Denim Deb Hay, hay, hay. Thank the Lord!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Same here. At least I'm not feeling like someone drugged me in the early evening. I think that was due to the rain we kept getting. I've always felt really tired when we get a lot of rain.

Radar shows that we've already had some showers move thru the area, so I'm glad I got that cart dumped yesterday. At least, it's not supposed to be a heavy rain this time, so I should be able to get my field all cleaned up again. And, I should be able to move forward w/some of my other projects. I really need to do something about my chickens. I just don't have enough room for all of them in their house. I need to start working on another house for them. That should happen this week. I just might not be able to paint it since it won't be warm enough. The other option would be to work on it in my greenhouse, get it all painted, then take it apart and put it back together at the farm.

Truthfully, I'd really like to get rid of the house I have in there, and make a total of 3 the way I'm planning on making this one. That would hold the number of birds I'll have by the end of the summer. My goal is 3 roosters and 18 hens. Then, every year,, I'd replace the 6 oldest hens so that I'd have eggs all year round.

If the rain this afternoon holds off long enough, I'm hoping I can do a little in my garden. I want that all done by the end of the week, as well as my flower gardens and the goat pen. Then, next week, I'll get the greenhouse done. I'm hoping I can figure out a way to heat it so I can get some stuff started soon.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
Hubby got drunk again today. So, even though I try to take it easy on Sunday, I finally got to where I couldn't stand how he was acting any longer. So, I went out and fed the animals, and worked in the garden. I got more of it cleaned up. I plan on working on it tomorrow for a couple of hours. And, I think that will go a long way towards having it ready to put to bed.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
Hubby's back to work, so today should be more of a normal day. I am going w/my parents to my mom's doctor's appointment. I want to hear what all he's done, and what he says about her, so that will mess up my day a bit, but at the same time, I need to do this. That means I need to take some nicer clothes w/me to the farm. And, I also don't know how wet it is at the farm. We got some rain overnight, but I don't know how much. I'm hoping it's not a lot since I want to work more on cleaning my field again. But, it's supposed to be nice all week, so I should get more done outside. And, since the days are starting to get longer, that should help! So, my list for today is;

1. Laundry
2. Housework
3. Normal farm chores
4. Clean field if it's not too wet
5. Go to mom's Dr. appointment
6. Goat pen
7. Feed animals
8. Yard/garden/greenhouse
9. Firewood
10. Dinner
11. Dishes

I think this is enough, and I need to get started.


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
Reaction score
Fallston, MD
Just caught up with you! Glad you've had a good Christmas, and it seems like you're still getting stuff done. Yay on the windows. That's great to have that done. Nothing like water damage to make things worse than they need to be.
I hear you on the rain and mud. It just won't go away!!!


Sustainability Master
Jul 22, 2011
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Klamath County, OR
We had a lot of rain (for high desert that is) for a week or so, and since then, they've been promising us snow. But all I've seen is a light dusting of gropple when I get up to let the ducks out of the coop. We really need the snow, since a good snow pack in the higher mountains is what feeds the lake all summer long and gives us our water. Rain at this time of year just runs down the river and out to sea.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
That's rough. I'd send you some if I could, but I can't.

Well, I was able to talk to the doctor briefly after my parents left the room. My mom has early stages of dementia. She's also is suffering from some depression and anxiety. She was losing weight, but the doctor has managed to stop that and she's gained 3 lbs. He's starting her on a new med for the depression, and wants to see her in a month. I plan on going w/them again.

I didn't quite get everything on my list done. We got to the doctor's early, then waited and waited and waited. So, I got back a lot later than I'd planned. Plus, I was lower on chicken food than I realized. I put the last of it out, so that meant I had to run to TSC on the way home to get more.

By the time I got home, it was starting to get dark. So I fed the goats, got the clothes off the line, then worked about 20 minutes in the garden. Even in that short period of time I was able to more than double the area I did last night.

Once I came in the house, I put away a bunch of laundry, then got a spaghetti squash cooking while I did dishes. Hubby made a ton of dishes, and I'm still not all caught up on them. I thought I was-until I realized there were a bunch more on the table. So, hopefully, I'll get them done tomorrow.

Dinner was good. I had some of my squash, some left over ham and some spinach. Ate that, then got my shower. Now I'm sitting back relaxing on the computer a bit B4 I go to bed.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
Today is going to be another dry day! So that means I can go to the hay auction. I have 5 cockerels I just never had the time to do anything with, so I'm going to run them over to the auction B4 heading to Bible study. I also did some figuring yesterday. Based on what I've been putting out, I should have enough hay as of now to last me until mid April. I want to get some more hay because I'd like to have enough to last until sometime in either May or June. By then, people that have any left will be trying to unload it for cheap, and depending on the weather, some may even be cutting it by then.

