Denim Deb Hay, hay, hay. Thank the Lord!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
W/the weather, I just didn't get everything done again. I was fine-until I got home, then I didn't want to do anything. And, I forgot to go to the bank. I had to go right past it, and forgot all about it.

W/as miserable as it is out, I put Misty's rain sheet on her. I would have put them on Stormy and Licorice-if I had them. But, I have not been able to find ones that fit them. You can find them for horses. You can find them for minis. But it's hard to find them to fit ponies. Last night, I decided to do some searching on line and was actually able to fine them. And, the price was right. I thought I was going to have to wait a couple of weeks until I had the money. But, hubby actually told me to order them. I lost no time in doing so. I hope that by the time we get the next storm, I have them. I also did some more weeding in my field. Slowly but surely, it is getting done.

I got part of my ketchup done, but not all, so it's in the fridge. And, I didn't touch the kitchen. Tomorrow is supposed to be wet again, but not as bad. So, hopefully I'll be able to get some of it done then.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
It just doesn't always look like it!

The rain has stopped. And, while it's going to be cloudy, it's not going to be wet. So, I should get more done. I'm just not planning on doing anything outside at home unless I work in my greenhouse some. I want to get that clean and figure out a way to heat it by the end of November by the latest. That way, I can experiment w/growing some stuff in there over the winter and be ready to start seeds in the spring. I'm not getting anything done sitting here though, so my list for today:

1. Wash and hang out a load of clothes
2. Clean kitchen
3. Ketchup
4. Dishes
5. Normal farm chores
6. Work on weeding field-can't clean the field today, it's going to be too wet to spread
7. Clean bedroom
8. Feed animals at home

I think that's plenty for today, so I'd better get started.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
If we had had the weather we were supposed to have, I would have gotten more done. But, it was cloudy w/drizzle most of the day. So even though I hung clothes out, they didn't dry. I got part of the kitchen cleaned and part of the bedroom. And the ketchup isn't quite done, it hasn't cooked down enough. That's the problem w/not being at home. It takes me so long to can stuff like that. At least tomorrow it's supposed to finally clear up and be a nice day. I won't be cleaning the field tomorrow either. It's just too muddy out.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
Woke up at 3:45 needing to use the bathroom. And, I could tell even w/out looking out the window that the weather had finally cleared up. I could feel the difference. So I should be back to getting stuff done today. There's not really much I can do out at the farm though, unless I did more weeding. So instead, I'm going to go to work. I missed last week due to the weather, so this will make up for it. And they're calling for a beautiful weekend. I don't know how much I'll get done around here tomorrow since Misty and I are doing a fun horse show tomorrow, but on Sunday, I will be getting what trees I've gotten in the orchard. And I also hope to get the goat and chicken area finished then. So, my list for today is:

1. Wash and hang out a load of clothes
2. Kitchen
3. Ketchup
4. Normal farm chores
5. Work
6. Work in orchard area
7. Feed animals at home
8. Dishes
9. Hook up trailer and load mower

I think this is enough, and I need to get busy.


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
Reaction score
Fallston, MD
Good luck with your fun show!
Hope you can get lots done. We had 1 1/2" of reason, but yesterday was super windy and still damp. It's drying out and supposed to be sunny for the next few days here luckily!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
Tomorrow is supposed to be beautiful out as is the next several days. I wish we could have weather like this all year long.

Hubby came home from work early, so he decided he was going to do some work on my trailer. I didn't get home until late. As of right now, I have no lights on my trailer, it's not hooked up, and the mower isn't loaded. Plus, it's dark. I'm hoping he can get lights working on it in the morning. Otherwise, I'm going to have to bring it back home, and I didn't want to.

The ketchup is almost done. The tomatoes have cooked down enough. I have enough to make 5 half pints, so I'll be finishing it on Monday. I put it in the fridge for now.

I got the orchard area pretty much weeded. I did have some "help". I let the chickens out of their pen for the first time, and by using some scratch grains, was able to entice them into the garden/orchard. They really enjoyed it. But, when it started to get dark, they couldn't figure out how to get out of there and into their pen. So, I had to chase them out. Then they couldn't figure out how to get back where they belonged. So, I had to chase them into there. Hopefully they'll get it figured out soon.

I got one of my rain sheets today. For some reason, they shipped them separately, one via Fed Ex, the other via UPS. The one that was coming UPS came today. The other one will be here by Tuesday. So that means that the next time we get a cold rain, they'll be dry. I put the one in my truck, and will take it out to the farm in the morning.

I'm not sure I'll be getting on tomorrow morning or not. I need to leave by around 8:00 in order to get everyone fed, and the mower off my trailer (providing I get it on) so I can load Misty for the show. I'll get someone to take a pic of me in my costume. It cost me a whole $2.00! I'm not expecting to get a prize for that, but it will be easy. The one game we'll be doing, if I get the right partner, I don't think we'll have any problem winning. You have to ride your horse down to a "clothesline", dismount, hang out a shirt, and pair of undies and a pair of socks. Then you ride back. Your partner then has to ride down, take the clothes down, then ride back. I'd say that the majority of the people have never hung clothes on a line in their life!


Mr. Sensitive
Dec 22, 2010
Reaction score
Deb, it was a beaut of a day here today. Hope it swings your way tomorrow.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
We did NOT have a good time. Misty was spooking the whole time we were there. She was almost impossible to saddle up, then would not calm down. Normally when she's spooky, after I ride her for a bit, she calms down. Not today. Plus the game where we were supposed to do the clothes was not being done the way I thought. We had to carry a fabric shopping bag down to either hang or unhang the clothes, and we had to do it from the horse! Misty would not get NEAR the clothes. I finally got her fairly close, but there was no way I was going to attempt to get them off. I knew that would be a disaster in the making. Next game you were supposed to find a bunch of questions w/your partner and answer T/F questions. We were in a group of 3, and Misty knew one of the other horses. I figured she'd be fine. Nope, she was horrible. Then, I started to get vertigo attacks. Last place I need to be is on a spooky horse when I'm getting them. So, I rode her for a bit more to be sure she was listening to me, then dismounted and went home. I got home, and crashed for quite some time.

The vertigo is pretty much gone, but it feels like my head is going to explode. And, my ears are super sensitive to noise right now. So, there must be something going on in the atmosphere that's causing it.

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