Denim Deb Hay, hay, hay. Thank the Lord!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Not yet. I wish I had had it today. It was a good day for riding.

Well the 100% chance of T storms we were expecting didn't happen. As a precaution, we changed where we were going for ice cream. I'm just as glad. It got dark earlier than I was expecting and I don't like driving at night at this time of night-too many deer.

I got everything on my list done. Hubby asked me why I had to keep going and going. Might have something to do w/the fact that if I don't do stuff, it doesn't get done. And tomorrow will be another busy day. I have my lesson in the morning as well as work. Since my lesson is at 8:30, I'm not getting on in the morning, so I'm doing my list tonight. So here's my list:

1. Finish ironing shirts
2. Housework
3. Normal farm chores
4. Lesson
5. Work
6. Work in garden
7. Feed animals at home
8. Goat pen
9. Dishes

That's plenty. I think I'm going to go to bed. I'm falling asleep.


Almost Self-Reliant
Jun 21, 2010
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I feel for you. I am pretty much on my own running our farm. Seems hubby always has something else to do.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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I'll be working my butt off and hubby will be sitting down doing nothing.

I didn't get all of my list done. I got most of it, but not quite all. I didn't do dishes. But we also didn't make that many today, so it's not that bad.

My lesson went well today. Misty was listening much better. She's still in heat, but either she's not quite as bad, or she's just listening to me better. And my riding is improving.

Tomorrow I don't need to leave quite as early. But I'm not planning on getting on since I'm getting done so much in the morning. Slowly but surely I'm getting my house cleaner. Plus I'm getting caught up on laundry! I should be all caught up on the laundry tomorrow, then I'll concentrate on the dishes and then the housework. So my list for tomorrow is:

1. Laundry
2. Housework
3. Dishes
4. Normal farm chores
5. Clean field
6. Work w/horses
7. Work in garden
8. Goat pen and chick brooder
9. Feed home animals

That should be enough for tomorrow.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Yesterday was a good, busy, tiring day! I am now officially caught up on the laundry. It took me 3x filling up the manure spreader, but my field is clean. I was going to mow the field as well, but the belt was off.

I had planned on spending a lot of time working w/both Licorice and Misty on having their ears an mouth messed with. Neither really objected, so that didn't take long at all.

My goat pen is almost all clean now, hopefully today will see it clean. And I've been taking the chicks outside when I'm outside and setting them in a small pen. They're still not sure what to make of it, but it's only about a week and a half B4 I'll be taking them to the farm and leaving them. While they were out, I got the brooder all cleaned, then set back up.

I did dishes B4 I left yesterday, then another load last evening. Other than what dishes we used for dinner last night and if there's any that I missed, the dishes are caught up! I made brownies and peach cobbler yesterday morning, and those dishes are clean as well.

I also got my finances figured out and money in the bank yesterday. I have the farrier coming today, so I needed to get that done. I didn't have enough in my checking account to pay him. I now have my accounts arranged so that all I have in my checking account is feed money, farrier money and for buying miscellaneous stuff. The rest is in savings. I'm not getting a lot of interest, but at least it's more than I get for checking.

Hubby's playing golf this afternoon so today promises to be another busy day. After the farrier leaves, I'll be letting the horses in the parking area and I'll be working in my chicken area. I'll probably let the momma hen and her babies out while I'm working since I can keep an eye on them. So my list for today is:

1. Housework
2. Normal farm chores
3. Chicken house
4. Work w/horses
5. Goat pen
6. Garden
7. Feed animals
8. Dishes

This list seems really short. But since I'll be spending quite a bit of time on most things, it should take several hours.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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I didn't get done as much as I wanted on my new chicken house. My drill stopped working. I don't know if it's fixable or not. :( If it's not, I don't know what I'm going to do.

I worked w/both Misty and Licorice in the RP today. Both of them had attitude, but we worked thru it.

Got everything on my list done but the dishes. There's not that many, so I'll do them tomorrow night instead.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Don't know what all we're getting done today. I'm hoping I can clip the wings on my home chickens today and work on the goat pen and their area at the very least. I'm thinking I might want to get a pair of scissors just for clipping wings. That way, I know I have a good, sharp pair and will know where they are. Scissors have a habit of disappearing around here.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Today promises to be another hot, dry day and tomorrow is going to be even worse! But after that, it's supposed to cool. I hope so. It just got too hot too quickly. And, I really wish it would rain. We could use that as well.

Mother's Day was a fairly nice day, even though I didn't get what I wanted-for my family to come to church w/me. It's such a small thing to ask for, and would mean more to me than any present they could give, but they just won't do it. We had a BBQ at my parents'. Both of my kids and my SIL came, but not hubby. My brother and his youngest were there, but not his oldest. I know he felt bad about that. Next month is their 60th wedding anniversary. I don't think they really want a party, but I'm hoping that at the very least, we can have another BBQ. My sister might fly up for it, but we don't know for sure yet.

Hubby never really looked at my drill. I have another one, but it doesn't take the same batteries. I'll be using that until my other one either gets fixed or replaced. Hopefully I can get a lot done on my chicken house today.

We don't have a running mower at the house. And my mower at the farm needs the belt put back on it. So today, I'm going to bring home my mower. Hubby can get the belt back on it, he can mow, and then I can take it back to the farm either tomorrow or Wednesday. I'm supposed to have a lesson on Wednesday, but it might get pushed back to Friday. And, my motorcycle still isn't fixed. So if hubby gets done w/the yard today, I'll take the mower back tomorrow. Then, if he gets my bike fixed, I'll be able to take it on Wednesday if my lesson is pushed back. I do need to go out and move firewood so I can park the trailer. Otherwise, there's not enough room in the driveway for it. I just wish I had had the time to do the wood. I hate to have to move it w/out putting it away. But it needs to be cut up and or split.

Today is going to be another busy day, and I have to go to the dentist this afternoon. So, I need to make my list and get busy. So for today, here's what I'm hoping to get done:

1. Housework
2. Move wood
3. Normal farm chores
4. Clean field
5. Work on chicken house
6. Bring home mower
7. Dentist
8. Garden
9. Goat pen
10. Feed animals
11. Dishes

That's enough for today and I need to get busy.


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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It's such a pain when the mower doesn't work! I had to get a new battery for mine. Hope you get your drill fixed too!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
Hubby's saying to just get a new one. I used the other one today, but didn't get much done. It's not as powerful and I had to predrill holes. And the batteries don't seem to last long. I finally gave up.

I didn't quite get all of my list done. It took longer than I was expecting to move the wood, so I didn't do any housework this morning. I forgot to put work w/horses on the list, so I worked w/both Misty and Licorice. It took me longer than I was expecting to get the mower loaded up, but I did it. And I just barely made it to the dentist. I thought I had just 1 tooth that needed a filling. Nope, I needed 3. I didn't really eat dinner.

It took longer at the dentist than I was expecting. Instead of doing the goat pen, I did the brooder. The chicks were kind of stinky, so I figured that was a bit more important. Garden, I only pulled out a couple of handfuls of weeds and I didn't touch the dishes. They'll get done tomorrow.

I think I' going to see if I can find something soft to eat, then go to bed.

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