Denim Deb Hay, hay, hay. Thank the Lord!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Not sure what all I'm getting done today. Hubby is off and they're calling for rain. I feel like going back to bed, but I can't.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Moving the broody at night didn't work. I got there yesterday morning and she had managed to get out. She was frantic about getting back in the hen house. So I let her, then tried to get her back in the right nesting box and had no luck. I finally had to just leave her be, then wait until I went back out. She's back on her eggs and no one can get in w/her. She has food and water. When I give Stormy his 2nd feeding, I'll let her out if she wants out. By then, everyone else will be done laying and I'll be able to block the other nesting boxes to make sure she gets back where she belongs.

I've been slowly putting my seedlings in bigger containers and I'm fast running out of room. I'm not sure what all I'm doing today since I'm making Easter dinner at my parent's house this afternoon. I'd like to get the greenhouse all cleaned out, but don't know if it will happen. And I'd like to get the garden all marked out but don't know if it will happen. Part of the problem, I have 2 eggs that have pipped! So of course I need to keep checking them.

I also need to clean my bathroom and do dishes. So, I'd better get off of here and get started.


Sustainability Master
Jul 22, 2011
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Klamath County, OR
I don't know how you do it, girl. If I had as much on my plate as you do EVERY day, I would just sort of circle around in the living room and whimper...

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
There are days when that's about what I feel like doing.

I'm beat! It was windy, so I didn't even attempt to do anything outside. So, since I needed bread and I much prefer homemade to store bought, I made bread this morning. I also cleaned the bathroom, did dishes and ironed a basket of shirts. I'll admit to having trouble doing all this. I wanted hover over the incubator and watch chicks hatch. 2 of them hatched B4 I left. Then I packed up everything I needed to make dinner and went to my parents.

My parents had gotten a free ham, and my dad had that in the oven. So I made stuffing, stuffed the chicken and got it in the oven. I cut up the giblets and threw them and the neck in a small pot and put that on to simmer, then peeled the potatoes and put them in a pot. W/that all done, I sat down and talked to my parents for awhile. My brother got there a lot earlier than I was expecting, so while he and his daughter talked to my parents I cooked the potatoes, made pineapple stuffing cooked asparagus, cooked corn, heated up candied sweet potatoes (I had them leftover from a dinner at church last Sunday), mashed the potatoes and made the gravy. I was quite glad to see my mom eat quite a bit. But I can also see where she's really having problems w/her memory.

My brother made dessert, cherry pie and pumpkin pie. He's a good baker. When dessert was done, I had to run out to the farm to feed Stormy and take care of the chickens. My dad and niece had things pretty much cleaned up by the time I got back, so I just packed up most of what I was bringing home and left. (I forgot a couple of things, I'll have to pick it up one day this week.)

Got home, fed the goats, found eggs and checked on the chickens and bunny. Then I brought everything in the house and went and checked on my chicks. I have 4! Got stuff put in the fridge and played some computer games. I think I'm going to go to bed soon. We're having a Son rise service tomorrow morning at 6:30! I don't even know if I'll have time to get a shower B4 it, but I also know that if I don't, no one will care. Then we're having our regular morning service at 11:00, but no Sunday School and no evening service. So I can go for the early service, go home and get my shower and eat breakfast B4 going back out.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
It was good! And, I brought home both the ham bone and the chicken carcass. Can we say soup?

I have 5 chicks right now. The last egg doesn't look like it's pipped. I'll be moving the babies when I get home from church this morning-or should I say get back from the 2nd service I'll be going to today. I went for the Son rise service. There were only a few people there. They wanted to sing a song at the end, but the guy that normally plays wasn't there, so they thought they were going to be singing acapella. I asked what song they wanted to sing, told them no problem and played it for them. They were thrilled.

Other than doing dishes, and normal chores, I'm not sure if I'm going to do anything today or not.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
Church I used to attend I played for the evening service and it was all favorites. We have the same hymn book at this church, so I'm able to play most of the hymns in it.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
Today got quite warm, almost 80*! It's supposed to cool down though, for the middle of the week and I'm out of wood. So I took my battery operated chainsaw and went out and cut until 1 battery ran down and figure that's plenty.

I also had a lesson this morning. Misty did real good while we were waiting for EH. She got hung up, so I rode in the arena for about 15 minutes B4 she got out there, got saddled up and on her horse. And of course, once there was another horse around, Misty didn't listen as well. But, we worked thru it, and had a pretty good lesson.

Got back to the farm, and got my field cleaned, took care of the chickens, fed Stormy, bagged feed, put out hay and went home. I had been going to do some work at home, but didn't feel like it, so I read a book. They're calling for rain most of the week, so I'll be doing a lot of house work then.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
Today is going to be a warm, wet day. They're calling for a high in the 70s, but w/rain. So, other than normal animal chores, I don't know that I'm getting anything done outside-unless I decided to hide in the woodshed and cut up the wood I dragged home yesterday. It's going down in the 40s tonight and not getting much warmer tomorrow. I just might want to make a fire. And Thursday they're calling for a high in the lower 50s. Plus, they're calling for rain everyday until Saturday! It looks like I just might have fun on Friday. The vet is coming to the farm, so I have to take the goats w/me. That will be fun in the rain! At least by then, it's supposed to warm up.

I have a lot to do today, and I need to get started. Every morning I'm going down when it starts to get light out and checking on the chicks and the plants. I turn on all the lights down there, but it's not really the right light. Depending on the weather, I might move most of the plants out to the greenhouse next week. I think we're done w/the really cold stuff. I need to get busy, so my list for today is:

1. Chicks and seedlings
2. Dishes
3. Feed horses for EH
4. Normal farm chores
5. Bible Study
6. Clean kitchen
7. Firewood
8. Goats and chickens
9. Trash
10. Laundry
11. Go out w/CMA

That's enough for today.