Denim Deb Hay, hay, hay. Thank the Lord!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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I thought today was going to be sunny. Nope, it was cloudy again. But, it was warmer and the wind wasn't blowing, so that was good. It's still pretty wet out at the farm, but I was able to get the feed into the can. I was basically out, so I'm glad I was able to get it in.

Once I got home, I relaxed for a bit, then got a loaf of bread started, then fed the animals and worked on wood. All the stuff that I had in the shed that needed to be split is split. There wasn't as much as I thought, so I took some out of the shed to fill the wood holder. Tomorrow I'm planning on working on more wood.

My bread is baking, and I'm eating some leftovers. I'll probably do some dishes when I'm done eating, then head to church. I'm tired and want to get to bed early. And, I want to get up early. I have my lesson tomorrow, and I want to get a load of clothes out on the line B4 I leave as well as do some housework.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Today is going to be a nice day and I have my lesson. So, I want to leave fairly early. I have clothes in the washing machine, and it will probably still be dark when I hang them out, but that's OK. And both this week and next week are supposed to be fairly nice out, so I should get a lot done outside. Then, it's supposed to get colder. I'm hoping I can have the garden all prepped for the winter. I need to get busy so I can leave on time. So, my list for today is:

1. Laundry
2. Dishes
3. Normal farm chores
4. Lesson
5. Work
6. Goat pen
7. Feed animals
8. Yard/garden/orchard/greenhouse
9. Firewood
10. Make dinner
11. Housework

This is enough for today, so I 'd better get busy.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
This morning started out good. I was able to get to my lesson on time. And, the lesson is going well. I'm still having some problems keeping the proper form, but I'm getting better. I think if I was able to ride more often, I'd be improving more, but I can just barely get the lesson in let alone ride any extra. The weather is not helping.

I was supposed to be done work at 1:30, so that meant I got done at 2:10. That, of course blew my schedule. Then hubby actually got done work on time, so that blew it more. I came home and fed animals, did wood and that was it. But, I do have good news! My chicken is starting to walk! And I know she's eating and drinking-I saw her do it. So I'm hoping that next week I can take her back to the farm and put her back in w/her buddies. It's a good thing I have a dirt floor in my greenhouse, otherwise it would start smelling like chicken poop!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Today is going to be another fairly nice day. Then, they're calling for some rain this afternoon. Last time I checked, they were only calling for about 1/4". I hope they're right. It's just now starting to dry out at the farm. I can get around my field w/out stepping in too much mud if I watch where I walk. But, to feed CL's, I have to put on boots. It's horrible in her area.

I need to wash clothes. But, because of the weather, I don't want to hang them out. So the load I chose for today is hubby's 1 piece coveralls he wears for work. I room in the basement to dry them. Tomorrow I'll be able to hang them outside.

I don't know that I'll be able to get much done outside today. I have a pile of wood that I worked on yesterday. I think what I'm going to do is put that away, then if I have time to work on more wood, I'll do that.

I'm going out to dinner tonight w/CMA. I normally clean the bathroom Tuesday's mornings. I think I'll wait and do it this afternoon, then get a shower and leave. I might leave early so I can hit a store or 2.

If it doesn't rain too early, I plan on going to the hay auction. If I can, I want to get up to 30 bales. Then, I'd just need another 30, and I'd stop going.

I've already done some stuff, but need to do more. So, my list for today is:

1. Laundry
2. Dishes
3. Housework
4. Normal farm chores
5. Bible study
6. Gas and bank
7. Hay auction-if it doesn't rain
8. Feed animals
9. Firewood
10. Errands
11. Dinner

Think this is enough for today. I need to get back to work.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
I have a few things that I'm thankful for from yesterday.

I'm thankful that even though it was nice in the morning, I didn't hang clothes on the line.
I'm thankful that I didn't ride my motorcycle.
I'm thankful that I didn't get any hay at the hay auction.
I'm thankful that I didn't go w/RU and LF for a ride. They were getting ready to pull out of the farm when i got back from the auction. By the time I left the farm, it was raining. I don't know if they rode or not. :lol: They, apparently, had never checked the forecast and didn't know it was supposed to rain. If nothing else, at least the horses got a nice ride in the trailer.

