Denim Deb Hay, hay, hay. Thank the Lord!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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I hear ya on the rain! I'm getting tired of it. It still hasn't completely dried out at the farm from the last storm, and we're going to get more.

Today is going to be a busy day. Plus, it's supposed to start raining at some point in time in the afternoon, so that means I need to get home early enough to get stuff done. But, at least it's supposed to warm up. Right now, the horses are nekkid. It's going to be too warm for their blankets, so I'm figuring to put their sheets on them. Not sure how they're going to like that, but it's better than having them get a chill from being soaked. If I had them in my yard, it might be different.

I won't be having a lesson this week. The only day I could have had it was today, and EH can't do it. I will go to work for a bit today, though.

I'm waiting on hubby to leave. When he does, I'm going to finish the gift, then get started on cleaning. I really need to do dishes. I didn't have time over the weekend. Plus, I baked and decorated a cake yesterday for the church SS program and party. It was good and is almost completely gone. It was a chocolate cake in the shape of a candy cane w/mint icing. I'll have to make that combination again. Once I get home, I'll be doing firewood and other stuff outside. W/all the rain they're calling for, I won't be able to do anything outside again until Friday. I need to do laundry, so it looks like I'll be using the dryer. I also need to fill the wood holder in the basement, and if I have time, cut and split more wood. So, my list for today is:

1. Finish present
2. Dishes
3. Housework
4. Normal farm chores
5. Work
6. Feed store
7. Gas station
8. Clean field
9. Goat pen
10. Feed animals
11. Firewood
12. Laundry
13. Dinner

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
Didn't quite get everything done yesterday. It took me longer than I was expecting to finish the gift, but it's done, so it will get mailed this morning! That meant I didn't do anything in the house in the morning, and I left later than I'd planned. So that meant I got done work later and got back to the farm later.

I had started to clean my field B4 I left for work. I had to wait for horses to finish eating, so I was working on cleaning then. I left everything so it was ready for me to get back to work when I returned. I go to start, and my manure fork was gone! I looked all around, couldn't find it. So I tried to call RU. No answer. I head over to her house, she wasn't home, and her truck and trailer were gone. I had another fork in my horse trailer, but this is one I don't normally use, except for if I've trailered someplace. The fork is cracking. I grab that one, and get to work. I don't get all done, and here comes RU w/her truck and trailer. So then I had to move my truck so she could park. And she had my good fork w/her. She had borrowed it, and just left it in her trailer. Then she needed me to direct her while she backed up. By the time she was done, and I was able to go back to my cleaning, it was getting dark, and trying to rain. I got one more bucket put in the cart, then parked the mower up by my shed and covered it. They weren't calling for much rain, so I figure I can finish cleaning the field this morning.

By the time I got home, it was pretty much dark out. I got the goats fed, then filled up the wood box. Then I went in and got a fire going and did some dishes. I got on the computer for a bit, but I was falling asleep, so I went to bed.

Today is going to be another busy day. I've already started doing stuff. I normally give my doctors' offices a loaf of chocolate chip banana bread. This year, it's been made a bit differently. I didn't realize I was almost completely out of sugar, so it was made w/honey! Good thing we had it. I want to get as much done as I can B4 I leave. I need to leave early since I have to go to the post office, and want to finish cleaning my field. I was going to take the extra roos to the auction. But, since I have to finish my field, they get another week. It's much calmer now in w/the rest of the birds. I just need to have the time and dry weather to finish that area! Maybe I can work on it this weekend. I need to get off of here and get busy, so my list for today is:

1. Make chocolate chip banana bread
2. Housework
3. Laundry
4. Post office
5. Normal farm chores
6. Clean field
7. Bible study
8. Doctors appointments
9. Finish Christmas shopping
10. Goat pen (if it's not raining)
11. Feed animals
12. Wood (if it's not raining)
13. Dinner
14. Dishes

This is more than enough for the day, and I need to get started.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
Just stopping in real quick. The gift has been mailed. I thought the post office opened at 8:30. It didn't open until 10:00. So that meant I had to go the farm, then back to the PO then Bible study.

It was wetter out then I was expecting, so I didn't clean any in the field. But since I didn't want what was in the cart to get soaked (that can put too much weight in the cart, and make the tires pop), I covered it up w/a piece of tarp. I almost got stuck at the farm when I left.

Got all of my Christmas shopping done! I didn't get home until later than I wanted to, but since it was wet out, it didn't matter that I wasn't able to get to the goat pen and the wood.

Now I'm sitting back eating frozen pizza. I've done some of the dishes, and will do more when I'm done eating. I'll also do some laundry and housework. Since it's supposed to be even wetter tomorrow, I won't get on the computer in the morning B4 I leave. Instead, I think I'll take it w/me to the farm and get on it out there. There is nothing I can do out there now when it's raining, so I'll be able to get more done at home.


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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Ya know Deb - that pizza would probably taste a whole lot better (not to mention being easier to chew) if you cooked it instead of eating it frozen! LOL

Have a wonderful Christmas!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
I did. Then, since I couldn't stay awake, I went to bed.

