Denim Deb Hay, hay, hay. Thank the Lord!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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I'm beat! But, I got it all done.

Left the house as early as I could. I got to the farm no later than 9:00. (I forget what time I left. I had to get the trash and recyclables out B4 I left, plus I practiced the piano. Mornings are the only time I have to do it.) I was able to leave at around 2:00! But, I got the field all cleaned. (First time since last Thursday!) Got the hay all covered-it was not easy! I had to put some wood in spots since the bales are too far apart in some spaces. Plus, I realized that the horses could actually get to the bottom of one. They've eaten part of it, and that bale is falling over. :he I also have hay for 3 days in my feed stall. At least w/the electric moved, that part of the field is what's blocked off, so they can't get to the hay now. I also got my stock tank filled, put water buckets w/water in them in the stalls, and filled 4 kitty litter containers w/water.

My parents called. They wanted to stop by and drop off our live trap. So I had to wait for them. While I was waiting, I went ahead and cleaned out my chicken coop! I've been wanting to do that for some time, just haven't had the time to spare. B4 I left, I grabbed my muck boots and brought them home. I think I'm going to need them in the morning.

Once I got home, I took a 15 minute break, then started on wood. I had done a bit of cleaning down in the basement this morning. The majority of the wood that I have to cut and split was wood I was given earlier in the year. And, it's still too green to burn. So I started dragging home some large branches, small trees out of the woods. And I'm happy to report that the wood holder in my basement if full! During the winter, w/that full, I have enough wood for about 4 days or so. I also got some kindling in the house.

When hubby got home, we took the tarp and the old wood off the goat house. They now have a new roof! While I was waiting for hubby to do that, I worked in the garden for a few minutes. I only need an hour or two now to finish cleaning what I can for now. We still have a ton of peppers out there. And, I realized that I do have some beans. Don't know if I'll get anything from them or not.

Now I'm relaxing. The rain hasn't started yet, but could at any time now. I just hope it doesn't rain as long as they're saying!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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I miss my truck! I hit my head a couple of times on the window on the driver's side since it's so much closer than it is in my truck. I go to look out the window at a stop sign, and hit my head. The rear view mirror fell off a long time ago, so hubby put in this little round convex mirror. I can't use it-it makes me dizzy. And, I shouldn't have to worry about getting a speeding ticket in it. I have trouble even doing 50 since something about the way this car rides makes me dizzy if I go faster. I'm going to HAVE to have my truck for Tuesday. I cannot drive this for my appointments. It's too much driving w/how it makes me feel. I honestly believe it would trigger vertigo attacks-which I don't need!

W/the rain that they're calling for, I'm going to be basically stuck in the house today. If we get a break in the rain while I'm at the farm, I'll pick my field. Otherwise, that will just have to wait. I might lock the horses in their stalls for the morning. I have Bible study. Then when I get back, I can give Stormy his 2nd feeding, then let them out if they want. Once I get home, I going to clean my kitchen. W/that done, I'll work in the living room. And, if I get that all done, I'll work in the bedroom. Tomorrow I plan on working in the bedroom and if I get that done, I'd go down and start on the basement. I think hubby has off on Monday so maybe we can work together in our DD's old room or someplace else where there's a ton of junk I don't know what to do with.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Well, the rain was not as bad as I was expecting. So, I didn't get soaked feeding today. And, I was able to pick my field. I put hay in hay bags yesterday, so I hung them in the stalls today. I think the horses appreciated that-especially Misty. She was wet and shivering. By the time I got back from Bible study, she had pretty much dried off, but was still shivering so I put her rain sheet on her. She gives me a hard time every time I put any type of blanket on her, but is fine once I get it on.

Got home later than I'd plan. All the peaches I canned were on my table. And I had no place to put them. I got half of my kitchen cleaned, but in order to do the rest, I had to find a place for the peaches. So that meant doing a bit of cleaning down in the basement. And since it was so damp today, I decided to make a fire. Well, for some reason, I couldn't get the fire to catch. All the smoke came back IN the house! Hubby is always saying that I should heat up the stove first, so I took a space heater and stuck it in the stove while I worked in the basement. Well, it STILL wouldn't catch. So, I gave up. Hubby didn't get home early enough to look at it, but is planning on looking at it tomorrow.

It took longer than I was expecting to get all of that done. I did some dishes, but didn't finish cleaning the kitchen. Hopefully I can get that done in the morning.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Other than dishes, the kitchen is clean! And I got more of the living room done. I sorted thru a whole box of papers dating back to 2005. I would have loved to have just tossed it, but there were SS numbers and credit card numbers in it. I don't know why hubby does this. Rather than just getting rid of the stuff when he's done w/it, he puts it all in a box. Then it all has to be sorted out again.

