Denim Deb Hay, hay, hay. Thank the Lord!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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If I had slept better, I would have. But, I had trouble sleeping.

I got most of my list done. I decided I wanted to do the dishes this morning. We were almost out of clean dishes. It felt good to get them all done.

For the first time in months, I was able to dust my piano and a small table in the living room. Now that all the junk is out of there, I can get to them. It also makes it much easier to get to my piano. Today I started practicing again. I still have 1 area that needs to be dusted, but I'll do that next week. Then, the living room will be all clean.

I got clothes washed and out on the line. Since it was trying to rain this afternoon and hubby got home B4 me, he took them down.

I got the field all cleaned, then I got cleaned all along the fence line inside my field. There are still some places on the outside that need to get cleaned, I'll work on them between now and Thursday.

I had been going to ride Licorice, but RU was busy, so I didn't want to interrupt her to have her keep an eye on me for just in case. But, I did put her in the RP and work her.

I got started on the other field. There's a rather large depression or pit, in the field. There's some dead trees standing in it as well as a live cherry or 2 and a couple of black walnuts. I started taking down the dead trees. I'll use them for firewood. I plan on filling in the pit, but don't want to do that until I know for sure that I'm getting that field.

By the time I got home, I was beat. So I didn't work on the goat/chicken house. I hope I can tomorrow. I really need to get it done. I'm sitting her trying not to fall asleep.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
Well, I didn't want to get up this morning, but did anyway. But, I overslept, so no list. I had a pretty good day so far as getting stuff done.

B4 I left for the farm, I got my kitchen clean. We got take outs last night, so there weren't many dishes. I didn't bother to do them.

I went to the hay auction today and got nothing. There was very little hay there either last week or this week. And what was there was expensive. Plus, the bales weren't that heavy. For the price that they were going for, I should be able to get hay off of LF's hay guy. And his bales are around 50, 60 lbs. If I need to spend that much on hay, I much prefer to buy heavy bales. He's bringing her hay on Thursday, so she's going to talk to him. I need about 60 bales still. So, I probably won't be going to the hay auction anymore unless I try to get some straw for bedding for the goats.

Went back to the farm, gave Stormy his 2nd feeding, then collected trash from my shed. I had a whole bucket full of water bottles. I don't like to buy water that way, but that's how hubby buys water. (We don't drink our water. It's high in iron and really taste nasty. The water at the farm does as well.) I had a small bag of trash I brought home. Then I swept out the shed. It looks much better in there. I'm planning on spending the night on Thursday, so it's pretty much ready for me.

Once I got home, I relaxed for a bit. Hubby had said he wanted to work on my bike, but he needed help. So I waited and waited and waited. I finally gave up and went out to work on my goat/chicken house. I got one board measured and that was it. That's when he came out to work. By the time we were done, it was dark.

In a way, I'm really hating how early it's getting dark. Hubby is drunk and driving me nuts. I'm hoping next week I can start working more on the basement. I need to have an area where I can work on my computer w/out being disturbed. I need to work on my nature lessons so I can hopefully make some money next year.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
I woke up at around 3:00 this morning and couldn't go back to sleep. I hope I'm able to get done everything I need to today. RU has a friend that had a lot of trees come down in a bad storm in June. We're supposed to go and get some of that wood today. I hope she remembers.

I'm also going to work this morning, but need to do housework first. And, I need to put away the clothes I washed the other day. I haven't gotten to it. Plus, I need to run to Wal-Mart and pick up an order. I haven't gotten an e-mail that it's there, but I checked the delivery status and it was delivered yesterday. So, I'll probably call them first if there's no-email by the time I get home. Hubby's getting ready to leave. So my list for today is:

1. Housework
2. Laundry
3. Normal animal chores
4. Work
5. Get wood
6. Wal-Mart
7. Dishes
8. Goat/chicken house

As soon as he leaves, I need to get busy.


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
Reaction score
Fallston, MD
I hope you can get hay still! Its getting scarce as everyone is snatching everything up. I'm so grateful that I have everything I need for the winter. I just found out that Othello is probably leaving, so that means I have plenty of small bales, way more than I should need, so I can sit on it and sell it come February for a nice profit!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
Sounds like a good idea. I still don't have all I need, but have a couple of leads. It will cost me more than I wanted to spend, but if I wait, it will be even more expensive.