By the time I got home from the farm, it had stopped raining. And, we hadn't gotten much. So, I real quick put the firewood in the shed, then fed the animals. Then I went in and turned on the TV. They showed a heavier band of rain moving in. So, I worked on the gift some more, did some housework, got a shower and did the dishes. Then I left. It was early for leaving, but I still haven't gotten what I need for finishing this gift. There were 4 stores I could hit not too far from where I was going out for dinner. I thought for sure I'd find what I needed in one of them. The traffic getting there was horrible! If I had gone a different way, it would have probably been better, but I didn't know the traffic was jammed up until I got in that area. And by that point, there was no way to get off the road. Once I was able to get off of it, I was fine. But, I also didn't find what I need. So today, I will be going down to Hobby Lobby. If I had known when I was in there B4 that I didn't have enough to finish, I would have bought it then. W/all the time I've spent trying to find what I need to finish this, as well as the lost time from Sunday evening (dealing w/a drunk hubby), I would be done this.

Because of the wasted trip to the stores, I was late getting to dinner. So since I was late getting there, I didn't eat until later, which meant I got home much later. I had planned on working on the gift for awhile, and I did. But I also kept falling asleep over it. So, I finally got up and went to bed. And, I forgot to set the alarm, so I overslept.

I've already started on today's list. It's going to be a beautiful day, so I'll be taking the bike. I'm not sure how much rain we got out at the farm, so I may not be cleaning my field. It's going to depend on how wet it is. It was JUST dry enough in my field yesterday to actually do any cleaning, and I didn't have time. If I can't do that, I'm hoping I can do some more work on my tack shed, the stall or both. I'll see when I get down there.

I've had enough of a break, and need to get back to work. So, my list for today is:

1. Laundry
2. Put out trash and recyclables
3. Normal farm chores
4. Whatever else I can do at the farm
5. Run to Hobby Lobby
6. Goat pen
7. Feed animals
8. Yard/garden/orchard/greenhouse
9. Firewood
10. Dinner
11. Housework
12. Dishes
13. Work on gift

That's plenty for today, so I need to get back to work.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
I didn't make it to HL yesterday. It was cooler and more cloudy than they were calling for and I was on the bike! I would have had to go home and get the truck. So what I'm doing is working on the rest, and leaving that section for last. Then either today or tomorrow, I'll run down and get what I need. I was going to work on it a lot last evening. Instead, I was falling asleep by 8:00! So, I went to bed. I've already worked some on it this morning.

Today is supposed to be sunny, but it's also supposed to be colder. But, my field isn't too bad around Mt. Manure, so I plan on working on getting rid of it. I would love to have that all gone. I've been trying to get rid of it for awhile now. And tomorrow, I should be able to clean my field. I couldn't do anything to it yesterday, it was too wet, so I finished cleaning my tack shed. Since it was a bit cool and windy, I turned on my heater. What a difference putting that piece of tarp up made! I was actually warm! I got home later than planned, but was still able to get some stuff done outside. I raked up most of the old hay out of the goat pen, worked a bit in the garden, cut up a bit of firewood, then came in and did some housework. Hubby got home at the normal time, so I couldn't do everything that I wanted to do, so instead, I worked some more on the laundry. I have a few things to put away or iron, and I'll do those today. I need to get off of here and get back to work, so my list for today is:

1. Housework
2. Laundry
3. Work on present
4. Normal farm chores
5. Mt. Manure
6. Goat pen
7. Feed animals
8. Yard/garden/greenhouse
9. Firewood
10. Dinner
11. Dishes
12. Gift

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
I got a lot done yesterday! All of the laundry that was sitting in baskets has been taken care of. Of course, that doesn't mean I don't have any to do. I have a load in the washer right now, but at least I don't have baskets sitting in my living room.

I got rid of part of Mt. Manure. KN wanted some and she had a tree taken down, so I took her 2 loads, then loaded up the wood. I should be getting rid of the rest of it today-or at least how much I want to get rid of. The rest of it, I'll spread around in my field in a few places.

For the first time in I don't know how long, I actually did the dishes after dinner. So, other than a couple of dishes from snacks, the dishes are all done.

I filled up the wood holder in the basement. I'm hoping to cut a lot of wood between today and tomorrow since I'm running out of dry wood. It doesn't dry that great where it is since it's not too far from the woods, and the woods block the sun. They're calling for more rain on Monday.

