Denim Deb Hay, hay, hay. Thank the Lord!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
I'm beat! Today was a long, busy day and it wasn't supposed to be! And, I didn't get done the stuff I wanted to do.

Yesterday, hubby decided that he was going to invite the kids and their SOs over for dinner today as well as our DS's girlfriend's sister. Let me just say, I don't have a problem w/my kids coming over, but w/everything I'm trying to get done, this was just NOT a good day for them to come over. So that meant we had to go shopping last night. I had planned on leaving for the farm at 5:00. We didn't get home until after 6:00. I took in some bags, then headed straight for the farm. RU was away, so I had to feed her horses. But since it was so late, I decided that I wasn't going to clean the field. I wanted to get home early to hopefully get started on some stuff. Well, that didn't happened. I realized that my electric fence wasn't working, so I had to figure out why. And it took me awhile. There was more than one place that was a problem. By the time I got home, it was getting dark.

This morning, I started working early. I cooked potatoes and hard boiled eggs for potato salad. Then I peeled cucumbers, sliced them, placed them in a bowl in layers, salting the layer as I went, and put a small plate on top of them. On top of that, I put a jar of water to weigh down the plate. Once I had that done, I ran out to the farm and fed my horses. I also cleaned part of my field.

Once home, I got right to work. I would have liked to have gone right in and finished my potato salad, but hubby was in there getting meat ready for the smoker, so I couldn't. Instead, I worked on cleaning the living room. I got the entryway done which went a long way towards making the house look cleaner. And, I got part of the living room cleaned. At 11:00, I stopped and went out and got some rhubarb.

When I got back in the house, I made 2 strawberry-rhubarb pies, finished both my salads, and then started cleaning up in the kitchen. I unloaded then reloaded the dishwasher, and ran it. I also did all the dirty pots and pans as well as my rolling pin and pastry sheet. The table had a ton of stuff on it, so got it all cleaned off. Plus, hubby never put away all the groceries last night, so I had to put all of that away. I stopped at around 3:00. I just couldn't do any more. Plus, hubby started drinking by 8:00, and he didn't shut up all day! And, he had the stereo on. I got to where I just couldn't take any more noise.

I also kept asking hubby what we were doing w/the corn on the cob we bought. And I could never get an answer from him. Then he got mad because I didn't do anything w/it. He finally threw 3 ears on the grill. I had an ear, as did one of the kids, I just don't know which one. Once everyone left, I put the salads in the fridge, and crashed for about an hour. When I got up, I went back to the farm, fed Stormy, took care of the chickens, finished cleaning the field, got everything set up for tomorrow and left. We were supposed to pick up that mower yesterday, and never did. Since we were supposed to get it, I hadn't bothered to unhook the trailer. Well, I had to do that this evening, then put stuff back in. I worked in the garden for a bit, but not long since it was getting dark.

They're calling for showers late tomorrow. I'm hoping that if we get them, they're really late. I want to finish what I was doing as well as finally get my plants in.


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
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Fallston, MD
I'm wondering when the rain is going to roll I'm too. The chance is a bit lower more than it was I'm the forecast yesterday though. I just hope they aren't too harsh.


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 14, 2011
Reaction score
:hugs I hate having things sprung on me, so I know how you feel. I usually do not react well :oops:
I decided to hold off planting until this coming weekend myself - there just wasn't enough time to finish prepping the garden area.


Sustainability Master
Jul 22, 2011
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Klamath County, OR
Too bad the kids didn't try to help lessen the load by offering to bring the side dishes or come in early and help with cleaning up (or stay after to help with clean-up). It would have made the day more fun for everyone involved. Might not be a bad idea to follow up with a phone call and just talk a bit about what went well and what didn't yesterday- get them thinking about it.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
I will not do this again. And, I'll be telling hubby that.

I have a goal of having the main part of the house and the yard clean by July 4th. And each day, I'm getting closer.

I'm beat again, but I had another productive day. I did the following:

1. Laundry. W/the exception of the socks, I got a basket of whites folded and put away. I'll do the socks tomorrow morning.

2. Bathroom. I got the bathroom all clean. And, once it was clean, I cleaned out my linen closet. Once that was done, I got the vanity cleaned out. That took me longer than I was expecting, but at least I can find stuff in it now. I have a whole bunch of travel size containers of shampoo, conditioner and lotion, so I'll be using them up as I can. If I have the time next week, I'll clean out the medicine cabinet, then wash the walls, windows and scrub the floor good.

