Denim Deb Hay, hay, hay. Thank the Lord!


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
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Fallston, MD
Lol glad you got lots done. Those days when you get a ton done but it doesn't feel like it are annoying!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
I overslept! And, it wasn't just this morning, it was yesterday morning as well. In order to explain, I need to go back to Thursday.

Thursday I woke up to rain. And, since hubby had to take the truck, that meant I had to wait to go out to the farm. But, since it wasn't pouring, once he left, I decided to go out and work in the garden for a bit. I was able to get part of my tomatoes weeded and more posts put in for the trellis. Then, I planted onions along the side, put some old bedding down from the goats around the plants, put cardboard down between the row and the fence and covered it all w/old hay. By the time I got this done, and had eaten some breakfast, it was starting to clear up, so I headed out to the farm.

Once I got to the farm, I got everyone fed, then decided I was going to weed Mt. Manure. There were a lot of buttercups, jimson weed, spiny pigweed, etc growing on it. I got most of that done. Stormy is finally eating better, and his breathing is better as well. Got him fed, got the chickens taken care of, and went home.

I was going out w/my mom to Camp Sandy Cove in North East, MD. For those of you who aren't familiar w/it, it's a Christian camp/conference center on the Chesapeake Bay. I was supposed to meet my mom at her house, and we were taking her car. This was her birthday present. I figured time w/her daughter, a good dinner, and going to Sandy Cove (which she likes to do) would be better than getting her something she doesn't need. She'll be 81 the end of the month.

Since I didn't want to get involved in something, and not have enough time to get ready, I decided I'd check my asparagus for bugs. I found quite a few to kill. Hubby normally calls when he's done work to let me know he's on his way home. And, that's at around 3:20, 3:30 at the latest. By 3:45, he still hadn't called! So, I called him. He had to work late and forgot I needed the truck! So, I called my mom and asked if she could come here instead. Then I finished getting rid of the bugs, ran in, got clothes out, got my shower, put stuff that I needed in my pocketbook and finished unloading the dishwasher. Then I went outside to wait for her. (She was supposed to be there at 4:30) While I was waiting, I pulled some dead flowers off a planter on my front porch.

We made good time down there. We were meeting people from my church, and most of them were there B4 us, but they had gone down early to walk thru the town since there's all kinds of little shops. Dinner was good, and I enjoyed the speaker/singer. The next to the last song that she sang was the song I sang as a solo for the Easter Cantata. I didn't realize until I looked up some about her on the computer that she actually wrote it! (And she did a better job of singing it than I did)

At around 9:30, I called hubby to let him know I was getting ready to leave. Mom went to get her keys out of her purse, and couldn't find them. She emptied her purse, still no keys. So I went out to her car. I was hoping I could use my phone as a flashlight to look in and see if she left them in there. Didn't work. I saw a group of ladies walking towards me, so I asked if any of them had a flash light. 2 or 3 of them did, and I borrowed one. There on the front seat were the keys! And of course, the car was all locked up.

Go back inside and tell them at the front desk that the keys were locked in the car. They called maintenance to see if they had a way to get in. No such luck. So, I called AAA. Of course they were asking all kinds of questions about the location that I couldn't answer, so I handed the phone to the lady behind the desk. She was able to answer the questions, then we waited. (I did take the chance to track down the speaker and let her know I enjoyed hearing her)

Once the AAA guy got there, I had to stand out in the parking lot and look for him since he wasn't sure where he was going. He put on his lights so I could look for him. Once he got there, it didn't take him long to get the car opened. So at around 10:30, we were finally able to leave. I got home around 12:00. And of course, it took me a bit to wind down B4 I could go to sleep, but since hubby had off yesterday, I figured I could sleep in a bit.

I slept until around 7:00. Much later than I wanted to be up, but I also didn't want to get started on anything since I had a volunteer meeting at 9:00 and needed to eat breakfast. Plus I wanted to get on the computer for a bit. After the volunteer meeting, I headed out to the farm. I was dragging, so I didn't really get much done out there. Basically all I did was do some cleaning to my tack shed and yell as Licorice when she decided to eat one of my eggs!

