I can finally sit down and relax! I made stuffed shells for dinner tonight. And, I tried something new. Instead of cooking the shells first, I stuffed them first, then got everything assembled in a baking dish, added one cup of water, covered it w/foil and baked it at 350* for 1 hour. It worked pretty good!
I finally got the cover made for in my greenhouse. Then since the table is made w/chicken wire, I hung some mini Christmas lights on the bottom. Last time I checked the temperature, it was 76*! I'm hoping it doesn't go much lower than that overnight.
I worked a bit on wood today. I got the holder in the basement filled. It should last for quite a few days since I'm not burning wood 24/7 now. In fact, I'm not even making a fire tonight. I'll make one in the morning because it's supposed to be cooler tomorrow, plus rainy. I doubt that I'll be able to do anything outside, so I'll do a lot in the basement as well as laundry.
Saturday is supposed to be a beautiful day. So, I'm hoping to get lot done outside. I'm hoping to clean the goat pen and redo it as well as finish the last load of wood I got. And if I have more time, I'll be working in the garden! Hopefully by the end of next week, it will be all ready for me to finally get it planted.
Well the lights worked to a point. It's 55* in there, which is 10* warmer than it is outside. But since I still want it warmer, tonight I'm going to add a light to the end.
It never got overly warm in there today. Of course, w/the weather we had, I'm not surprised. So I took my brooder light out, plugged it in, turned it on and put it in there. And it's nice and warm! So, until I get something else figured out, this is how I'm going to be getting seeds started. I still have more to start. I'm hoping to get them ready to go either tomorrow or Sunday at the latest.
I'm tired! But, I made real process today and would have had more done if I hadn't gone for a bird walk, and then finally got my hair cut. But the bird walk was great! An osprey caught a fairly large pike (at least a foot!), and was sitting in a tree eating it! Also saw a bird that I wasn't real familiar with, a pine warbler. I think I've only seen one once B4, so I'll be googling it later on so I can learn a bit more about it.
I'm so glad I finally got my hair cut. I no longer have my bangs in my eyes, and it's not getting tangled as easily.
I got most of the goat pen cleaned out. I honestly could not tell you the last time that I cleaned it out! And since I don't have a hay feeder, the hay was all piled up, then pooped and peed in. So, it was pretty high in the one spot. I'm hoping I can get back to it on Wednesday. If so, I hope to have it all done then.
I waited longer than normal to go out to feed Stormy. He's not always eating his whole 2nd feeding, so I wanted him to be good and hungry when I got out there. He still didn't eat it all. Between yesterday and today, he's left a whole scoop! If he leaves it again tomorrow, I'm thinking I just might have to cut his 2nd feeding back.
It's down into the 30s again, but it's 65* in w/my seeds! So, using the brooder light is working! I have another bulb, so I just need to get the base for it. Wish they sold them in Wal-Mart.
Today is supposed to be fairly nice out, sunny up into the upper 50s and very little wind! I don't feel like doing a ton of stuff, so I think I'm going to take the time to clean my truck out completely. I don't know that I'll get to vacuum it, but if I can at least get everything out that doesn't belong, that would be nice. Other than that, I have a ton of laundry to put away, so I'll do that as well as iron a bunch of shirts and dishes. That way I can hopefully relax a bit. I'll be glad when hubby is done all this overtime. I would have like to have slept in today.
Yep, I have a special iron. Means I don't have to wash them.
Had choir practice today, then got stuck at the farm later than I'd planned. But, I get more of my truck cleaned out. I think I have the majority of the trash and stuff that doesn't belong in there out. If it's nice next Sunday, and if hubby's not home, I'm going to finish getting it all cleaned out. I'm even going to vacuum it!