Denim Deb Hay, hay, hay. Thank the Lord!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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I'm being driven nuts. Hubby is drunk, and has been since I got home from church. Our son isn't coming over, so he's disowned him. I've lost track of the number of times that he's done that. He didn't come over for Mother's Day either, and I didn't disown him, so why should he? Half the time, I don't want to be here either! He's complaining about the mess in the house, but he keeps taking time off of work, and I can't get anything done when he does. I was going to work on Friday, he took off. I'm planning on working some tomorrow, he's talking about taking off. If I do house work when he's home, he wants to know why I can't do it when he's not here. Maybe because there's just so much of it.

I hadn't planned on working in the garden today, but just to get away from him, I went out and worked on potting those asparagus seedlings. Counting the ones I got out the other day, I have 44! Don't know if they'll all make it or not, but most of them look pretty good. It's going to be a matter of keeping them watered, and then hoping they survive the winter. I'll probably mulch around them in the not too distant future.

He's also talking about not moving for a few more years. W/or w/out him, if at all possible, I'm moving next year. I do not want to be at the farm any more. If I stay, then I know RU's son is going to be pushing for me to go in the back, and I don't want to. It's one thing when the weather is nice. But, I have no desire to walk 1/4 mile down the farm lane to take care of my horses if there's a lot of snow. Plus, I don't know how well my chickens would fair down there. So, I'll be looking for a way to support myself if I need to.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Well hubby is mad at me. According to him, I never told him I needed the truck tomorrow. Last time I told him was this afternoon. But, since he was drunk, he just doesn't remember.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Not too warm, after all, it's gotten hot out there.

We got out there fairly early, and had a nice time exploring the lake. We got upstream as far as we could go. One person had a set up I really liked. They a dock, a nice grassy area, a small, sandy beach, picnic tables and they must have had a fire pit where I didn't see it since they had a stack of firewood. Other than anyone that came up that far upstream in some type of boat, it was completely private. The water in this area isn't overly deep, but it was at least 3 ft deep. Made me wish I had something similar.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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After I got home, I did some house work, not a whole lot since I was kind of tired. Then I went out to the farm and fed Stormy. He's eating more and more, and has stopped wheezing! Starting tomorrow, he'll be up to 5 lbs of feed a day! So, I just need to up his feed by 2 more lbs daily after this, and he'll be back to normal.

Got home, and went out in the woods looking for the posts I need. I was able to find all that I need, and drag them home. I had 6 that were already ready to go in, so I got them in. The rest will go in another day. I have to cut them down to size. I have one at least that's long enough for 2 posts, possibly 2 of them that are.

I got a shower, made dinner and ate it, so now I'm relaxing for a bit B4 heading to bed. I think I'll sleep good tonight.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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That was the only day I wanted to go. The rest of the week is going to be hot!

Today is stinking hot and humid out there. I didn't want to do anything, but did anyway. I was able to get the bathroom cleaned this morning, finish loading and running the dishwasher, wash and hang out a load of towels B4 leaving for the farm. And at the farm, basically all I did today was feed, take care of the chickens and put out hay. I didn't do any cleaning to the field. I'm taking a riding mower out on Thursday as well as my spreader, so I'll clean the field then.

W/as hot as it was, I was glad that I had Bible study today. Just when it was finishing, PT called. She was worried because she hasn't seen me in a couple of days and wanted to be sure I was OK. Maybe I'm horrible for even thinking this, but my thought was that she wanted to go to the hay auction w/me so I could bring back hay for her. Well, I went to the auction, got 50 bales, but they're still sitting there. I was on the bike, and it's kind of hard to load hay onto it. I'll b picking it up on Thursday. Hubby has the truck until then.

Right now, I'm relaxing for a bit. Then, I have to work on laundry, feed the goats and find something to eat B4 heading out for a motorcycle run.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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According to my thermometer, it was almost 100* today! And, since tomorrow is supposed to be worse, I'm dreading to see how hot it's going to be.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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I wish I didn't have to go outside today. It's already in the mid 70s, and the humidity is 77%. :thThis would be a good day to hide inside w/the AC if I could.

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