Got home, and I was beat, so I took a nap. I slept much later than I'd planned to-big mistake. After I got up I went out and fed the goats, then we left. We wanted to go to a Bed, Bath and Beyond that was a bit of a distance from home. Hubby wanted to get a sausage stuffer, and they had them in that one. We also got some other stuff. I've been wanting to get the EZ pockets and they had them for sale for $10! Now I need to have some time to sit down and try it out. But, if this works the way I'm hoping it will, I'll be able to make easy breakfastes, lunches, etc and freeze them as well as individual pies. Then we went out to Red Lobster for dinner.

Dinner was nice. For one thing, we didn't sit at the bar to eat. That's where he normally wants to sit. I'm getting to where I no longer want to do that. Then he looked at the list of drinks and decided he didn't want any of them, so he drank iced tea. And, we talked and just basically enjoyed ourselves. Plus the food was delicious. Got home and decided to relax for a bit B4 I went to bed. And since I had had that nap, I wasn't really sleepy. I didn't go to bed until after 1:00! So this morning, I slept until around 8:00. I only grabbed a bite to eat, and went out and worked in the garden until around 10:00. By that time, I was out in the sun and getting too hot, so I came in.

Now I'm relaxing for just a bit B4 I tackle the dishes. I still feel tired, but I'm hoping if I get to bed on time tonight, I'll be able to get up on time tomorrow.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
I'm not really a night owl! I prefer to go to bed early so I can get up while it's still cool out. And, I must have been really wore out. I went to bed last night at a little after 10:00, and slept until just almost 7:00 this morning! I was really dragging yesterday, and didn't get done as much as I would have liked to. But, the poles are all in for my maters. I planted my onions-though I didn't have enough, and 3/4 of my maters have been weeded, had old bedding from the goats put around them, and then covered w/hay. Monday I plan on doing the last row. Tuesday, I'm going for a motorcycle run. Wednesday will be the peppers and egg plants. Thursday will see me do 1/3 of the area for corn, and I'll get that planted. Then I'll try to get the rest of the garden weeded and covered w/hay as I have time. I'll also get the posts in for the trellis for my vine crops. I'm going to need 9 more posts, so I'll have to go in the woods and drag them home


Sustainability Master
Jul 22, 2011
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Klamath County, OR
I love corn, but usually we don't grow it because it takes up so much room. I may end up with enough room to grow a small stand of corn, unless I decide to grow quinoa instead. Got limited room inside the fenced garden, and I can usually pick it up at the farmer's market.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
Today was one of those days when I really wished I didn't have to go out to the farm. It was a bit rainy this morning, so I decided that instead of working in the house, I was going to go right out and work in the garden. I managed to finish the maters and get part of the eggplant/pepper area done. I also put wood chips/bark/sawdust, etc in the walkway between the tomatoes and between my garden and hubby's garden.

I didn't really do much at the farm. I had to work today, so I didn't want to spend a lot of time at the farm. I have a bunch of jimson weeds coming up in the chicken pen, so I pulled some of those out as well as some of the weeds along the fence.

When I was done working, I went to TSC. I'm almost out of chicken feed. And, I had to get gas. I filled the truck up last Tuesday. I have not used the truck since then-hubby been using it. And, he used up all the gas and didn't put more in! :he I didn't have the money for it, so that meant a trip to the bank to get some cash.

Once I got home, I relaxed for a bit, then went out and worked in the garden some more. And, my peppers/eggplant area is all done! I also weeded the area where I'm going to be planting my first planting of corn! I extended the wood chip path between the gardens, and did the path between the tomatoes and the eggplants/peppers.

W/this much of the garden done, almost all of what I had cleaned out of the goat pen is in the garden. I used up all of the wood chips that I had piled in the garden, and had to get some from where I've been doing wood. On Saturday, I'm hoping that I can get the rest of the goat pen cleaned and get the rest of the garden ready for planting. I'll be covering the areas I don't plant w/some hay if I have enough.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
Hubby just got home and he's drunk as a skunk. I tried to call him when I got home from my motorcycle run, and got no answer. If I had, and had known he was drunk, I would have gone to bed. He's driving me nuts. He's complaining about what isn't done-the dishes. Thing is, he's made the majority of the dirty dishes on Sunday, and I haven't had time to do them. I spent yesterday in the garden, and today I had my appointments. I think I may need to go to bed earlier than I'd planned just to get away from him. As it is, I've gone into my bedroom and shut the door to get away from him.

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