B4 I get another cat and a dog. I want to get a kitten and a puppy at about the same time. I figure it might help them both w/the separation anxiety they'd feel about being separated from mom and the rest of their litter and at the same time, hopefully mean that they'd grow up friends-not enemies.

Hubby has GOT to look at the wood stove today. They're calling for highs in the 50s from Wednesday on thru the next several days! And that also means I'm going to have to really work on wood. And he says he has frost on the back window of his car. Hopefully it hasn't hit any of the plants in the garden.

They're calling for showers on Wednesday morning. That totally messes w/my plans. I had hoped to get hay that day. Instead, I'm going to have to get it on Tuesday if I can. I want to have all my hay (w/the exception of some squares) by Friday.

So my list for today:
1. Bury Cindy and cancel her appointment
2. Practice piano
3. Feed animals
4. Pick field
5. Weed field
6. Feed Stormy, bag feed and take care of chickens
7. Work in living room
8. Work in basement near wood stove
9. Work in garden
10. Work on wood
11. Feed goats
12. Put a tarp over hay shelter at home
13. Make dinner
14. Dishes
15. Collapse

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