I've been so busy, I haven't been able to give an update!

RU got her dates mixed up and thought we were going for the wood on Thursday. So when I called her, she was in the middle of replacing some fence. It was only a short section, so when I got to the farm, I helped it. It shouldn't have taken long. But the one place we needed to put a post was nothing but stone once we got down about 6 inches. She ended up getting a metal bar w/a point on one end. We had to use that to loosen up the dirt and stones, then use a post hole digger to get it all out. That took a long time. Then, we had to put the boards in. (Slip board fence) That shouldn't have been hard. Well, some of the boards were a bit thick. So that made it difficult to get them both in the holes. KN showed up and between the 3 of us and a sledge hammer, we were finally able to get them in. It just took a lot longer than any of us were expecting. RU is replace all the bad fence w/this, and I can have the 4x4s. So, I need to start finding them. I need 18 for my new chicken area.

By the time I got home, I didn't have time to do anything other than relax for a bit, eat and feed the animals. Some friends of mine were meeting at a local ice cream place, so I decided to join them B4 heading to Wal-Mart. My package at Wal-Mart was a thick, mattress topper. I wanted something better than an air mattress for my cot since it always loses air and I want to make a nice pad for my lounger. So, I got a queen sized pad-on clearance. When I got it home, I took it out of it's box and put it on the kitchen floor. It took awhile to decompress, but it's now the 4 inches thick I needed. I got a shower, then headed to bed.

Yesterday was busy. I had my lesson and my brother is visiting from Germany. So, I cleaned the bathroom in the morning, put away laundry and got a load of towels in the washer. I took my pad and stuck it in the bedroom until I got home. My lesson went great! And it also went over. RU had saddled up a horse and we had the lesson back in the woods. We were having so much fun and I was doing to good that we lost all track of time. My lesson was supposed to be done at 9:45. I looked at my watch-it was 10:20.

She wanted me to ID some downed trees for her that she wanted to use for either jumps or firewood. That took longer than expected. By the time I got back to the farm, it was almost 12:00 and I was going to my parents for lunch so I could see my brother. So, I was late getting there. I left there around 3:00 and headed home.

At home, I got the clothes out on the line and did dishes. Then, w/hubby's help, I got the pad cut. I rolled it up, got some clean clothes, my laptop, etc. and headed to the farm. LF was down and wanted me to spend the night. So, we had a cookout by her tack shed. She has electricity in hers, so we watched a moving. Then, I went back to my tack shed, go to brush my teeth and realize I forgot my toothpaste! I started hunting around and found an almost empty tube I had brought w/me at one point in time, so I was able to brush my teeth. I got changed, and went to sleep.

My pad is going to work out. The only problem I had was that it's on a cot, so the cot sags. I'm going to be making a bed frame of some sort, but that's down on the list. I actually slept fairly well.

Today is going to be a busy day. I got my field cleaned yesterday, but didn't get the manure spread. I'll be doing that at some point in time today. I'm also going to be working on the pit in the other field. I may not get it all cleaned out. But, if I can at least have all the dead trees and the cherry trees out and the area where I'm going to be putting my


Almost Self-Reliant
Aug 12, 2014
Reaction score
i got one of those memory foam pads for my bed and just love it. hope you can find a way to shore up the sags in the cot.


Super Self-Sufficient
Sep 12, 2008
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NOT Southern, Ca. :)
Hey Deb, Its G. I am looking for SKR8PN Magic Dust Bacon Rub Recipe. I have not been on this site for a gazillion years and have no idea how to navigate it. Have you seen the recipe or him around lately? I'm surprised I could even log in.

Crazy, so many familiar names and faces.



Super Self-Sufficient
Sep 12, 2008
Reaction score
NOT Southern, Ca. :)
Ok nevermind. I found a hard copy of the recipie tucked away. It's a flavorful rub he calls Majic Dust. I'm missing a couple ingredients but plan on giving it a try when I get them.

I hope all is well.


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