Denim Deb Hay, hay, hay. Thank the Lord!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Today was a beautiful day! I would have loved to have gone out in my canoe, but I just didn't have time. I had too many other things to do. I spent part of the morning getting seeds started. I'm behind on doing that. I'm trying something different this year. I have a bunch of old styrofoam egg cartons. So, I cut the top off, then poked holes in the egg holders, filled them w/potting soil, planted my seeds, covered them w/plastic wrap-which I taped in place. I then took them out in my green house and put water in the tops, then stuck the bottom half in that. I started some others about 10 days ago, and have some peppers and tomatoes coming up!

I also worked on the wood. Most of it is out of the truck. I had been splitting it as I went, but that was taking me too long. So, I stopped doing that. I have most of the wood holder in the basement filled up. I had used some wood from the wood shed during the last cold snap, and I've replaced most of that. I'll get the rest out tomorrow.

I also got the rest of my flower garden weeded, then dug a trench the whole length of the house, added some compost and old rabbit manure to it, and started digging up my asparagus (spears)! That one is done. There's also a garden on the other side of the stairs. I got it weeded last year, and will get my spears in it next week.

I need to do dishes and fold clothes. I should be able to do that and finish the wood in the morning. And if I have time, I'll also clean out my truck. I'm picking up a mini for the people I'm getting the wood from, so I really need to get it cleaned out a bit.


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 14, 2011
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I sure envy you *sigh*. I'd have to dig down through 2-3 feet of snow to hit earth, but I REALLY want to start playing in the dirt! Tell me, is grass really as green as I remember it being?!?! :D
I am dreading doing wood this Spring - we'll have to do at least twice as much as last year, and my old fat body is going to protest loudly!! We did some cow wrangling yesterday, and both DH and I are aching all over today!
Way to go on the seedlings! Sounds like the egg carton method is working out great for you!


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
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Fallston, MD
Yay nice weather. We got stuff done too But I could have done without the Gale force winds of the afternoon.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Winter has come back at least for a few more days. It was cold today, will be colder tomorrow and we could get some snow on Tuesday. :hit

Didn't do a whole lot today. I was just too tired. I got the rest of the wood out of my truck, went to church, then took care of the horses and came home. I had to clean up a bunch of sawdust, bark, etc that was in front of my horse trailer, then hooked it up and went and got that mini. They had a bunch of 8' telephone poles, and they gave me couple of them! We'll need them for when we finally do move my horses.

Once I got home, I fed the goats and have done nothing else. I'm having trouble staying awake. And since hubby's working and I want to be able to have dinner for him when he gets home, I didn't go to church tonight. I'm hoping I can get to bed early.


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
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Fallston, MD
How you sleep well and are back to normal today! I slept well and feel a bit better too. Is right when you have to recover from your weekend lol

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
I slept OK, but could still use more sleep.

We're back into winter. Either today or tomorrow, I'm going to have to put the blankets back on the horses. Tomorrow, we're supposed to get snow, then rain, then snow. Enough already! I had hoped to work on my garden today. Instead, I'm going to go and get another load of wood. I'm not going to be able to get it any other day since we're supposed to get 1-3 inches. It will be too wet. But w/what I got last time, I replaced what I had to burn, have a small stack that needs to be cut and/or split, plus put more in the shed! Today's load will fill the wood holder in the basement, add to the cut/split pile, plus fill more of the shed! It will be so nice next year when I don't have to worry about doing any wood.

Other than wood and the horses, I'm going to concentrate on my living room, dishes and laundry. And I'm going to try my hardest to get to bed early. Even though I managed to get a fairly good night's sleep last night, I'm still tired. I just haven't been getting enough sleep. So hopefully, this will help.


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
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Fallston, MD
Hope you get it all done easily!
Now I'm afraid to look and see how cold it is... at least the sun is out for now.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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I'm sitting down for a few, relaxing. I've had a pretty good day so far, in spite of the colder conditions. My horses are all fed, the field is clean (or at least it was when I left), chickens are taken care of and the feed is bagged. I had the time to work on other stuff, so I started to sort thru a bunch of posts. Some of them were broken fence posts and some were ones that I found in the woods. So one took apart either a wooden fence or a deck and dumped the posts in the woods. On most of them, I had to take various things off of the posts (nails, hinges, old fencing, etc), but out of that pile, I got 6 that are long enough for regular fence posts. 3 that are long enough to use where my horses don't share a fence line w/any other horses and 2 that are long enough to use for the RP I'm going to build. My bad leg was hurting, so I stopped messing w/everything and took a quick look around the farm. I didn't even check every place. But I have determined that there are enough old posts for me to make my RP! All I need to buy are some snaps for making the door. The ones I want to use cost $1.58 each. I need 6 of them. If I get them in the one area, they only charge half the sales tax. (Some state thing for economic recovery.) I already bought my rope. W/the tax, it came to $13.19. Adding the cost of the snaps to this, I come to just under $24.00! So, I'm pretty excited about that.

Once I left the farm, I went and got a load of wood. I had the grandson of the lady come out and help, so I got the truck loaded pretty quickly. Now I'm sitting back and relaxing for a few. In just a bit, I'll be going out and unloading the wood. I don't think I'm going to try and fill the wood holder in the basement. Instead, I'll make sure I have enough for a couple of days. It's supposed to be nasty tomorrow, then windy on Wednesday. So if I have enough wood to last until Thursday, then I can start cutting and splitting the stuff that's too long/fat. If the weather forecast is correct, then hopefully, it is going to start to warm up, so I won't need to burn as much.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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We have, what I hope is our last winter storm, headed this way. It's much colder than normal-17*. It's NOT supposed to be that cold at this time of year! And our high is only supposed to get about as high as our normal low. They're calling for some flurries early, then changing to a mix, then back to snow w/1-3" of accumulation. I'm none to happy about that, but can't do thing about it. I don't think my horses are going to be too happy when I throw their blankets back on them. I'm hoping this is going to be the last time. After Wednesday, it's supposed to start getting warm.

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