I got some done on the garden. I think I need to concentrate on the flower gardens for now since I'll have people coming over after the New Year. At least that will look nice. (I hope)

My chicken is now walking around w/out a problem. So, I'll take her back to the farm today. If she has any more problems, I'll bring her back home.

I made major progress on the gift last night. I won't get it all finished today, but will have it done over the weekend. So, it will go out on Monday. I'll post more about the making of it after Christmas.

Today is going to be a busy day as well. Not only am I hoping to get rid of the rest of Mt. Manure, but RU and I are going to work on cleaning up the parking area. She has a lot of stuff that needs to be moved. She has a truck body that she uses for storing wagons and tack. Someone had told her years ago that they'd put it down low for her, and never did. Now she's found a guy to do it, but needs to get cleaned up all around it, so I'm going to help her. I'll be glad when it's been lowered. If my chickens get in the parking area, they like to get underneath of it. And, it can be very difficult to get them out. It will make my life that much easier. So, w/out further ado, here's my list for today:

1. Laundry
2. Gift
3. Normal farm chores
4. Mt. Manure
5. Clean field and dump manure (the field is finally dry enough!)
6. Clean parking area
7. Housework
8. Goat pen
9. Feed animals
10. Yard/garden/greenhouse
11. Firewood
12. Dinner
13. Dishes

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
I rounded up my spare roosters yesterday. I'm wondering if that's what her problem was to begin with, too much "loving". I just don't have the time to deal w/them, and may end up taking them to the auction on Tuesday. I already had 3 of them penned up. I put the other 2 by themselves. Then, when I was getting food and water in there for them, they got in w/the others. I left them because they seemed to be getting along OK. Then B4 I left, 2 of them started to fight, so I had to separate them. I hope I got them done right. 4 of them look identical, so it's hard to say.

Other than some that I've left for my own use, Mt. Manure is gone! I still need to do some work in there to make that area look nice, but that can wait for a bit. I just didn't have time yesterday. We didn't do anything w/the parking area since RU's hubby wanted to go shopping. Instead, since I had to go past my parent's house to get home after delivering the 2nd load of manure, I stopped in to see them for a bit. And I got figured out w/them what I'm doing about Christmas dinner. I'll be making it there. I'm hoping the family that's in the area will be able to come for it. I plan on both a ham and a small turkey.

Got home, and cleaned more of the goat pen. W/all the rain that we've had, there's been hay that they didn't eat that got soaked, then pooped and peed on and ground into the dirt. I'm trying to get that all out of there. It's slow going since I never get it all done B4 it rains again, and that adds to it. Plus, I still need to put some posts up to finish the chicken area. Hopefully I'll be able to do more next week. Then I worked for a bit in the garden then did firewood. I'll be working on more of it today, and maybe tomorrow as well. At least they've changed the forecast. They're now not calling for rain until Tuesday. I'm hoping I can do a ton of wood B4 then.

We got take outs last night, so I didn't have to cook. And since there was hardly any dishes, I didn't worry about them. I had planned on doing some housework, but didn't get to it. I had also planned on working on the gift for longer, but was falling asleep by 8:00, so I went to bed.

I'm not 100% sure what I'm doing today. I have a load of laundry in the wash right now and will be hanging that out. I'll be going out to breakfast w/CMA. And I'll be doing normal stuff like feeding animals. But, other than that, I don't know for sure. I have to go shopping, and need to get to HL today since they're closed on Sundays. I need to do some food shopping. And I need to work on that present. But, DS is looking at buying a house, and we're planning on looking at that. I got part of my field cleaned, but not all of it, so I may do more of that. And, I'm hoping I can get some more of the house clean. But since hubby is home, I can't make a schedule.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
I'm beat! I didn't have time to get on here last night, or this morning. But, the gift is almost completely done! I'll be finishing it in the morning, then I have to let it dry for 24 hours, so it will go out on Tuesday. It took a lot longer than I was expecting, but I'm glad I'm done.

I didn't get much else done either yesterday or today, and I have a lot to do B4 Christmas. They're calling for rain from Monday to Wednesday, but they're not 100% sure when we're having the rain. i don't know know if I'll be doing anything outside at home tomorrow or not.


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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Congrats on getting the gift almost done. Gonna start raining here on Tuesday.... just what we need. Ugh.