Denim Deb Hay, hay, hay. Thank the Lord!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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I did. As it is, he doesn't know how close I came to walking out last night.

I got my first planting of corn in today! And, I got the rest of that area weeded, plus put some wood stuff down between the corn and the peppers/eggplants. And, I found 13 more asparagus seedlings. I'm pretty sure that I can grow spears from them. I didn't really touch this area for years because of the raspberries (and mint), so this area was overgrown. And, I've found several lone spears that don't look that old. I have a feeling they came from seeds. So, I took the seedlings and stuck them in pots.

Since I have no way to mow anything at the farm, and I can't stand all the weeds around my shed, I started weeding that area today. I got about half of the area in front of the shed done. I had planned on working on the rest of it tomorrow, but I've had a change of plans.

Someone stole some of my hay.
I'm not sure when I started feeding this hay, but I'm missing at least 1 bale, if not 2. Plus, they moved the hay around a bit. They put 2 bales on their sides. The one bale was missing part of the corner since Licky keeps getting into it. That corner was now on the inside bale, and on the opposite side of where it was, plus it was down. No one on the farm knows anything about it. So, I need to get the area cleaned up for my hay shelter and level it a bit. And, if I continue to have a problem, I'm going to look into a game cam. I'm just not sure where I'd put it so it's not easily seen.

I'm also having computer problems. And my computer (laptop) is so old that there's not really much that can be done. I'll have to get a new one. I thought I was going to have to use my tablet to get on-and that's not easy!


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
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Fallston, MD
Very annoying. You'd be surprised where you can put a game can that nobody will notice... hidden in plain sight works well. Just test it really good so you know what it does look like when it flips on and how hidden it will need to be. I hope it stops!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Today for the first time since Sunday, we had sun! Only problem being, it also got very humid. I had planned on working w/Misty in the RP, then riding her for a bit. But, w/all the rain, the RP was muddy, so that was out. Plus, I wasn't feeling the greatest, so instead, I worked more on weeding. I've gotten the hardest part of the area for my hay shelter done. I should have it all done by Wednesday at the latest (weather permitting). Then, on Thursday, I'd level the ground and on Friday, get a shelter up.

Even if I don't have my mower fixed by this weekend, I should FINALLY be able to mow my field! RU's riding mower was running, but it wouldn't move. So she took it to get it looked at and found the frame was cracked. So, they had to weld it, and she was supposed to pick it up today. Only problem being, if I have to use her mower, the soonest I'd be able to mow would be Thursday. I doubt that she'll be doing anything other than what needs to be done this week. Her DD is getting married next Sunday and she has a ton of stuff to get done B4 then.

Hubby went to work this morning, but realized that other than some paper work, he didn't really have anything to do. So, he left work around 10:00. I had been going to do some housework when I got home, but couldn't because of him. I'm going to try to get some done tomorrow afternoon.

We did get some rain this afternoon. Once it was done, I went out and worked in the garden. I thought I'd be able to get the last area weeded again, then get down the wood chips where I wanted it. Well, I got the area weeded, but it wasn't easy. Along the fence in a few spots, there was a ton of grass coming up below ground level! So, it took me awhile to get all of that out. I didn't get finished until around 8:30. By then, I was getting bit up, and it was getting dark. So tomorrow I plan on getting up, getting the wood chips down, weeding the orchard, then finish cleaning the goat pen. The rest of the stuff that's in there will go in the last section of the garden and in the orchard. Then I'll throw my old hay on top of that. Hopefully all I'll need to do after that is move the hay aside when I go to plant stuff, and pull the occasional weed out.

If I have time, I'm also planning on getting caught up on the dishes again as well as cleaning up the living room some. I'm hoping I can get a lot of that done since I'm going kaynoeing w/my friend LK on Monday. We'll be going to a place that neither of us is familiar with, so I'm really looking forward to it. Oh, and I HAVE to do some laundry. I'm so far behind w/all the rain we've been getting.


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
Reaction score
Fallston, MD
I think the rain is finally done for a little while her too. This morning is gorgeous!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
Got up early this morning to a beautiful day. I really wished I didn't have anything to do, but since I did, I went out and worked in the "orchard" for a few hours. I got over half of it done. And as I went, I was putting wood chips down between hubby's garden and the orchard. This evening, I should be able to get it finished.

This is also where I put all those asparagus seedlings that I found. I need to get them into pots. I wasn't sure what dirt I was going to use. But then I realized that I have a whole pile of really nice dirt that I used last year for trying to grow both white and sweet taters last year. I never had the time to level it off. And while I have some taters coming up in part of it, they're not in the whole area, so I'll be taking the dirt from there.

Once I was done, I came in and finally got breakfast. Now I'm relaxing for a bit B4 I get some housework done-unless hubby wants to go out. There's some stuff I need to get.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
When hubby and I went out I was wearing capris and sandals. I found myself wishing I had worn jeans, socks and shoes!


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
Reaction score
Fallston, MD
Lol Yup! The party we had to go to was down in the water and it was down right chilly in the shade! Much more configurable today in my opinion :)

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