Denim Deb Hay, hay, hay. Thank the Lord!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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I was so tired yesterday that I crashed. I had been going to post about the good day I had, but I couldn't stay awake. So I went to bed at shortly after 9:00-then woke up at 3:00. I then tossed and turned until around 4:30, and didn't want to get up when the alarm went off at 5:00.

I finally have a good schedule for doing RU's horses. I feed my guys, feed CL's horses then go over and feed RU's. Once I had everyone fed, I took care of my chickens, got feed into my feed stall, loaded up everything I needed for my lesson and hitched up my trailer. I got it hitched on the first try! Then I put Misty's trail halter on, and let all the horses loose.

Once everyone was loose, I grabbed my lead rope, caught Misty and loaded her up. Normally when I have my lesson, my instructor, EH, is on her DD's horse. I'm driving up, and I see him in the field-w/a wrapped leg. Then I see the other horse that they own, also w/a wrapped leg. I pull in, and notice EH in the barn w/a 3rd horse. They have one horse that boards there, and she's also looking for another horse. So I'm wondering if she's riding the boarded horse or if they found another horse and that's who she's riding. I start getting ready and notice the boarder's horse-also w/a wrapped leg. Then EH comes out. All 3 horses managed to injure themselves, so while I was still having my lesson in the back part of the farm in the trails and the open field she has, she was driving her pickup out.

It has been 3 years since I've had Misty out by herself, and I was not sure how this was going to work, but once I got her saddled up, I got on and headed out. (She was real good about taking the bit. She had been giving me problems, but we worked on that, and she was fine. W/the trail halter, I just clip it to rings on the side.) I sang almost the whole way out. (For those that don't ride, this is a good way to stay calm yourself and if you're calm, it's more than likely that your horse will be too.) The only real problem we had was right when the lesson was getting ready to start. I hear a crashing in the woods on the opposite side of where we were and here comes a buck out of the woods. Misty was fine-until he started heading in our direction. She tried to turn tail and run off. I got her under control real quick. And the buck turned around and went back in the direction he came from. But, once I had her calmed down again, she did great! She spooked a couple of times in the woods, once at a squirrel, once at a down tree and she fought me at one point because there's a scary broken rototiller by the one trail, but that was it. She was the most responsive she's ever been to my directions. And, I'm finally getting the proper riding form down. EH only had to correct me a couple of times. I'm feeling it more and more when I'm not doing something right and correcting it on my own. So we worked some on getting her to slow down her trot. It's going to take a little bit more work, but she was starting to get what I was asking her to do.

Once I was done the lesson, I rode her back up, untacked her, then turned her loose in a field and went to work. Work was good-especially since I was out in the woods. I'd never make it cooped up inside all day long. When I was done working, I went to catch Misty and take her home. She didn't want to be caught, and I can't say I blame her. The field she was in is bigger than her field at home and it has better grass. So, she ran around for about 5 minutes B4 she let me walk up to her. So of course she was now all sweaty so I had to walk her for several minutes to cool her down.

Got back to the farm, got Stormy fed, got everything else done and left. I brought my trailer home w/me. Hubby was supposed to finish getting my mower done. He didn't quite finish, but he should have it done on Saturday, so I'll take it out on Sunday.

By then it was getting late. But, I was able to work on the goat pen some, work in the garden some, then work on firewood some. I finish filling the wood holder in the basement. It's raining again, so I knew I wouldn't be able to work on wood any today and I wanted it full B4 then. While I was doing all this, hubby was working on the mower, so I did some dishes. He didn't finish the mower, so I had to unhook my trailer.

By the time this was all done, it was close to around 8:00. We ordered take outs. I ate, got on the computer for a bit, and found I couldn't keep my eyes opened, so I went to bed. Now I'm up and it's raining again, so unless it stops this afternoon, I won't be getting anything done outside except for normal chores. I'm going to run to the one tack store that's close because I need one more winter blanket and finally have the money. If they don't have what I want, or want too much for it, I'll be ordering it online. So, my list for today:

1. Housework
2. Laundry
3. Normal farm chores
4. Clean tack shed (I hope I put yesterday's eggs in there, I have no idea where I put them)
5. Feed RU's horses
6. Go to tack store
7. Replace zipper in vest
8. Fix one horse blanket
9. Put zippers in sweatshirts I bought to turn into jackets
10. Make dinner
11. Dishes
12. Feed animals

I think w/the weather, this is enough for today. I'm trying to figure out where I can rig up a small pen at home. I have 5 roosters that need to be sent to freezer camp, so I want to bring them home when I have the truck. Normally when I have the truck, it's because I've had a lesson, I'm going to the doctor's, or it's raining. So, I don't have the time then do do anything w/them.


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
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Fallston, MD
Awesome day! Glad she did so well! Sometimes when odd things happens it kicks our butt into taking the plunge to do something we wouldn't have normally done otherwise. I love/hate those situations. They prove to me what I *can* do, but they are really nerve wracking in the midst of it!
Its raining really steady here too. It started last night, and looked like we had over an inch when I left the house this morning. Every now and then a gray rainy day is ok! I guess I'm glad that I'm in the office today, though I still had to do my chores this morning, too.
Stay warm and dry!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
I don't mind an occasional rainy day, but we've been getting them every few days! I hope it drys out a bit soon. It's making it hard for me to get stuff done outside.

