Denim Deb Hay, hay, hay. Thank the Lord!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Hey G. I want that recipe as well. I was going to look for it, just haven't had time. Maybe you could post it for us?

People are driving me nuts. CL is upset because PT and I are switching fields. She used to be in that field, then wanted to move. Now she wants back. But, she doesn't take care of the field she's in, she's not going to help LF, she's not there everyday to feed, so why should she be back there.

In trying to come up a w/plan so that it's easy to feed all the horses, no one has to worry about the thick, clogging mud we get and someone will still be able to feed Stormy 2x a day on Saturday and Sunday, I came up w/what I thought (and still think) is a good plan. KN's horse and one of RU's horses are in the same field as CL's. She did have 3 horses, but got a filly this year. There's only 3 stalls in the run in. One has a gate, the other 2 don't. So, 3 of the horses are fed in stalls, one is tied by the gate, 1 is tied to a fence and the other has a bucket where she can't get to the run-in. There's an aisle way that leads to it and it has gates so the horses can be either kept up by the run-in or kept in the field if need be. It is very difficult to close this gate if it's been raining. If it's cold out, the gate freezes in place. My idea was, there's room to put up a stall leading out of the aisle way up by the run-in. That would mean that all of CL's horses would be in stalls. Then, we'd need to make gates for the 2 that have no gate, or just do it for one, and move the horses around a bit for feeding. That would take care of CL's horses, and make it easier on PT to feed.

Then, for KN's horse and RU's, make a gate into the riding arena at the other end from where it is. That end is near where I'll have my horses. I would feed them in there, then let them back out after PT feeds the other horses. I figured that way, KN would still be feeding Stormy his 2 feedings on the weekends and it would make it easier on everyone. Well, KN doesn't like that plan. She's all upset, saying she already has all her stuff up at the other end. And if I'm going to be feeding those horses, I may as well put them in my field. I shouldn't be making plans for her horses w/out consulting w/her, etc. She has upset both LF and me in the past w/how she's tried to do things for our animals w/out discussing it w/us-always things that we didn't want done and she had no say in-including B4 I had my chickens where they are now taking down some netting that I had spent hours putting up the day B4 and putting it up the way she wanted it up. Then she got mad when I took that down and saying I should have consulter her first. No wonder I'm dreaming about tornadoes again. No one is asking her to move her horses. All we're doing is trying to make it so all the horses are fed and it's easy on everyone. I actually hung up on her and told her that she could try and figure out a better way to do it.

Even w/all the drama, I got most of what I wanted to get done, done. I was cutting up the last tree when my chain came off the saw. I went to put it back on and realized it was damaged. Hubby had never sharpened my other chains-in spite of promising me that he would, so that was the only chain I had w/me. But, the area looks so much better already. I am not going to try and get the whole pit cleaned out now, just enough so I can get my chickens moved. On Monday, I'll be taking the tractor down so I can take stuff I cut out and stick it in a burn pile RU has. I'm hoping I can get that all done then. W/that done, I can then start to fill it in. I'm hoping it will be all done by Friday. If so, I can then start on new chicken run.

Today, I have laundry to take down and put away. I have to work on my goat/chicken house. And, I want to cut up and put away all the wood I brought home yesterday. DS was over yesterday and did a lot of cleaning next to the wood shed. If I have enough time, I want to do more cleaning there so we have room to make the other wood shed.

Mini Horses

Sustainability Master
Sep 2, 2015
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coastal VA
Is there EVER enough time to do what we want or think about?:he :lol: :th

We all seem to have the "domore" disease. :hide

Time rules....and as we age, it gets more scarce with some slow down in our own ability to do but not our mind to think it all up.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
And some of us have it worse than others!

Well, I talked w/KN and CL yesterday. They say they'll go down and feed Stormy his breakfast and lunch for me on the weekends and that they don't want to make changes w/how their horses are fed. I don't know that PT can handle feeding the horses the way they are now, but that's on them. But, it may work out. I've told CL for a couple of years now that her one horse was coughing, but she never did anything about it. Yesterday the vet was out for another horse, so she finally had the vet look at him. He has a bad heart and could go at any time. That would free up a stall. Then, they get the other stall made, get gates on the at least one of the other stalls, put RU's horse in a different field, and everyone would be in a stall for feeding. And that wouldn't be a problem.

