Denim Deb Hay, hay, hay. Thank the Lord!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
Had a pretty good day. I threw a load of clothes in the washer this morning and did some dishes B4 going out to breakfast w/my MC group. I hung the clothes out when I got home.

Hubby and I went out to do some errands. When we got home, I worked in my garden for a bit. I'm hoping that I can have it all ready for winter next week. Then I went out to the farm. I was hoping to get a couple more fence posts in. Only problem being, both PT and KN came down. KN was bringing hay for her horse and PT wanted to look for something she thinks is still down back. So of course, I didn't get done what all I wanted to do. But, I was able to get another post in! And that one was hard to put in as well. I hit stone again. I'm hoping the next one won't be as bad. After I get that one in, I have 2 more I have to get in, but they'll be on the inside and it's not so stony there. Then, I Can get the fence up and work on the houses!

I brought in some wood and am now relaxing. I'm thinking of going to bed soon. I'm tired.

Mini Horses

Sustainability Master
Sep 2, 2015
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coastal VA
My friend says she "pushes" hers in with the end loader. Well, maybe if the ground is good and wet! And I'd love to but, need another to hold it in place, yes. I have thought about how to make a holder for the loader to be able to do it alone. not yet resolved, LOL.

I did find a way to scrape out a small, shallow run-off type drain ditch with the backhoe lowered & positioned, then very slowly drive fwd. Have to stop & empty bucket occasionally but, not often if shallow and also it's normally a very short distance. Not thru grass, etc. but along fairly bare spots near troughs, sheds, etc, or where some silt has moved into poor positions, often due to animals walking, you might otherwise use a shovel. UGH.

My tractor named "Arnie" (after schwartzenagger) is a real, real muscle help when I need to lift fence to mend, straighten, stretch, etc. Oh, I can sure PULL those T-posts out....don't need two people either:lol::he just me and Arnie. Ya know, I never get any sass from that tractor, either. Great purchase -- I smile at every payment.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
MH, if the ground is wet, you can push them down a bit, or hit them w/a sledge enough to get them started. Then, you could use the bucket to push them in the rest of the way. I don't really like T-posts, so I don't use them. And unless the ground is hard, or I hit stone, I can get a 4x4 in the ground in less then 10 minutes. I just hope I don't hit all this stone when I do other work down here as well!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
KN couldn't go to the farm this afternoon, so I went after church and gave Stormy his lunch. While he was eating, I got another post in. And while there were some stones, it wasn't anywhere near as hard as the others in that line. There's only 2 more I need to put in B4 I can start on the fencing, and they'll be easy. I just need to get another post. I thought I had enough, but am 1 short. So, I'll find another one when I go back out, and get them in this evening. I need to change my plans for tomorrow. It's going to be too cold to paint. So, I'll be doing a lot of cutting one I get the fence up. Then either on Tuesday morning-if it's warm enough, or Wednesday, I'll finally be painting the floors and legs. If I can get to the farm as early as I want this week, I should be able to finish the chicken area by Friday and maybe start on something else!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
The posts are all in! So that means tomorrow I'll be able to get the fence up and start working on the houses!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
I'm looking at the long range forecast. I want to have the chicken area done this week, then the fence moved and the posts for the RP in the next. And, I want the garden all weeded by then as well. If I don't get it done by then, I don't know that I'll be able to get it done this year. It's going to start getting much colder. So, I'm up early. I plan to leave early so I can take advantage of the light. I want to leave the farm by around 3:30. That will give me about an hour or so to work in the garden. I need to go get my free turkey, but will wait until it gets dark B4 going shopping. The only way we qualified this year was by buying an electric heater that I want in my tack shed. It's not that easy getting $400 in a short period of time when it's just 2 people and you don't buy a lot of junk.

Mini Horses

Sustainability Master
Sep 2, 2015
Reaction score
coastal VA
Yep "before winter" is getting closer & shorter, LOL. I HATE the cold....especially if it has snow with it.....and am pushing to get all done that will help with winter chores. We all know, no matter the weather, they want feed and water. Hey, they didn't ask to live with me, so I am obliged. Just try to make it a better experience for all of us.

You are making great progress. Kudos!!

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