Denim Deb Hay, hay, hay. Thank the Lord!


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
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Fallston, MD
Why can't the normal chores just wait until the other stuff is done? I don't have time to do normal chores plus the other stuff!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Tell me about it! If only we could have some type of time warp, it might help.

Got almost everything on my list done. I didn't do any of the laundry. The wood holder in the basement is half full. I did some dishes, but still have more to go. I got most of the goat pen cleaned out. Hubby still hasn't noticed that the tree is down, and I'm not telling him!
I woke up super early this morning, and couldn't get back to sleep. So I'm about ready to go to sleep .

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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I was in bed by 8:30, and fell right to sleep. Only problem being, I kept waking up, so I'm not as well rested as I'd like to be and I have another busy day ahead. My list for today is:

1. Put out trash and recyclables
2. Clean kitchen
3. Normal farm chores
4. Lesson
5. Work
6. Finish cleaning goat pen
7. Feed animals at home
8. Firewood-I got half the wood holder in the basement filled yesterday, I hope I can fill it today
9. Work in yard/garden/orchard area
10. Put away clothes
11. Dishes

This is plenty for today and I need to get started.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
Had a really good lesson today. I had a bit of trouble getting her going since she's in heat, but once I got her going she was the best she's ever been for a lesson. Plus, she seemed more confident and less spooky.

I'm also seeing an improvement in my riding, and I'm sure that helps. And, for the first time all year, I have working lights on my trailer which is a big plus. Not having the lights made it hard to really go any place.

Got done work later than I'd planned on and by the time I got home, it was trying to rain. So, other than feeding animals, I didn't get done anything outside. I'm glad I got the wood in yesterday. Temps are dropping and it's not going to be as warm tomorrow, so I have a fire going.

Tonight was the last time the ice cream guy came for the year, so I bought a sundae, which I stuck in the freezer until I had a chance to sit back and relax. So, now I'm relaxing on the puter and eating my sundae.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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On Tuesday, I was wearing a sleeveless shirt and had the AC running in the truck. Today, I have a fire going, and will be wearing my Carhartts when I go out to the farm. I think we can say good bye to warmer temps for the most part until next year. So that means I need to get my clothes switched around. I've been putting it off because we've had so many warm days still, but looking at the long range doesn't show a day getting out of the 60s. And I'm thinking I'm going to want to air the clothes out first, so I'll be working on sorting today. I doubt I'll get any outside until tomorrow since I have a load in the washer now, and will be hanging it out. So my list for today is:

1. Finish ironing clothes (done)
2. Wash and hang out a load of clothes (they're in the washer)
3. Clean bedroom
4. Normal farm chores
5. Go to a friend's new house and ID some plants for her
6. Run some errands
7. Work in goat pen
8. Work in yard/garden/orchard
9. Work on sorting out fall/winter clothes, put away summer clothes
10. Dishes

I'm not doing any firewood today. I'll be concentrating on it tomorrow in the hopes that I can have the wood holder in the basement full. They're calling for rain and wind on Saturday, so I won't have to mess w/it then. Hubby wants to go out for breakfast, the do some Christmas shopping. I know what I want to get my parents and our DD. For our son, I think the best thing for him is some gift cards to places like Home Depot (he has some home repairs he needs to do), supermarkets and gas stations. He doesn't really need more stuff.


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
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Fallston, MD
We switched out our clothes at the beginning of October because we needed stud to go to the mountains with and we had a cold snap. I kept out enough cool things that I could manage, lol
Yay on the lesson! So glad you feel good about it!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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She's coming along well now that I'm more consistent w/it. I don't think it will be too much longer B4 she's really calmed down is is listening to me the way I want her to. One day we'll try some water crossing and she if she's still OK w/that. :gig

Didn't get everything done today. I had a good time at my friend's IDing plants. She was even picking up what some of them were. I was thrilled when I found a persimmon. I now have some persimmon seeds to cut and see what kind of winter we're going to have. And I found one tree that I didn't have a clue as to what it was. The leaves looked like some type of chestnut, but I wasn't sure. Then I found another, larger one. So, I started looking for fruit. Finally found one and realized it was some type of oak. I had never seen an acorn like this one. But I found it in one of my ID guys. It was a sawtooth oak. They're not native, so I'm not surprised I didn't know what it was.

After we were done looking at everything, she took me out to lunch! Her mother joined us (my riding instructor), and we sat around talking until almost 3:00. So, I didn't have time to run my errands. Went back to the farm, finished up there and went home.

Once I got home, I got started on the goat pen. I haven't been keeping up on it, so it's taking me awhile to get it clean, but I got most of it done. I should finish cleaning it tomorrow, then I can work on getting it all finished.

W/the goats done, I got started on the garden. I got some of it cleaned up. By the time I got done, it was getting dark. Hubby had stopped on the way home, and I was figuring on just making myself something quick. Then hubby called wanting to know what I was making for dinner, so I had to make dinner-which was NOT in my plans. I hadn't touched the bedroom, nor done dishes, nor sorted thru the clothes. I got dinner made, got dishes done, changed the sheets and found some warmer PJs. I'm going to be going to bed soon, so I'll be working on the clothes tomorrow.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
It's a bit cool out there, and I'm hoping it warms up fairly quickly. I want to get out to the farm as early as I can today so I can get home early. I want to get the wood box filled as well as get a bunch done outside. They're calling for rain tomorrow, so I'll be putting rain sheets on the horses today. I'm glad I have them. I had thought about riding Misty today. Instead, I think I want to do more ground work w/her B4 I attempt to ride her here. And I got to thinking about how she acted on Saturday. While she was very nervous and scared, she did not react the way that she has in the past when scared-by rearing or bucking. And she was scared most of the time she was there, so that's a big plus. I think a lot of it is a trust issue. Since I haven't been working w/her as much, she doesn't have the same level of trust that she had when I first got her. I think as I continue to work w/her and spend time w/her, that trust should come back pretty quickly.

Because of the weather, I want to get done as much at the farm as I can. I have some stone I can move around to places that still get muddy, so I want to work on that. Plus, I didn't clean my field yesterday. I knew I wouldn't have time, so I have to do that today. I'll have to use the tractor yet again and I really wish I didn't have to since it's so hard to get to it. But, it is what it is. So, my list for today is:

1. Work on sorting clothes and hang out to air
2. Put away towels
3. Housework-just not sure what I'll be doing
4. Normal farm chores
5. Clean field and spread manure
6. Work w/Misty
7. Work on field
8. Firewood
9. Finish cleaning goat pen, then start working on it
10. Yard/garden/orchard
11. Feed animals at home
12. Dishes

I think this is plenty for today.


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
Reaction score
Fallston, MD
That is a really great improvement with her. Sometimes I find that those kinds of small improvements are hard to notice but they hold the most value. I have to remind myself of things like that with storm.

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