I didn't get anything done at home yesterday. Hubby and I ran some errands. By the time we got home, it was time for me to go feed Stormy. And by the time I got home, it was starting to get dark. So, I fed animals and finally got my laundry down. It wasn't until I went to get something to eat that I realized my kids made a bunch of dirty dishes on Friday and didn't clean them up. But, that's what their father taught them.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
You and me both. I'm looking forward to it. I believe I'll be more relax.

Another wasted weekend. I got nothing done again. There's a ton of dirty dishes thanks to the kids. I have a load of clothes to put away. DS did a good job of cleaning out the one area, but didn't get rid of all the crap, so I need to do that soon. Hubby didn't sharpen my chains, so I can't do any wood. He did get my bike running, but also crashed on it, so he bent the gear shift. At least I should be able to start taking it out to the farm. That will save me gas money and give me more towards hay and the work I need to do down back.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
Today is going to be busy. I overslept. Hubby has left for work, so I need to get busy. Last I heard, we're taking DD and DSIL out for dinner. He's leaving for basic training tomorrow-on DD's birthday. So, I have a lot to get done in less time than normal. So, my list for today:

1. Dishes
2. Laundry
3. Normal animal chores
4. Clean field
5. Work w/horses
6. Work on other field
7. Goat/chicken house
8. Housework


Sustainability Master
Jul 22, 2011
Reaction score
Klamath County, OR
How rotten that he has to leave on your daughter's birthday! He probably has to leave at o'dark-thirty, too, so they can't make it a late night either.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
He needs to be at the airport at 2:30 tomorrow afternoon. DD will be taking him, but she's like me, she hates to drive in the city. We won't see him again until the end of November. And while he won't be here for Thanksgiving, at least he'll be home for Christmas.

Today I got a lot done B4 I left for the farm. I loaded the dishwasher and ran it. I washed a load of clothes and hung them on the line, and I cleaned my living room. I thought I had to wash the horses' rain sheets, but when I looked for them, I realized I already washed them. They're in a basket waiting to be fixed. I'll be doing that on Wednesday. They may need them then.

Since I wanted to work on the other field, I figured the best way to work it was to get done everything else between Stormy's feedings. Then that way, I could work for quite some time w/out having to worry about him. I got the field cleaned, but couldn't spread the manure. My mower wouldn't start! And since I was on the bike, I couldn't jump it. I'll try to do that tomorrow.

Both Licorice and Misty acted up when I worked w/them. So, I couldn't do what I'd planned on, but at least I got them to listen to me. They just worked harder than they would have! I'm just not sure if I'll be able to do anything else w/them this week due to the weather.

I got as much of the new field done as I could w/out having my chainsaw. There's still a small pile of branches, but not enough for a bucketful. Once I get the rest of that tree cut up, I can finish cleaning out that section of the pit. Only problem being, I don't know when I'll be able to do it. They are calling for rain to start sometime tomorrow evening w/rain on Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday! We need the rain, but I was hoping we wouldn't get any until after I got the old cement, bricks etc. in the pit, then put dirt on top. The rain would help get the dirt all around everything solidly. But w/the rain, I'll have to wait until it dries out some B4 I can do the dirt work. So, I don't know what I'll be doing the rest of the week.

Once I got home, I was able to feed animals, get the clothes down, then do some measuring for the goat/chicken house. I would have liked to have gotten more done, but w/the forecast, it's probably just as well that I didn't.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
I really wish I didn't have my appointments today. This is supposed to be the last nice day this week. Then they're calling for rain, rain and more rain! I don't know what I'll be getting done at the farm for the rest of the week and I won't be having my lesson. She has no indoor. But even if she did, I don't feel like having a lesson in one.

It's also going to be much cooler. They're calling for a high of 62 on Thursday and a high of 58 on Friday! Guess I'm going to have to do some baking or something those days. Hopefully the house won't be so cold that I want to make a fire. I can't. The basement is too much of a mess. But w/the rain, I guess I'll be doing a lot of housework.

Hubby has left the building, so I guess I'd better do some work.

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