Denim Deb Hay, hay, hay. Thank the Lord!


Sustainability Master
Jul 22, 2011
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Klamath County, OR
Glad you didn't lose all the peaches :) I was wondering how long they were gonna last in your heat.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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I wouldn't have lost any if we hadn't left them on the back deck a couple of times. I was bringing them in the house during the day, then putting them on the deck at night since the nights were still pretty cool. But a couple of days, I forgot about them. But at least they're done!

Hubby didn't get done in the kitchen until late, so I didn't get the dishes done. Don't know that I'll have time to do them this morning. If not, I'll just have to do them tonight. I need to leave no later than 7:30. I have a class I'm going to at the Nature Center. It's from 9:00 to 3:00, so I need to get the horses fed B4 then. Then, I have to go to the chiropractor, so that will take more time. Don't know what all I'll actually get done here, but here's my list for today:

1. Wash clothes and hang out (OK, I actually did that last night)
2. Practice piano
3. Put away clothes I washed yesterday
4. Feed animals
5. Bag feed
6. Pick field
7. Go to class
8. Go to chiropractor
9. Feed Stormy, put out hay, take care of Cindy and the chickens
10. Feed goats
11. Make and eat dinner
12. Do dishes
13. Work on 4-H lesson for tomorrow
14. Collapse

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
Not yet. I still need to work on my lesson.

OK, someone needs to wrap me in bubble wrap. Today I landed wrong when I stepped, and twisted my ankle. Of course, I ended up on the ground on the opposite knee. So now both my knee and my ankle hurt. :barnie

I was a bit late leaving today, so of course, I was rushed. I had hoped to get the horses all fed, feed bagged and work on picking my field. That didn't happen. In fact, I was a bit late getting to my class. I had to wait for one of CL's horses to finish eating. I would have liked to have waited and fed them later, but there was no sheep around! I was able to get them closed in the run-in w/out having to worry about him! He's a pain. He'll head butt you given the opportunity. And, if you have buckets of feed, he'll attack you. Is it wrong of me to wish he'd keel over? :hide RU has tried putting him in other fields, but he always manages to knock down fencing so he gets back in w/CL's horses. :he

I was going to stop at the bank, but didn't have time. I had to go right past it on my way to the Nature Center. One thing I was thrilled to learn though, is that a carnivorous plant that grows out there is spreading! And, it really seems to be taking a good hold where it's spread to. I forget how many plants we counted.

The class got done about an hour early. So I decided to go and feed Stormy B4 going to the chiropractor's. That just meant I didn't have time to pick my field. So, I'll have to do that tomorrow.

Since I didn't go to the farm after my appointment, I got home earlier than planned. So, I was able to work some in the garden. By early next week (weather permitting), I should have everything pretty much cleaned out. I'm planning on burning all the old plants. I figure that will help the soil, plus I have plenty of leaves that I want to put in as well as horse manure, old hay, etc.

Hubby's not home. He called said he was stopping for just a bit, then coming home. It's now been about 3 hours. It's a good thing I didn't have to go any place. I am NOT happy. It's bad enough if he stops in my car. But he has my truck. I had been going to tell him no stopping w/it, but never had the chance. At least the parts came today that he needs to fix his car.

In other news, we're supposed to be looking at a pickup camper tomorrow. It's for an 8 ft bed-mine is only 6. But, we're already talking about getting a different truck next year and I want an 8 ft bed. I don't need a quad cab, the kids are grown, and I don't carry a lot of passengers w/me. I talked to the guy about the camper the other day, and he's willing to take $300 for it! It has a 3 burner stove, and oven, a fridge and a small bathroom as well as a table, storage area and sleeping area. I've been wanting a camper for quite some time and this looks to be perfect for me! I'll probably see what I can do to make it look nicer both inside and out. But, I doubt I'd be able to find something else for that price. If get it, I'll be sure to post pics. I'd be using it when I go horse camping as well as for trail rides. Most places we go don't have bathrooms. So, I can carry one w/me as well as food. :lol:

