Denim Deb Hay, hay, hay. Thank the Lord!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
I'm home, waiting for DS and I have my stew in the crockpot. When I get home, I throw some frozen veggies in it. It will then be all ready to eat when I am.


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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You inspired me - I'm throwing stuff in the crockpot now for a pork roast tomorrow. I'll get it ready tonight, refrigerate it, and start it tomorrow before work. It'll allll be done when I get home. Hope yours turns out delish!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
It was good, and I do have enough for lunch, so that's a plus.

I got totally bummed out when I got back to the farm. I found my best rooster, Ralph, next to my RP minus his head and neck. I was not happy to see that. This had totally messed up my breeding program. So, one of the young roosters that I was planning on taking to the auction is staying, at least for now.

I was able to get more done in the garden prep. I'm going to try and cover some stuff up w/a tarp a couple of nights. Don't know if it will do any good or not.

Didn't do any housework. What I'd planned on doing will get done on Saturday. I'm going to work some on the basement this morning, then go to work after feeding. I'm supposed to ride in a fun show next Saturday, but since I don't have my truck and I'm so far behind, I think I'm going to miss the show so I can get caught up some. It's the only way I'm going to be able to get everything done B4 moving my horses.


Almost Self-Reliant
Aug 12, 2014
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poor ralphie, anyone around the barn look guilty? I'm voting skunk. for some reason they seem to like chicken heads.
is the fun show tomorrow or Saturday week? i hope you manage to go. work is always there but life is to short to miss a horse show.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
The show is next Saturday. If it was this Saturday, there's no way I could go. I still don't have my truck and I can't pull the trailer w/my motorcycle.

As for Ralph, because of where he was, I'm leaning towards a large raptor. I know they'll at times just get the head and neck. But, it could also have been a skunk, or a raccoon, or a member of the weasel family or a....

Yesterday was a busy day. I cleaned some of the basement B4 heading to the farm. Since I'm limited as to what I can do at the farm, I went to work for a few hours after feeding. When I got back, I fed Stormy, then went and got the tractor. There was a bit of stuff that I could do, so I went ahead and did it. I was able to push the one stump over a bit, but not quite like I wanted it. I pulled out one piece of metal. It looks like the frame to an AC. There's something else that I couldn't pull out, but I'm thinking it might have been due to the amount of room I had to work in. I'm hoping to start filling in the pit on Monday. I'm hoping that once I have some of it done, I'll be able to drive in there easier. If I can, then I'm hoping I can move the stump, and get the other thing pulled out.

Years ago, someone had tried putting up a wooden fence in front of the pit. The horses just busted the boards, but left the posts in the ground. I got them all pulled out. There was also a whole pile of cinderblocks in the pit. There was nothing wrong w/them, so I took them out. PT is riding in the field for now, and she's riding bareback. She was using some of the junk that I moved as a mounting block. I made the cinderblocks into steps in an area the horse don't normally walk. Figured this might be easier for her to use. There is nothing else I can do until I go to fill the pit in. I haven't done it yet because RU wants me to use my truck for moving dirt around. I have one of these, so it makes it easy to unload-plus it saves on diesel. I'm hoping I have my truck on Monday. If I do, the pit will be filled in then.

Once I have the pit filled in, I'll be getting the fencing I need. This is what I plan on using I could save money getting the stuff w/the 2x4" squares, but I figure this will be safer, plus I don't have to worry about the chicks getting out. And, I have the plastic mesh to go on the top. I just hope it's strong enough for any birds that might try to get in.

At the bottom, I'll be putting hardware cloth so that the fencing and the hardware cloth makes a T. This way, hopefully nothing can dig in, and the chickens won't be able to make holes along the fence from the other side. And, I'll be putting up electric wire all around the pen near the bottom, and closer to the top.

Once I have the fencing up, I'll finally get the wood I need and make the houses. I had planned on making them one at a time. Instead, I think I'll do the same thing to everyone at the same time. I'm hoping this will make it quicker.

When I finally got home, I worked a bit in the garden. I had been going to clean my bathroom and do dishes, but I was too beat. Instead, I got something to eat, then made a fire and relaxed B4 heading to bed.

Today's going to be just a busy. I have breakfast out this morning, then I need to do more work in my garden since we're supposed to get frost tonight. I also want to do more wood and I have to do dishes. I'll probably load them in the dishwasher.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
I'm beat! I didn't quite get done as much as I wanted to.

I started the morning by going out to breakfast w/my motorcycle group. Today was nominations for next year's officers. I turned down 2 positions-chaplain and road captain. I'm trying to cut down on my obligations, so that's one way I can.

Got home, sat down in my chair while I waited on hubby to start working on my truck, and fell asleep! I'm not sure how long I slept, but when I got up, I went out and worked on wood. The wood that I have in the basement is good for getting the chill out of the basement, but not that good for keeping the house warm. So, I wanted to get some other cut to mix in. I brought in some, but not a whole lot. What I brought in should get me thru this cold snap, it's going to warm up again next week.

Once I had wood in, I went back out and worked some more on the wood. I've gotten about 5/8 of what I brought home cut. Most of it is split, but I have some that I'll need the splitter on. Hubby worked on my truck for awhile, but wasn't able to get it done. He couldn't get it apart. And, he had to go to his brother's. So, I worked until he was ready to leave. We went over, and I dropped him off, then went to the store. We're having a covered dish dinner at church tomorrow, and I needed to get some stuff. From there, I headed to the farm.

At the farm, I fed Stormy, then picked the majority of the green tomatoes I had growing on the fence. And since it's going to be colder tonight, I put out extra hay. Went home, and picked the majority of the stuff in my garden. Didn't have time to do anything w/hubby's, so I just took some tarps and covered everything the best I could.

By the time I got done, it was getting dark. Plus hubby called and said he was almost ready to be picked up. So, I went and got him, then came home. I was going to do dishes and clean the bathroom. Ain't happening. I got some frozen pizza and threw it in the toaster oven. I'm relaxing now and plan to get to bed early.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
Hubby never got to my truck yesterday. DS came over and they were supposed to work on his car. It started to rain! That was not in the forecast, so it didn't get done. Nor did they do anything to my truck. I won't be leaving today until it warms up! I'm glad I got my Carhartts washed last week! I'm going to need them.

Since I don't have my truck, I'm not sure what all I'm doing today. I'm getting more and more behind. I just don't know how I'm going to get everything done for next week. I may just talk to RU and use the tractor. She doesn't want me to because of all the diesel I'd be using. But, I'd give her money for diesel. Maybe at the very least we can get the old cement, etc. in the pit.

I do need to finish cutting up the wood I have at home. And, I really need to work on my chicken/goat house. They're not calling for rain this week, so hopefully I can at least get it started. If I can have everything done but the last 3 pieces of OSB, and the roof, I'll feel much better.

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