I'm at the farm. It's raining yet again, so that meant I couldn't do anything here. And, rather than sit here doing nothing, I decided I'd do housework this morning, then bring my laptop out to the farm. I ran an extension cord into my tack shed awhile back, so I was able to plug it in. Since I don't have internet out here, I have my hot spot w/me. So, I'm sitting here playing on my laptop and eating chocolate chip meringues.

So far, today has been productive. I got both my kitchen and bathroom cleaned. I had wanted to clean the bathroom yesterday, but just couldn't stay awake. I did dishes, also something I had wanted to do yesterday, but couldn't stay awake. And, I made bread. Once I got to the farm, I got the horses fed, and my chickens taken care of. I may not round them up B4 I leave because of the weather. There's not enough room for all of them in the coop. I wouldn't be surprised if some of them are in the run in. And I was nice to the horses. Rather than putting their hay out in the field, I stuck it by the doors to the run in. That way, they don't have to go far to get it.

Once I've fed Stormy his 2nd feeding, I'll be heading home. I still have to do the dishes from this morning, as well as clean my living room, put away laundry, and wrap gifts. Hubby may leave work early. If he does, I'm hoping he'll help me clean.

Tonight is the Christmas Eve service at church. I missed it last year. I had spent the afternoon at the ER w/my parents. But, they both seem to be doing fairly well for now. I'll be better able to tell how they are tomorrow.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
I didn't quite get my house as clean as I wanted it, but it's much better than it was. I just hope I don't have any more days when I'm so beat I can't stay awake.

I'm actually going to be glad when today is over. I'm waiting for it to get light out. Then, I have to run to the farm, feed everyone, come back, make stuffing and get the turkey in the oven by 10:00. That's about when the kids are coming over. I have to figure out what time I'm getting the ham in.

Then, around 12:00, I need to pull them out, and drive to my parents and put them in their oven to finish cooking. And while that's happening, I need to finish cooking the rest of dinner and set the table.

After we eat, I'm leaving everyone else to do the clean up while I run out to the farm and feed Stormy. At least hubby has off until Monday, so I can hopefully sleep in tomorrow. Friday and Saturday are going to be gorgeous, so I may actually get a lot done outside.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
Yesterday didn't quite turn out the way I wanted, but it wasn't a bad day. I got some nice gifts, though I haven't had a chance to do anything w/the one, everyone else has been messing w/it! Hubby got me a Go Pro video camera! He also got me an electric heater for the tack shed, one of those ones that look like a wood stove. I already told RU that I have an extension cord going in there, and if I used a bunch of electric, I'd give her some extra money. This means I'll be able to do stuff in there w/out having to worry about being cold. He also got me a tank deicer for my stock tank. He got the wrong one so, we'll exchange it. I cannot see Licorice leaving it alone.

Instead of taking the turkey and the ham out, then finishing everything at my parents', I got everything cooked here-except some veggies. Then, we wrapped the turkey and the ham in foil and transported them that way. To save on clean up, we just left everything in pots and served it buffet style. My mom was actually able to eat quite a bit! So, that was good. I also got several compliments on the food, which was nice.

We did the smart thing, and used paper plates and plastic ware. So, even though no one else offered to do the clean up, at least it wasn't that bad. Only problem being, by the time we got to the farm, it was getting dark. The chickens were all roosting by the time we got there. I did check on them and look for eggs. I got 6! I did the smart thing and fed the animals at home B4 we left. So, once we got home, all I had to was put the food away.

Hubby has off today, so I'm not sure what all I'm doing today. He says he wants to put the window in my tack shed. And if he does, I'm hoping he can help me arrange my feed stall. It would make my life so much easier. I'm also hoping to do a lot of firewood and garden work this weekend. It's supposed to be nice, then they're calling for more rain on both Sunday and Monday!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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I now have 2 good windows in my tack shed! Hubby said that side was actually worse! Of course, since he had to cut the opening bigger, I now have a ton of sawdust in there. So as soon as I can, I'll be cleaning the shed again. We didn't move the wood around in my feed stall. I just might have to do that myself.

Tomorrow is going to be another nice day. I'll be doing a load of laundry in the morning, but not sure what I'll be doing after that. I'd like to work on cleaning my field, but don't know if that will happen or not. If not, I'm going to try and get it done on Sunday. We could get more rain later on Sunday into Monday, so I'd really like to get it done.

I'm also hoping to get more wood done, but don't know if that will happen or not. And, I'd like to work in the yard. Problem I have is hubby. We had a good day today, but didn't really get anything done. And that's normally what happens when he's around. So we'll see.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
It was beautiful here today! Mostly sunny, w/just a bit of a breeze and a high of almost 60! I was able to get more of my garden area done, cleaned more of my field and dumped the cart, and filled up the wood holder in the basement. Inside, I got most of the dishes done. I didn't realize there were as many dirty as there were.

They've changed the forecast. They're still calling for some rain tomorrow, but it's supposed to start earlier than they first said, and Monday is now supposed to be dry. And the rest of the week is supposed to be dry. Plus, it's not going to be overly cold. I think I'll get done a lot outside. I should finally have my field 100% clean again. I should finally have my garden put to bed, and I should have most, if not all of the goat pen finished. Hubby finally noticed I took down the tree in the goat pen. I'm not even sure how long it's been since I cut it down.