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Well we went and looked at the camper today and hubby said no. :( He thinks it was hit at some point in time, and needs more work than I realized. But, he says next year we'll see if we can find one in better shape.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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They're calling for rain tonight so I have to really watch the weather. Other than my motorcycle, we have only 1 vehicle running-my truck. So hubby's taken it to work. I had planned on getting hay today, now I can't. And, we could get rain on both Thursday and Friday. :he Plus, it could get cooler then so I'm going to have to find time to start working on wood. I may need a fire. In one way, I want the cooler weather, in another, I don't. So, my list for today is as follows:

1. Do dishes (hubby used a TON over the weekend, and cleaned none.)
2. Practice piano
3. Feed animals
4. Bag feed
5. Pick my field
6. Move wires
7. Work w/Stormy in the RP
8. Put out hay
9. Feed Stormy, take care of Cindy and the chickens
10. Work in the garden
11. Feed goats
12. Work in living room
13. Put away laundry
14. Make and eat dinner
15. Do more dishes
16. Work on either 4-H lessons or tree project
17. Collapse

I also have a couple of things I haven't put on the list. RU may be getting hay today and if she does, she's going to need help getting it put away. Plus, if I have time, I'll start on firewood.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
OK, today was a messed up day.

First off, it started to rain around 8:00! They weren't calling for rain until later in the day. I had planned on grabbing just a quick bite, then going out to the farm. I checked the radar, and they showed this one little cell-right over me! :barnie I did dishes. I made breakfast. I read my Bible and it was STILL raining. So I finally said forget it. I can't wait any longer. I figured I was going to get soaked going out to the farm. (I did call hubby up and let him know it was raining. Wanted to make him feel guilty for not getting one of his vehicles running.)

While I was heading to the farm, it did stop raining. So, I didn't get soaked. KN was able to stop in at the farm, and she fed my horses-but didn't let my chickens out. So I get there, let them out and feed CL's horses. She doesn't have a clue as to how to feed them. While they're eating, I start to bag feed. She gives me a call. She was working on something and needed a hand. So I went and helped her. It took longer than she was expecting. By this time, CL's horses are done eating, so I let them loose. Start working on bagging my feed again. RU calls. She has a bunch of RBs and needs help rolling them in the top of the barn. But, since she figured we'd need one more person, she said to wait to come over until PT got there.

I finish bagging my feed and start working on cleaning my field. KN calls. She's ready to leave so I had to let her out of the parking area. Go back to cleaning my field. Didn't get it done B4 PT was ready to go over so we could help RU. These RBs were heavy and didn't roll that great! It took us about an hour to get them all where she wanted them. Go back and finish cleaning the one part of my field.

In the meantime, the wind has really picked up. I decided that I wasn't going to do anything but tie the tarp over my hay down better. I had a square bale in w/my feed, so figured I could give them half of that for today as well as a bit of loose hay that was near my RBs. Got Stormy eating while I got the tarp tied down and got the hay out. I'm still waiting for hubby to put the new windows in my tack shed. But since he hasn't, I had to put the windows back in the best I could.

Get them in, get the chickens rounded up, get the horses in the field, but left the stalls set up in the run-in. There have been times when Stormy and Licky won't let Misty when it rains. Get Cindy all taken care of and was finally able to leave.

While I'm trying to get done so I can leave, I have both hubby and KN calling me to tell me to be careful because of the weather and I shouldn't stay out there any longer than I need to. OK, if I didn't have to keep stopping to answer the phone, I would have gotten out of there earlier!

It was trying to rain while I was on my way home, and the wind was really blowing. I got home w/out getting soaked. Went in, grabbed just a bite to eat, and went out and took care of the goats. Then I worked in the garden. I think if I'm able to work on it tomorrow, I'll be ready to get the asparagus bed all weeded! I get that done, I can work on the flower gardens in the front. I'm moving both the asparagus and the rhubarb there.

Get in the house and start working on the living room. I got rid of a whole bunch of old magazines I asked hubby to go thru about a year ago. I tossed them. I also got a bunch of other junk sorted and got my laundry all folded and put away.