I didn't get everything done. I got a call this afternoon asking me to be on a committee at church and come to a meeting tonight at 4:30. So instead of making the scalloped potatoes w/ham I'd planned on making, I threw a stew into the crock pot. I didn't attempt any sewing or dishes and didn't do as much housework as I'd planned.

It was colder today than I was expecting. I hadn't put the sheets on the horses. When I got to the farm, the horses were cold and wet, so I threw their sheets on them. I had to work w/Licorice since she's sure I'm trying to kill her, but at least she let me get it on her.

I waited to feed RU's horses. I figured w/the rain, they were all going to be in the barn and I preferred for them to be outside when I got there. It's easier on me if they're not all in the barn when I go to feed. By the time I gave Stormy his 2nd feeding, it had stopped raining, so I was able to feed them w/out a problem.

I got my tack shed cleaned as much as I could. My main problem was I was cold! I lit my heater, but didn't have enough propane, so I ran out real quick.

I've had my shower, and am eating my stew trying to relax. But hubby is drunk again and driving me nuts. I may go to bed early just to get away from him.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
Today is going to be real busy. It's going to be dry tomorrow so I can finally have the yard sale I've been wanting to have for months! I hope I sell a lot, but stuff that doesn't sell is going to be packed up and taken to a local thrift store. Then w/that stuff all gone, I can start on sorting thru more junk. Then if it's nice next month, I can have another yard sale.

As much as I'd like to get to the farm early so I can get done super early, I can't. I have a volunteer meeting today. I'm not sure what all I'll even be able to do at the farm. It's going to be windy, so I can't finish my tack shed. It's too wet to get out the tractor so I can't clean my field and spread the manure. I guess I could always just clean the field and leave it in the spreader. That way, I'll be able to spread it on Monday. And I can probably move stone around. I still need it in some areas. So my list for today is:

1. Housework
2. Volunteer meeting
3. Bank
4. Normal farm chores
5. Feed RU's horses
6. Clean field
7. Move stone
8. Set up for yard sale
9. Feed animals
10. Dishes

Hubby wants to go shopping when he gets home from work. Hopefully by then, I'll have everything all set up and I can just cover it w/a tarp.


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
Reaction score
Fallston, MD
Good luck with the sale! I hope you make lots of cash!
It has reasoned over an inch at least once a week for the past several weeks. Crazy!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
Didn't have time to get on here Saturday, and didn't feel like it on Sunday. I was just too beat. So, here goes my weekend.

It was super windy on Friday, so I wasn't able to set up for the yard sale. Plus, I got home later than planned and was tired. I thought hubby and I were going shopping, so I didn't want to get too involved in something so that I couldn't go. Well, we didn't go shopping.

Saturday was cold in the morning, but nice. I was able to put some stuff out for my yard sale, but not as much as I wanted to. I sold a few things, then packed everything up and stuck it in the basement. I plan on doing more cleaning and having another yard sale next month.

Got out to the farm to feed my horses and RU's and found some minis and a mini mule out. We think CL left a gate opened. After trying unsuccessfully for quite some time to round them up on foot, we managed to get them into a field that had had the corn harvested, but hadn't been plowed. I had taken my motorcycle to the farm, so I jumped on it and was able to round them up w/that. They couldn't outrun the cycle, so they gave up and let us drive them in where they belong.

Yesterday, hubby got the mower in my trailer, so I took it out to the farm and dropped the trailer. The mower is still in there, and I'll take it out today. I managed to get done everything I wanted to do early enough. I needed to get to the church early. We were having a campfire and time of fellowship instead of a regular evening service, and I was in charge of setting it up and making the fires. Everyone enjoyed themselves. Plus, we had people out that normally didn't come out, so that was good. We're going to try do something for fellowship 1x a month. Next month, we're planning on going to a couple of live nativities, then going out for dessert.

So that gets me all caught up, and brings me to today. It's going to be gorgeous. Plus, RU is supposed to be home, so I don't have to feed her horses! There should be almost no wind, so I can finally finish my hay shelter! So my list for today is:

1. Housework
2. Laundry
3. Normal farm chores
4. Manure
5. Hay shelter
6. Work w/Misty
7. Yard/garden/orchard
8. Goat pen
9. Feed animals
10. Firewood
11. Dishes

Just waiting on hubby to leave so I can get started.


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
Reaction score
Fallston, MD
Hope you get it all done! It's supposed to be beautiful here for a few days then get cold! I'm not looking forward to it lol

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
Neither am I. I'm enjoying the weather we're having.

I didn't get everything done today. I had to run some money out to my almost DIL. She wasn't feeling well and had no money for meds, so I stopped by on my way to the farm. Only problem being, it's in the opposite direction from the farm, so I was late getting to the farm.

I got part of the hay shelter done, but need more nails, so I didn't finish. Plus, I think I want to get some 2x4s to run along the inside, then put the furring strips on the outside, but against that. I think doing that will make it more secure. (And keep a certain, bratty pony out!)

I got the manure all cleaned up and decided that I was going to try doing some mowing so I could see how the mower worked for that. I didn't get very far B4 I ran out of gas. I couldn't push the mower, so it's sitting in my field. I'll have to get gas in the morning, and move it then.

Didn't get much done at home either. I basically just got enough wood in for tonight. But, it's going to be warm tomorrow, so it's not a big deal.

RU is home, so I didn't have to feed. I'm glad. I'm more tired than I realized.

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