Denim Deb Hay, hay, hay. Thank the Lord!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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It's going to be warmer for the next couple of days, but they're calling for Tstorms tomorrow. So, I'll be keeping a close eye on the weather. I might take the blankets off the horses tomorrow. I'm sure they'd love that. And, I'm sure they'd love a chance to roll in the mud. I'll be so glad when it finally warms up and dries up so I can give everyone a good grooming and maybe a bath!

Today is supposed to be warmer and dryer. So, I'm going to take the opportunity to hang out a load of sheets. We might get some showers late, but they should be dry by then. I'll also work on wood for a bit. So my list for today:

1. Fold and put away a load of laundry
2. Wash and hang out sheets
3. Practice piano
4. Feed animals and put out hay
5. Go to Bible Study
6. Feed Stormy, clean field and take care of the goats
7. Work on wood
8. Feed goats
9. Work on bedroom
10. Make and eat dinner
11. Dishes

I feel like I'm missing something, but can't figure out what. It could just be that my list looks too short.


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
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Fallston, MD
I sure could have used the snow does today. This mess sucks!
Getting soaked isn't fun! We had a random rain shower yesterday afternoon but it was sort lived.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
I didn't get as much work done in the bedroom as I had planned. W/the warmer weather that we had yesterday, we had melting snow. Then it got cold overnight and formed ice. After Bible study, we had an older woman slip on the ice when she was getting in her car. And while they were able to get her up and into her car, she was in a lot of pain and couldn't drive. They were afraid to have her get out and slip on the ice again. I had a bucket of ashes in the bed of my truck, so I got that and put some ashes down by the side of her car. She was then able to stand up and I moved her car. One of the other ladies drove up so the passenger's side was next to her and took her to the ER. They're keeping her since she has a compression fracture in her one vertebrae, so if y'all can pray for her, it would be appreciated.

Worked on cleaning the field. But since I had manure frozen in several spots, it's going to take awhile to get it all cleaned up. I did get around the RB feeder as well as the run in and some of the field done.

W/the exception of making the bed, I got all of my list done! And, since there's no sheets on the bed, I need to do that B4 I can go to bed.

I don't know that I'm going to get on in the morning. They're calling for some strong T-storms tomorrow afternoon. The ones that we had yesterday actually broke some windows! But, they're not calling for it to be that bad. I'm hoping to leave for the farm early so I can get done early and get home B4 the storms hit. So, I'm going to make my list tonight instead of in the morning. This is what I plan on doing.

1. Practice piano
2. Put away 2 loads of laundry
3. Feed animals and put out hay
4. Work on cleaning field
5. Feed Stormy, take care of chickens and bag feed
6. Feed goats
7. Work in basement
8. Make and eat dinner
9. Do dishes

I thought the list for today looked short. This is even shorter! But, I don't believe I'm missing anything. If I have time, I may sweep out my tack shed and get all the empty feed bags out of my feed stall. I need to get feed on Monday, so I should really get them out of there.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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For the most part, today was a pretty good day. I got to the farm just B4 8:00. Driving was not fun. The warmer air and the snow meant there was some dense fog this morning. I was very careful at every intersection since not everyone was driving w/their lights on. There were spots where the fog wasn't as dense-including by the lane into the farm so I was able to back in. I got the horses fed, got hay out, let the chickens out, bagged feed and started working on cleaning the field. I wasn't expecting to get as much done as I did, but almost all of the ice and snow is gone from my field! So, w/the exception of a couple of places, my field is all cleaned! I also swept out my tack shed and collected all my empty feed bags.

Since I got there early, I wanted to leave early. Only problem being, I wasn't sure when PT was going to get there. I didn't want to have her block me in. So, I called her. My thought was that if she was still going to be there when I wanted to leave, I'd pull out when she got there, then back down the lane again. Well, she said she'd be leaving by the time I wanted to leave, so I figured I was good. PT changed her mind and decided that she was just going to go around my truck so she didn't block me in. Big mistake. Needless to say, she got stuck. And, RU wasn't there. By the time I found out she wasn't there, I had already taken off my muddy boots and my muddy rain pants and was ready to leave. First thing I tried to do was to push her. She was able to move a bit, then got stuck again and stomped on the gas. All that did was make her tires spin and fling mud all over the place-including on me. I tried to find the keys for the tractor, but couldn't. Tried to find a place on the back of her car that I could put a strap-no luck. So I had to pull out, turn around in RU's driveway, then come back down the lane and find a place on the front of the car to attach a strap. Wasn't easy, but I found a place and was able to run my strap thru. (My strap is 30 ft long) W/the strap thru, I then took both ends (there's a loop on each end), and put the loops over my hitch. It has a lock that comes down on the top, so I didn't have to worry about the loops coming off. And I was able to pull her out.