So while I didn't get everything on my list done, I did make progress.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
I have my allergists appointment today. And I got a call from them last evening. They're not doing shots after 12:30, so I have to get there early! That means I'm going to have to go there, go to my chiropractor's then go back to the farm! So, I'm not sure that I'll get much of anything done around home today. And I'm looking at the forecast w/showers for Thursday, Friday and Saturday and thinking I should stop in at the motorcycle store across from the chiropractor's and see if they have rain gear and how much it costs. My rain gear is more water resistant than water proof and isn't really made for riding a motorcycle. It's actually for playing golf. But if hubby doesn't get a vehicle running by Thursday, I'm either going to have to have him drop me off at the farm if the weather's bad, stay home or ride in the rain. Is it wrong of me to hope he feels bad about NOT getting something fixed B4?

I'm not sure how much I'll finish, but here's my list for today:
1. Practice piano
2. Clean bathroom
3. Feed animals
4. Pick my field
5. Go to allergist and chiropractor
6. Go back to farm feed Stormy, move wires, put out hay, take care of Cindy and the chickens
7. Work in garden
8. Feed goats
9. Make and eat dinner
10. Dishes
11. Work on either 4-H lessons or tree project
12. Collapse

If I have any extra time this morning, I'll work on my living room some more. And, if I have any extra time this afternoon, I'll work on firewood.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
Today was a day when making a list wasn't even worth it. The day started out good. Since I had to leave then come back to the farm, I decided I'd leave home a bit later. I got the bathroom clean. I practiced the piano. I unloaded the dishwasher and worked in the living room for a bit. Then I went to leave only to have the clutch cable break on my bike! So that meant I couldn't go anywhere! Called KN. She was going to the farm, so she fed my horses and let the chickens and Cindy out.

Since I was stuck at home, I decided to take advantage of it. First thing I did was start working in front of my wood shed. There was a ton of stuff there-wood, trash, car parts, etc and it was overrun w/honeysuckle and ragweed. So, I got started on cleaning that all up. The goats were happy cuz I took them the majority of the stuff I pulled out. Trash was thrown away, the car parts were put to the side. I've told my son several times he needs to clean them up. I'm getting tired of waiting. Not too distant future, I'll be trashing or scrapping the stuff. Wood was cut and stacked! It wasn't a whole lot, but at least I have a couple of days worth of wood. Starting tomorrow, every day the weather's nice, I'll be working on wood for about an hour a day!

W/that done, I came in and worked on my living room. It's not 100% clean, but it's much better! Another hour or so and it will be clean! I got rid of a bunch of trash that hubby had in a box. Stuff in there went back to 2008!

Hubby stopped at his mother's for a bit. When he called and told me he was on his way home, I went out and fed the goats and worked in the garden. Once he was home, I took the truck and went out to the farm. Didn't do a whole lot, just what I had to do then came home. He cooked dinner, but I'm not worried about the dishes tonight. I figure I did enough!

Tomorrow I'll be taking his car. It's not 100% fixed, but he figures I should be OK taking it to the farm and back. And when he gets home, we'll run out and get the cable we need for my bike, then getting that fixed. If they change the forecast, I'll be able to take the bike out on Thursday and Friday.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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W/the forecast that we have for the next several days, I'm glad I got started on the wood! They're calling for rain! So I might spend longer than I'd planned on wood today. I also have a ton of work that I need to get done at the farm. I just might leave early today so it's all done so I can get home and work on wood. It could start raining this afternoon and rain for the next few days! So, I won't get anything done outside after today, but will get a ton done inside! Today's list is basically just what's most important to get done. I may even take some hay and stack it in my feed stall so I don't have to uncover my hay any for a few days.

1. Clean field
2. Move electric
3. Cover hay better. Right now, water will pond on the tarp between the RBs, and drag it down. I need to stick boards in there in such a way as to keep the water from doing that.
4. Stack some hay in my feed stall
5. Work on firewood-if there's not enough there, drag some home from the woods