Denim Deb Hay, hay, hay. Thank the Lord!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Well, I got part of my list done, but not all of it. Today was just too crazy.

I got the fridge clean, the trash and recyclables out and some dishes done, but didn't clean the kitchen.

I got some of the shirts ironed, but still have several to do and I didn't put away any of the rest of the laundry.

I fed the goats, but didn't work on cleaning their pen

I got some of my plants repotted, but didn't start any seeds.

Dinner is leftovers, so I didn't have to make dinner. Other than that, I got everything on my list done, plus.

I forgot that the handle broke on my manure fork yesterday, and I don't know why it broke. But, it broke right where the screw attaches the head to the handle. I have another manure fork, but it was at home and I forgot to take it. So, I had to sit down w/the fork and dig out the rest of the wood. I suspect from the fork getting wet that the wood may have rotted. I have an old handle out at the farm that's basically just used for tamping down dirt. It's warped, kind of splintery and just isn't very comfortable. But in order to do my field, I put that handle on for now. When I got home, I grabbed my other fork and threw it in the back of my truck so I wouldn't forget it again tomorrow.

EH was figuring that what she needed help for would take 2 hours tops. It took closer to 3. I didn't really mind. She's a riding instructor, so any work that I do now is in exchange for lessons.

Of course all this meant I got to the farm later than I expected. And I hadn't been able to work on cleaning the field at all B4 I left. Stormy was done eating B4 I finished.

Once I got home, I had to relax for a bit. I was beat. But I was actually able to get up and do more. I fed the goats, then started on my plants. Quite a number of my tomatoes were getting tall, but not really getting leaves on them. So, the majority of my maters are now in styrofoam cups. I hate using them, but don't have anything else I can use at this point in time. Everything else will have to wait.

I was just getting done and was getting ready to do a bit of wood when hubby called. He wanted to know if I was going anyplace tonight. He wanted to use my truck. Our son's dryer broke and he wanted to get another one. Yesterday I cleaned out the chicken house. I put everything in a muck bucket and stuck it in the back of my truck, but forgot to take it out. So, I had to take that out. I had also brought home bunch of stuff that needed to go out for recycling. I forgot to take that out, so I took all of that out and stuck it in the container. And while the front is pretty much clean, I did need to take some stuff out and rearrange some stuff. I also took the manure fork out of the back and leaned it up against the truck. Well, hubby and son couldn't go and get a dryer tonight, so they're going tomorrow. That means I have to take his car tomorrow.

Things are getting crazy out at the farm again. I really need to get out of there. Talked to hubby for a bit tonight. We are going to concentrate on getting bills paid off and the house fixed up. I'm hoping that come next spring we can start to look for our own farm. I figure if we start to look then, we could hopefully find something and get moved in late fall, early winter. It would be nice if I only have 1 more winter at the farm.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Hubby is off. And rather than sleep in, I've chosen to treat the day just like any other day. If we're going to make our goal of being ready to look for our own place next spring, I can't afford to take it easy if he takes off, especially since he's also going to be off on Monday. He's still sleeping, so I'm trying to be a bit quiet for now. But, I normally get up and get on the computer for a bit anyway, so for now, it's no big deal. I am looking forward to Saturday. That's when I plan to sleep in!

Today promises to be a busy day. We could get rain tomorrow, so once I get home this afternoon, I'm going to concentrate on outside stuff. I want to finish getting the last load of wood plus work in the garden. If it's not pouring tomorrow, I want to get another load of wood and then on Saturday, or Monday at the latest, I want to get a load of manure for the garden. So, my list for today:

1. Wash and hang out a load of clothes
2. Practice piano and clarinet
3. Do some more dishes
4. Work in bedroom
5. Start more seeds
6. Feed animals, put out hay
7. Go to Bible study
8. Clean field
9. Feed Stormy, take care of chickens
10. Finish wood pile
11. Work in garden
12. Take care of goats
13. Put away laundry
14. Repot seeds
15. Make and eat dinner
16. Collapse

Here's hoping I get a lot of it done.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
Didn't get one. I also didn't get everything done today, and I'm not in the least little bit upset about it. I was getting ready to go out and work on the wood when hubby suggested that we go out. Reason? He's decided that I should probably have a better mower! He was checking them out on line, but wanted to look at them in person. He talked about possibly getting one tomorrow, but I'd actually rather wait. I don't really want something that nice until I get moved down back. I don't really have a place to store one, and don't want it getting messed up. I told him to see if he could get my old mower running, then I could use that for now. So, we'll see what actually happens.

Right now, I'm beat. I think I'm going to go right to bed. I may sleep in tomorrow. I think I need it.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
It's going to be nice today, tomorrow and Monday. (Sunday too, but I'm not going to try to get anything done except finish cleaning out my truck) So I think I'm going to concentrate on getting the garden area all cleaned out so I can get early stuff in it. And I'll also finish getting the goat pen cleaned out and redo the fence. I think hubby is actually willing to help. Right now, he's not acting like a jerk, but more like the man I married, which is a good sign. Of course, I still need to do things like dishes and laundry, but other than that, housework is taking a back seat. So, my list for today:

1. Put away laundry
2. Finish ironing clothes (my iron died and I had to get a new one yesterday!)
3. Dishes
4. Start some seeds
5. Finish repotting my plants
6. Feed animals and put out hay
7. Clean field
8. Work w/LF and RU to mark out the new area
9. Finish cleaning up where my chickens are
10. Feed Stormy, bag feed and take care of chickens
11. Work in garden
12. Work on wood
13. Work in goat pen and feed them
14. Practice piano and clarinet
15. Make and eat dinner

Hubby is going to go and get our taxes done today. He figures we probably owe quite a bit. Personally, I'd rather owe a little than get a huge refund, but don't like owing a lot. So, we'll see.

He's also planning on stopping at the farm. He's going to look at the new auger RU bought and make sure it's working properly so we can use it for drilling holes. Or should I say, so I can use it. RU's never used one. I used to use one all the time when I worked on a fruit farm and we were getting ready to set out new trees. So, once I get used to doing it again (it's been over 30 years!), I'll have to teach her.

I may also rearrange the hay in my hay shelter. If hubby either gets my mower running, or we get a new one B4 I get moved, I'm thinking if I rearrange my hay, I should be able to park in there. I have enough room since the first row of hay is gone and much of the 2nd. If I rearrange the 2nd row and stack it all to one side, it would make it easier to park.


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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Sounds like you're getting a lot done! Congrats!! (And maybe your DH is helping a bit more???) Hope so, but if not I know you can handle it!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
I didn't get as much done as I wanted to today. Things are getting bad out at the farm. Hubby and I are going to sit down and talk to RU tomorrow and if we can't get this resolved, I'll be looking for a new place for the horses. But, once I got home, I didn't really feel like doing anything. I may not get back on track until Tuesday.


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 14, 2011
Reaction score
That stinks about the farm - hope it works out for you. It's tough on you and the horses when things like this happen :hugs

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
Well, I know what I'm going to be doing this week-picking up wood! The people that gave me all that firewood want me, if at all possible, to get the rest of it this week. So, I'm planning on getting a load today, then a load or 2 tomorrow, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and maybe Saturday. It's supposed to rain on Tuesday, so I won't get any then. It could also rain on Saturday. I'm hoping it doesn't. I want to get it all done by then. It will mess up my schedule a bit doing it this way, but if they want it gone, I need to get it.

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