I had enough "clear" weather today to pick my field. I was expecting the run in to be full of poop since that's where I put the hay yesterday, but there was only 1 pile in each stall. I put the hay in there again today. I also cleaned my tack she. Cindy approved. I'll be so glad when I have her home. I think she will be too. As much as I wanted to bring her home already, I'm supposed to be going on a trail ride next weekend. I think it will be better if I wait until after that.

I stopped at the stand where I got my peaches and got a basket of golden delicious apples. In the morning, I'll peel and slice enough to fill up the dehydrator. I want more apples so I can make things like applesauce, apple butter, apple jelly, etc, but I'm going to wait until 11/1 to get more. They'll be having a buy one get one free sale. The only reason I got the apples today is because I'm hoping I can have homemade trail mix to take w/me next weekend.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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That's what I say! And since the kids are no longer here, it might actually last longer than a month! :lol: Haven't decided yet if I'm going to do bananas and pears. Plus I'll add some store bought raisins as well as some type of peanuts and chocolate. Of course, I could just combine the 2 and add chocolate M&Ms. :D

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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I'm waiting for hubby to leave. I have a lot to get done today, though of course I do have to wait until it gets light out to do some of it. But, I feel rested and the weather's supposed to be nice today. So, my goals for today are:

1. Practice piano
2. Put apples in the dehydrator
3. Dice and freeze some onions-that is providing I can find them. I had been going to make salsa over the weekend, so had some onions that were starting to rot on the counter. Didn't make the salsa and I don't know what hubby did w/the onions.
4. Wash and hang out a load of clothes
5. Feed animals
6. Pick field
7. Bag feed
8. Work w/Licorice
9. Work on bitting Misty
10. Work on hay shelter
11. Feed Stormy, put out hay, take care of Cindy and the chickens
12. Work on cleaning living room. I'm hoping if I really push myself, I can get it all done
13. Work in garden/yard. I want to spend about an hour on it
14. Work on firewood. I want to spend about an hour on it
15. Make and eat dinner
16. Dishes
17. Collapse

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Today I have my appointments so I'm not sure what all I'm going to get done. Some of it is going to depend on how early I'm able to leave. For instance, if I can leave early enough so I can get to the farm early enough, I'll go to the hay auction. If I buy anything, I'd pick it up another day. But if I can't leave early enough, that's fine. It just means I've gotten more done here. So my list for today:

1. Practice piano
2. Clean bathroom
3. Wash and hang out a load of laundry
4. Wash dishes (I never got to it last night)
5. Dice and freeze onions (never to to that either)
6. Feed animals
7. Bag feed
8. Pick field
9. Work w/Misty
10. Work on hay shelter (I need to be sure my grommet kit is in the truck)
11. Move wires and put out hay
12. Feed Stormy, take care of Cindy and the chickens
13. Go to hay auction (maybe)
14. Go to appointments
15. Find a new apple peeler/corer/slicer
16. Feed goats
17. Go out w/my friends
18. Collapse

If I have any extra time, I'll work in the living room or on ironing the shirts I washed yesterday.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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I forgot I had to go to TSC today. I needed to pick up a couple of things. So, that threw my schedule off. I didn't leave the house early enough to get everything on the list done. Plus, the gas station right next to TSC had really great prices on both regular and super. (I use super in the bike and have found it's easier for me to get it in a gas can and fill up the bike at home.) I had planned on getting gas up in the area where I have my appointments, but I had a feeling that I wouldn't be able to get it as cheap. I did see that I could have gotten the super for a couple of cents cheaper, but the regular was more expensive, so I did good. But in this area, it's illegal to pump your own gas. And they were busy. So that took me longer than I wanted. So I got to the farm late. As a result, I didn't work w/Misty or on the hay shelter. Plus, I forgot about doing the onions. And needless to say, I didn't go to the hay auction.

I got home from the doctor's early enough so I could fold up most of the clothes that I washed today! I'm glad I got them out of the way. I have that much less that needs to be done tomorrow.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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I did a smart thing today. Instead of going to the Nature Center w/out knowing if there were people signed up, I called. And, she only had 2 people. So, she didn't need my help. I got more done at the farm. I spent about an hour digging up dock.

I also called the vet. Cindy just isn't doing good. I have an appointment for her for Tuesday afternoon. She'll be going home from there. Right now, the only thing I haven't done is collapse, and I'll be doing that soon!

RU just called. Her tractor died. So that means it's going to be very difficult to unload RBs next week. I'm going to have to have help to get them out of the trailer and into place-unless she either gets a new tractor or gets that one fixed. The other option would be for her to borrow one from her neighbor. She's done that in the past.

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