3. Farm. I cleaned up a bunch of old hay. The last of the hay from last year got moldy, so I had to stop feeding it. So today, I went and raked up all the stuff they couldn't eat. Some of it is in buckets to take home. The rest is in a pile w/some I had already raked up. I still have 2 bales of that hay. I'll be bringing that home, and putting it in my garden. Once that was done, I put all the old 4x4s I had collected and put them in the back of my truck. I don't know if I'm going to make my RP or not, but I can't get the old staples out of some of them-they roll when I try. Figure I can put them in the vise at home to hold them steady. Then I moved the pallets from the old hay shelter and put them where the 4x4s were. The area to put my hay shelter is now cleaned up. Didn't get more done cuz I had my appointments.

4. Errands. It's cheaper to get gas near my appointments than it is around here. So, I got gas for the truck, and filled up my gas can for the bike. Also went into Wally World. I got the big container I need for soaking Stormy's hay! The chiropractor was packed-probably because he was off yesterday, so I got out of there really late. Hubby called. His car has a problem, so he has to take my truck to work. He'd BETTER put gas back in it. And, since he has to take my truck tomorrow, I had to run back to the farm. I had to drop off the container, plus I got some trash to take home. When I got home, I had just enough time to feed the goats, and take everything out of the truck-including the 4x4s. It was starting to rain by the time I was left.

I had hoped to get home early enough to get stuff in the garden, but that didn't happen. But, it's raining pretty good out there and we could get more tomorrow. I'm hoping I'll have at least enough dry time to get stuff in the garden at some point in time tomorrow.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
Today did not go quite as planned. For one thing, even though I went to bed at 8:30 last night, I was beat this morning! I got up normal time, put out the trash and recyclables, then when hubby left for work, I went back to bed. I slept until 7:30, but was still dragging. I finally got a piece of pie for breakfast and went to the farm.

At the farm, I got everyone fed, got hay out, talked to KN for a bit, and checked on some chicks that have just hatched out. At least 1 of them is mine. There is another that I'm not sure about. We've never had a chick hatch out that's quite this color. But, the legs are a greenish color. So, either it's from one of my hens, or it's a cross from the one Ameraucana hen RU has.

From the farm, I went to Bible study. After Bible study, I went back to the farm. I was keeping a close eye on the weather. We had the chance of showers today, and I wanted to get home B4 it rained. Well, that didn't happen. I get back to the farm, give Stormy his 2nd feeding, get feed bagged, and start on cleaning the field when it started to rain. So, I went and hid in my tack shed and did a bit of cleaning. When it stopped raining, I finished cleaning the field, got the chickens put away, got the horses back in the field and went to leave. By this time, I was a bit wet, and was NOT looking forward to riding the bike home, but didn't really have a choice. Go to start the bike up, smell something burning, and the bike wouldn't start! So, that meant I was stuck at the farm! Called hubby so he knew. And since I couldn't leave, I let the horses and chickens back out.

The one big problem w/being stuck was that I had no lunch w/me. But, thank God, I had some peanut butter crackers out there for emergency purposes, so I ate them. So while I was waiting for hubby to come, I did more cleaning in my tack shed. I have an old, 2 drawer bedside table that I have some clothes and personal care items in as well as spare TP and light bulbs. I got that cleaned out. I have a plastic 5 drawer cabinet that I have my kitchen supplies in. I got part of that cleaned out. Hubby called, and he was on his way. I had put on a pair of sweat pants since my jeans were a bit wet, so I got them back on, got the animals put away again, and just got finished everything when hubby got there.

He had some type of spray, which he sprayed in the one area. And, he was able to start the bike! Only problem being, it started to rain again. So we waited for about 20 minutes, and it pretty much stopped. So hubby got the bike going again, gave me his raincoat to wear (it was too big, but helped keep me a bit warm!), and I left. By the time I got home, it was raining again. So, I fed the goats, then came in grabbed a quick bite to eat , got a hot shower, then loaded the dishwasher and got a hot cup of tea. It took me a bit to feel warm, but I finally am.

Hubby wasn't able to look at his car today, so that means I'll have the bike only again tomorrow. I hope the weather is better. And since I normally do get some rain blowing in on my bike, I maneuvered it a bit in the shed so it was back farther. It should stay dry where it is. I just hope it starts up in the morning!

Since I didn't get anything done around here today, I'm planning on working in the kitchen tomorrow instead of today. I had hoped to get it all finished today. Instead, I'm hoping I can get it all done tomorrow and maybe have some time to spend working in the bedroom.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
Same here. I'm also hoping I can get out in the garden tomorrow. If I hadn't been so cold and wet today, I would have gone out this evening. It cleared up. :\

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
It normally doesn't. This isn't the first time I've gotten cold and wet, and probably won't be the last. :\