Denim Deb Hay, hay, hay. Thank the Lord!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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I did not get done. And, I'm not overly happy about it. I don't know if I posted this or not. I'm trying not to talk down about people. But, plain and simple, PT is a pig when it comes to cleaning up after her horses. Part of what I'm putting in the pit is from the run in that she's currently using. She has never cleaned it. RU has, at times, gone in there w/a tractor and cleaned it out. I don't know when the last time is that this was done, probably last year.

PT puts hay in there-including whole RBs. And, she doesn't take the string out, or the mesh covering. I tried to get this mess cleaned out-and couldn't do it! The stuff was so intertwined, that I was unable, for the most part, to pick it up w/the bucket. Hubby may come on Sunday and try it himself. If he doesn't, then I'm going to have to go in there w/a shovel and digging fork and take it all out by hand. So, I don't know that I'm going to have anything done for the chickens by Saturday. My main goal now is to get that cleaned out-including the section for hay. I get that section done, I'll be redoing it, then putting pallets down. I hope to move my hay on Friday-providing I have my truck back.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Today's going to be a busy day. I need to get caught up on the dishes. I need to finish cutting and splitting the wood I have at home, then finish filling the wood holder in the basement, and stack the rest in the wood shed. I need to frame out my goat/chicken house. If hubby gets my truck fixed, I'll get the rest of the OSB I need, and finish it today. Then, if I have time, I'll work in my garden. I want to have it all cleaned out, then put down cardboard, then bark, sawdust, etc. down, then cover the whole thing w/hay B4 the ground freezes. I get that done I think I'll really good soil for next year. And once I'm able to start cleaning the goat pen again like I should, I'll be putting that down on the top.

The one thing I won't do during the winter is put my ashes in the garden. We have a metal drum that I'll use for the ashes instead. That way it won't matter if they're not completely out. I've heard of people setting their house on fire using ashes on ice on the porch.

I'm supposed to be going to a fire tonight. I'm looking forward to it as a way to relax. Then tomorrow night, we're having a fire at church. That will give me another chance to relax.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Didn't quite get done everything I wanted to. I got most of the dishes done. But, hubby was working on my truck and wanted me close by for just in case. We had a whole pile of junk that needed to be sorted thru. It's been sorted thru! Much of it went in the trash or recycling. There's some old oil that needs go to the township. There's a couple of old batteries. I don't know what we're doing w/them. And, there was some metal that will be going for scrap. The good thing about all this being cleaned up? I have a 2 horse, bumper pull trailer that I haven't used in years. The ramp started coming off, so hubby started fixing it-and never finished! All of this junk was at the back. It is now possible to get to the back of the trailer!

I started on wood, when hubby realized he needed a tool that he didn't have, so I had to go out and get it. I got back, and was able to finish the wood, then fed animals and left. I thought the fire was at 6:00. It was at the Nature Center, and wasn't open to the public. It was a group that had asked to use it. I was going to help JT. And I was under the impression they were bringing food to share. I got there, found I had the time wrong and found the only food they were having was s'mores, after a night walk. A couple of the kids were wearing the shoes that light when they walk. That gives me vertigo. So, once they had the fire going well, had gotten everyone signed in, then left for their walk, I left. If they had had no one to stay w/the fire, I would have stayed. But, the groundskeeper was there, so that wasn't a problem.

Stopped at the store on the way home, got some stuff I need for tonight's fire as well as some munchies and came on home. I still don't have my truck, so I had to get the stuff I put in the back of hubby's jeep out-a bale of hay and a gas can. I did stick the bale of hay in a hay bale bag, so there's no hay all over the inside. But, he doesn't want me using his car to carry gas cans. Right now, I have no choice, so I just don't let him know. I need gas for the mower, and will be getting it today.


Almost Self-Reliant
Aug 12, 2014
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gee, ds#3 is like that, doesn't want to carry gas for the mower in her car but it is ok for me to carry it in mine. they are both suv's so has to go inside. being the stubborn sister that i am i won't mow her yard unless she gets the gas and she has gone most of the summer without her yard mowed. i know, i know I'm a bad sister but the way she said it just hit me the wrong way.
hope you enjoy tonights fire more than last nights. raining here PTL we need it badly.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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His car is a lease. When he needed a different vehicle, I thought we were going to look for a good used one. Instead, he decided to lease. I think it was a mistake. He puts too many miles on in a year, but he had to have it. At least, I'm not on the lease agreement.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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I STILL don't have my truck! Hubby didn't even start on it until I got home from church. And, he couldn't get done. DS did come over, but they didn't really work on it much. I don't know what the story is. I just know I'm tired of not having my truck I don't know how I'm going to have everything done this week that I need to get done.

The Fellowship Fire that we had at church tonight was nice. It felt so nice to sit around a fire w/friends, roast hotdogs, make s'mores, etc. The only bad part? Putting the fire out. I just don't know when I'm going to be able to get my fire ring. I don't know that I want to put it in the jeep.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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I guess hubby is taking DD's car today, which leaves me w/his jeep. My goals for today are simple. I am cleaning the field, then I am cleaning out the run in and filling in the pit. I took my spading fork and big shovel to the farm yesterday, so I'm ready. Depending on how long it takes me, I'll be marking out for the chicken area, and maybe even putting in some posts. I'll do some easy housework and dishes this week, but my main focus is getting done. If I don't have my truck this week, I'm going to talk to RU and see if I can use her truck to get stuff. Right now, this is how my week looks:

Monday: Run in and pit
Tuesday: Appointments
Wednesday: Rain-so I'll work on the hay stall and packing up my tack shed and feed stall best I can
Thursday: Fence and start 1 chicken house
Friday: Finish 1 chicken house and if I get my truck back, load up the hay
Saturday: Move everybody
Sunday: Collapse

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
Change of plans. I got about 1/5 of the run-in cleaned out. It took me much longer than I was expecting. But, I think PT may actually be starting to understand why she's been told NOT to put hay in the run-in. She was there when I started to clean it out. And she asked me about using the tractor for it. I told her that it didn't work, that the hay was so intertwined, that everything just rolled out of the bucket. So, she said she'll help me clean it out. I'll believe it when I see it. So, my plan for the week is now to get the run-in cleaned out.

Oh, and I still don't have my truck.

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