She had to leave since she had to get back to work. I started backing down the lane and was doing fine-until I was about 50 ft from the road. I got too close to the edge of the lane and it drops off on that side! My truck slipped and now I was stuck and no one was around. So I went to RU's house, found the keys for the tractor and drove over to my truck. I put my truck in neutral, then attempted to pull it back onto the lane. At first I didn't think I was going to make it-there's a tree in the way, but I got it up. W/it up, I put the tractor away and left. So, instead of leaving at around 11:30, it was around 12:30 and I had a couple of errands to run.

It was after 1:00 by the time I got home. Since it was supposed to pour, I changed out of my jeans and hung them, my raincoat (which I had been kneeling on) and my muddy rain pants on my clothes line. Then I fed the goats. I had an overripe banana, so I made a small loaf of chocolate chip banana bread, then made my lunch. By the this time, it was after 2:00. We had some thunderstorms rumble thru and I started to feel really beat. So, I took a nap.

Once I got up, I started working on the basement. If I had gotten to it when I had planned to, I would have gotten more of it done. But, I'm seeing progress, so that's good! I need to make dinner and do dishes. Then, I can relax.


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
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Fallston, MD
We had crazy rain today too, and crazy fog as well.
Glad you were able to get unstuck! I don't know that I could have taken care of that by myself! Someday I want to be that confident with things around a farm.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
If you can run a tractor, it's not that hard to do. It would have been easier if I had had another person, but I was able to get er done!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
The rain didn't really do anything for my jeans. And it got down in the 20s, so they were frozen solid! I had a horrible time getting them off the line. But, I was able to pry off a lot of the frozen mud. They are now in the washer. I'm just not sure what I'm going to wear today. While I had planned on washing jeans anyway, I hadn't planned on washing them. :\


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
Reaction score
Fallston, MD
It's too cold to run around in your birthday suit! Lol
I think I need to do laundry too..


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 14, 2011
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I can't wait to see the snow gone out of my pasture *sigh*! I won't even complain (too much) about this mess I'll have to clean up! They called for severe thunder storms here on Thursday night/Friday too, but we got heavy snowfall instead 6-8 inches. Strong winds drifted all my paths over, so I had to trudge through knee-high snow to get out to the barn yesterday :barnie Are you having issues with flooding with the rain/melt off? Once the major melt off starts here, since we've had 75 days of snow pack on the ground and record snow fall so far, so we are bracing for floods of epic proportions! I really want Spring to come, but I am afraid for it at the same time!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
So far, all we've really had is mud. But that's normal for this area at this time of year. Some areas are having flooding problems but the soil at my house is more sand. At the farm, there's more clay.

OK, I'm excited. First off, hubby and I went to an auction. I hadn't said anything to him about it because while I wanted to go, I didn't figure he'd want to. Well, he called me up from work the other day to tell me about it, so we went. Didn't get anything, but that's OK, as a result, I've sold something. KN was there and wanted to buy something. They bundled it w/something else that she didn't want, so she didn't get it. I have a used one here and don't need it, so I sold it to her for $5.00.

From there, we just started driving. W/the direction we were heading, I quickly realized that we were near a tack store I've been wanting to go to. But, it's a bit far from the farm, so I only go there if I need something specific and know they have it. I wanted to see if they had Stormy's supplement and what kind of prices they had on blankets. I got the supplement, but the blankets were too expensive, so now I know not to go there for one. I have one more place to check, and if they're too expensive there, then I'll be ordering one B4 next winter.

W/the direction we were heading we ended up in the town where they have the Hobby Lobby. I've been wanting to go in there, but didn't want to drive all the way down there. But since we had to go past it to go home, hubby stopped for me. I've been wanting some ceramic eggs to put in my nest boxes. I know I have one chicken that will peck at the eggs, and I've been reading that if you put the ceramic eggs in, it will stop that since they can't break the shells. I got 6 of them!

Came home and got the fire going. While I was waiting for the wood to catch, I did some cleaning. I'm so glad I did! I found the seam guide for my sewing machine and the book for it! B4 next winter, I'm going to have someone go over the machine and make sure it's in good working order. Then next winter, I'm going to work on really learning how to sew!

Hubby wants to work in his garage some. And, once he gets a certain area cleaned out, he's going to put my cycle in there so he can work on it. Hopefully, he'll be able to get it running soon. W/the warmer temps, I want to ride my bike.

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