W/the sunny weather, I'm hoping to get quite a bit done outside today. I started on cleaning my field yesterday, but it was too wet to take the mower in. I would have gotten stuck going thru the gate. I'm hoping it will be dryer today. I want to, at the very least, finish filling the cart, then dumping it. Then tomorrow, I'll start filling it again, and do that every day until my field is clean again. They're not calling for any rain until later on Saturday, so I should be able to get it all done by then. Then, it's going to be colder next week. So that means I need to get done the garden this week.

Since I'm taking the boys to the auction, I need to leave earlier than normal. So, my list for today is:

1. Housework
2. Normal farm chores
3. Take roosters to the auction
4. Bible study
5. Hay auction
6. Clean field
7. Goat pen
8. Feed animals
9. Garden/yard/greenhouse
10. Firewood
11. Dinner
12. Dishes

That's enough for now and I need to get busy.


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
Reaction score
Fallston, MD
Hope you get it all done!
I'm glad its going to be dry for a little while, I don't know how much rain to expect over the weekend, but I've got 2 new horses coming in, and I really don't want to deal with the mud!!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
It got quite cold last night. And there's still places that's nothing but mud! At least my field is now pretty dry.

I'm beat! I've been quite busy the past 2 days. And I got almost nothing done in the garden.

I was able to get my roosters rounded up yesterday fairly easily. Don't know if it's just because it was in a small area or what, but I was able to grab them fairly quickly. I stuck them in feed bags, and took them to the auction. I get there and found out that someone had brought in a ton of animals! They weren't even sure they'd have a cage to stick them in. But, they did find room for them.

Went to Bible study, then got gas and went back to the auction. There was more hay than there's been, but most of it was alfalfa. They had just a few lots that I was willing to bid on. And some of it was bottom bales. I checked them out, and other than where they were sitting on the ground, the hay looked and smelled fine. I was able to get 25 bales of it for $2.00/bale! Even today, I was asking myself if I should have gotten the hay. Well, I stuck out some of it today, and my horses love it! Technically, I now have enough hay to last me until they start cutting again. But, I may see if I can get another lot just to be safe.

While Stormy was eating his 2nd feeding, I gave the other 2 a quick grooming, then put their blankets on them. By then, Stormy was done eating, so I did the same for him, then started working on the hay. By the time I got done unloading and stacking it, I didn't have time to do anything else, so I went home. Got animals fed, then worked in the garden for a bit. I didn't get as much done, but I can really see progress.

When I got in the house, I got dishes done, then cleaned the bathroom, then made dinner. By the time I was finished eating and sat down to relax, I was beat and having trouble staying awake, so I went to bed.

This morning I had my lesson and I wanted to leave early. Since I wanted to do some work at home first, I didn't bother to get on the computer this morning. Instead, I cleaned the kitchen and ironed some shirts B4 I went outside. I got a bit of a shock when I walked outside. It was way colder last night than they were calling for-down in the teens! I was so glad I put the blankets on the horses. And, I have a feeling they appreciated it as well. But, since it was so cold, B4 I could leave, I needed to give all the home animals water. Plus, my windshield was covered in frost, so I started the truck up and turn the defrost on while I was taking care of the water. I still had to scrape it some, but at least it wasn't as bad.

Got to the farm, and got my guys fed. I didn't even attempt to feed CL's horses. I knew I didn't have enough time to feed them and get to my lesson. And since it was so cold, I had my new chaps w/me! I just wasn't 100% sure how they were supposed to go on, so EH helped me. It felt a bit strange mounting, but they kept my legs nice and warm, plus I found it was actually easier to ride w/them on!

After my lesson was done, I worked for a bit, then went back to the farm. While Stormy was eating, I fed CL's horses and got everyone taken care of for overnight. Then, I finally had time to work on cleaning my field. I had the cart halfway filled from the other day, so I finished filling it. My field is now about 1/2 clean. Then, I went and dumped it.

By the time I got home, it was getting dark. Plus, it never got overly warm today. I knew there was no way I could have worked in the garden w/as cold as it was, so I just fed, then filled the wood holder.

I was going to do dishes and make dinner, but I was just too tired. Hubby cooked some stuff, so I ate that. Now I'm relaxing and thinking of going to bed early.

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