Denim Deb Hay, hay, hay. Thank the Lord!


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
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Fallston, MD
So ready for the cold to be gone! Its been yucky here too. I'm SO glad that its supposed to be sunny this weekend, though, I have a LOT to do and hopefully I'll be able to get it all done!!!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Last week was crazy! I was out Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday evenings. Then DD got married on Friday morning. It still doesn't seem real.

On top of that, it was cloudy w/showers most of the week. Plus, I had to make a fire. I had hoped I was done w/other than an occasional fire in the morning. Instead, I had to have a fire burning from Tuesday evening thru Thursday evening. And, if I had had more wood, I would have burned it on Friday morning as well.

Saturday it finally dried up, cleared up and warmed up. Hubby was supposed to help me w/the garden after I went for a bird walk, but DS needed some help w/some work he was doing at home. And I felt it was more important for him to help him than me. I did get some done, and got more done today. My area of the garden is basically set up! I need to put stuff in my potato bins. I have all the cattle panels set up for my plants, but want to put some baling twine above that area. I have my sweet potato bins set up, and want to put some cattle panel sections up for them to grow up. And, I've started working in hubby's section. Tomorrow evening, I'll be getting my potato bins set up and then getting stuff started! And, if I have enough time, I'll work more in hubby's section. He's having back problems, so he can't get it done right now.

I have my lesson tomorrow, so I'm not planning on getting on in the morning. So, I'm making my list tonight. So here goes:

1. House work
2. Normal farm chores
3. Lesson
4. Work?
5. Clean field
6. Laundry
7. Goat pen
8. Garden
9. Feed animals at home
10. Dishes
11. Firewood-but only if I have time


Sustainability Master
Jul 22, 2011
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Klamath County, OR
I've meant to ask you (and maybe the answer is in one of the 500+ pages previously, that I missed) but why do you and your hubby have separate gardens?

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
He wanted an area of the garden, so I basically split the garden in 2. He grows what he wants, I grow what I want.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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I'm tired! Other than the dishes, I got everything done on my list, including working on firewood! I now have my potatoes, peas and onions planted. I planted some trees I ordered-don't know if they're going to do OK or not. I didn't work today, wasn't sure if I was or not, so instead I did some stuff around the farm. My lesson went well. I'm hoping I can start to find time to ride during the week.

For firewood, I started cleaning out the wood shed. They're calling for rain tomorrow, but if it hasn't started or is real light in the morning, I plan to grab some pallets to bring home and put in there. I can clean the woodshed out the rest of the way tomorrow if it's too wet to do anything.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
Today is going to be a wet day, so I don't know that I'll get done anything outside. But, I have Bible study this morning as well as my appointments this afternoon, so I'm not overly concerned about it. At least the stuff I planted yesterday is getting a nice rain. I didn't have enough of the one type of pea seeds. I only had a handful of them, so I need to see if I can find more of them. I wanted to find out what peas I could use for making split pea soup and found out that Lincoln are good for that. I knew I had some leftover, but didn't have enough for a row, so I'm hoping to buy more today. I marked where I got to in the row. I might also get some more snow peas. The seeds I had were old, so I don't know how well they'll come up. So my list for today is:

1. Clean kitchen
2. Normal farm chores
3. Bible Study
4. Appointments
5. Errands-including getting gas
6. Feed home animals
7. Clean brooder
8. Clean fridge
9. Finish cleaning out wood shed
10. Laundry
11. Dishes
12. Trash

That's enough for today and I need to get started.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
Well, I didn't get the kitchen all cleaned, nor did I do the dishes, take out trash or laundry. I started this morning, but wasn't able to get the kitchen all cleaned. And by the time I got home I was too beat to do anything else. I'm hoping to get to bed early. Then I can hopefully get up early enough to finish in the morning. I may do a bit more in the kitchen tonight, and I may do the laundry. That's just a matter of folding up and putting away my towels. Then I'd be able to finish the kitchen in the morning along w/the trash.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
I've been busy still. But at least after tomorrow night I won't have a bunch of evenings I'm out. I didn't have time to get on yesterday morning, and I was too beat by the time I got home. Today was such a nice day that I didn't take the time to get on because I had a lot I wanted to get done. And I was able to get quite a bit done!

While I washed my kitchen floor the other day, the counters and table are cluttered. This morning I did more dishes and cleaned off one section of the counter. I also washed and hung out a load of clothes.

Got to the farm and got my guys fed. Then I went to feed CL's horses. That was fun. KN now has a horse and CL has a new filly. Yesterday some minis and a pony got out. (I rounded them up w/my motorcycle.) And most of them were also in that field. The one is a real problem when I feed, so I have to shut some gates to keep him out. Only problem being one of CL's older horses wanted to chase out the 2 new horses. I kept yelling at her, and chasing her up towards the run in, but she kept coming back. I finally had to tie her up so I could shut the gates.

The filly and the new horse don't get fed in the run in-there's no room to feed them in there, so their buckets are on the fence. Normally I feed the older horses, then the filly, then KN's horse. Well today her horse didn't want to let the filly eat. I finally had to take that bucket down walk over to the other bucket, and feed her. Then I walked back to put the other bucket back in place. The filly wouldn't let me get it up. I somehow or another got shocked and dropped the bucket, so her feed spilled out. I got the bucket back in place, then gave her a bit more feed.

Now I needed to get the minis out of that field and back where they belonged. I used a bucket of grain and had no problem getting them in. I'm all set to get my other morning chores done when I see a donkey out! Last I saw him was yesterday when I managed to get him in the barn. I have no idea how he got out, but he wanted in the field. I was able to get him in, then in the field he belonged in.

After all that, I was FINALLY able to do what I'd planned on doing. I got my field all cleaned. I got my chicken house cleaned out. I picked up baling twine and some trash that was in my field. I cleaned up in the chicken pen and around my tack shed. I scrubbed my tank and refilled it. I moved the electric wire to open up the one section, and close off another. And when I went to dump the cart, I took my battery operated chainsaw w/me. There was a branch broken off of a wild black cherry that was making it hard for me to get down the lane. So, I cut it enough so I could get thru, dumped the cart, then came back and started cutting it up and putting it in my cart. Can you say, firewood?!

Got home and got animals fed. I had another load of clothes in the washer, so I hung them out. We are supposed to get some rain overnight, but it's supposed to be light, so I'm hoping they'll dry. Then I worked in hubby's section of the garden. He came out and helped me. I'm not sure if that's a good thing or not. He was drunk and driving me nuts.

Came in, got a shower, had dinner and played some computer games. Now I'm relaxing for a bit B4 heading to bed.