Denim Deb Hay, hay, hay. Thank the Lord!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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And today felt like winter! It was cold out! The actual high was around 44*, but there was a wind blowing all day, so I was cold!

I got part of the fence up. I would have gotten more done if I had had help. It's really a 2 person job, and last time I checked, I'm just one person. It's also not going to be as tight as I want it. But, as long as it keeps the chickens in and predators out, it will do.

Then I also had problem cutting the hardware cloth. I had wanted some with 1/2" mesh, but they didn't have it in the size I wanted. I wanted it 3' tall so I could cut it to 18". I figured that was plenty wide enough for what I'm doing w/it. They only had it w/ 1/4" squares that size. So, cutting it down the middle is taking more time than I wanted. I had to try several different tools B4 I found one that would even work. That gets laid flat, then I'm standing the regular fence on top of it so it makes an inverted T. Eventually, I'll be using cable ties to join them together, then covering it w/dirt. This way, nothing can dig its way under the fence, and the chickens can't dig holes right next to the fence. Since the regular fence is heavy, it's difficult to stand it up on the that w/out moving it out of place. I think I have it figured out though. So tomorrow, I plan on getting there early again so I can work on it some B4 heading to Bible study. Then after my appointments, I'll see if I can't work on it more-providing I get there early enough.

By the time I got home, I didn't want to do anything. I finally went out and fed the goats and pulled some dead plants out of the garden. Then, I brought in enough wood for overnight. I'm going to be getting a shower soon, then eating dinner-grilled cheese and tomato soup. (OK, the soup is actually stewed tomatoes that aren't as chunky as I wanted, but it makes a really nice tasting soup.) I plan on going to bed early since I have another full day tomorrow. And I'll probably work in the garden some on Thanksgiving. That's going to be the nicest day all week long!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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It got really cold last night! But, at least it's supposed to warm up today. I really wish I didn't have my appointments, but it is what it is. I'm hoping to get to the farm early enough so that I can work some more on my fence. If it was warm enough, I 'd do some painting to the bottom of the first floor and the legs. Maybe I'll have enough time once I get back to get that done. My goal is to get 1 house done tomorrow and start on the 2nd, then finish the 3rd on Friday. I plan to have all the fencing up by tomorrow except along the front and the broody areas. I figure it will be easier to get in and out if I don't have to go thru the gate. Each section will have its own broody area, but I don't need that at this time of year, so that can wait.

I need to leave from the farm early enough so I can stop at the store. It's not that far down the one road to get to, so I'll go grab my turkey and a couple of other things as well that I need for Thursday. And, I'm going out for dinner tonight. That's going to be the only chance I have to relax for the rest of the week.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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I didn't get to the farm as early as I wanted to. I had to go the bank and feed store, so I got some of my kitchen cleaned up, and did more dishes. And, I got a load of clothes put away. I did paint 3 sides of the legs of my 1st house.

I don't know what hubby would say if he saw what I put in his jeep. I had 15 2x3 as well as 2 1x4 and 4 1x2, all wood I need for my chicken houses. And, I don't know that I have enough. But, I figured this would at least get me started. I didn't have time to do more once I got back. I got back later than I wanted to, so by the time I got home, it was dark. I have to go to TSC in the morning, then I'll head to the farm as early as possible. I may talk to my brother and see if I can use his truck again on Saturday. Then, I can get the last of the stuff I need.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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I've slowed down on trying to get my chicken area done. Someone bought 2 chickens at auction and placed them in a cage right next to my tack shed. I now have sick chickens. And I may lose some. I'm not very happy about it. I'm not moving my chickens until I know for sure that I don't have any sick ones.

Only 1 is really sick. I thought he had been beat up by some of the others, but realized yesterday that I had others that were starting to look the same. So, those that are sick are in the broody pen.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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I have another sick bird. And now I'm thinking it might be Coryza. I'm going to have to have the vet out to do a blood test. If that's what it is, I'm going to have to destroy my sick chickens. Even if they recover, they'd be carriers. I won't pass this on to others, nor do I want it to stay in my flock. So that would be 5 birds so far.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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I've been doing more reading. I haven't noticed a putrid smell, nor is there really a lot of swelling in the head, so I'm hoping it's not. If it is, from what I understand, ALL of my birds would be carriers-even if they haven't shown any signs of being sick. I'll be calling the vet today. Since it's not an emergency, I didn't call her yesterday. I figured I didn't need to bother her on Thanksgiving for a non-emergency.


Sustainability Master
Jul 22, 2011
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Klamath County, OR
Oh I hope you don't have to destroy your chickens! Whoever put those chickens next to yours should be paying for your vet bill... and replacing any you lose.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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I agree, but I also don't see that happening. Or at the very least be willing to admit that my birds probably got sick due to hers. When I told her that was the reason I don't buy chickens at auction she says, I don't think my chickens got yours sick. I told her the vet does. She didn't reply.

Today was not a good day. Hubby wanted to do some shopping. I had been going to go w/him, but changed my mind. I'm so glad I did. When I fed today, Misty showed almost no interest in her feed. I left her in her stall while I fed LF's horses, then came back in. She wasn't eating it, but the goat was. Needless to say, I showed him that he was NOT welcomed. So I took her feed bucket out, then went looking for my Banamine. It wasn't where I thought RU had put it. So, I called her (she's away), she told me where to find it, gave Misty a dose and called the vet.

My plan had been to feed the horses, then do a bit of work, then give Stormy his lunch and go home and do some work. Then later in the day, I was going to come back out, feed Stormy and the chickens then go home. Instead, I spent the day at the farm. And, I had to have the vet out. While I was waiting for her, Misty did manage to poop, but the poop was pretty dry. The vet ended up tubing her.

She left me a shot to give her if she seemed to need it. Well, I don't know if she did or not. The donkeys got out. We don't know how. We could not find a break in the fence. There is the chance that someone left a gate opened. I had planned on putting a RB out early, just didn't get to it until late because of Misty.

By the time I left, Misty was acting more like herself. And, it was dark out. So, I finished up what I was working on by using the flashlight on my phone. I had started cutting the rest of the hardware cloth in half. I had most of it cut, rolled up, tied and out of the way. I was working on the last piece when I had to go round up donkeys. And I wasn't about to leave it in the field. So, I finished cutting it, then rolled up both halves in the dark. I also put the hay out in the dark. Misty wanted it, so that's a good sign.

I didn't have a chance to do anything other than feed the chickens and collect eggs. But, I have at least 2 more sick ones. The vet says at this point in time, it's not even worth it for me to try and put the sick ones in the broody pen. She's trying to find out what kind of testing needs to be done, and who has to do it. She'll let me know.

Normally, KN feeds for me on Saturday. Instead, I need to feed. I need to see how Misty is doing first. If she's acting normal, has pink gums and shows interest in the feed, I can go ahead and feed her. Then, I need to check the field to see if she's pooped. Good thing I cleaned it today. It will be easier to check it out.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
OK, this is turning into a nightmare. Hubby came out to work on the fence today. We got part of it done. The plan was to then go home and get some stuff done. Instead, I spent a lot of the morning on the phone w/the USDA. I lost my young rooster today. He is now in double bagged and in the fridge-not the freezer. The USDA is coming out on Monday at 7:00 to do testing on my birds. And, they'll take any dead ones for testing as well.

They want all my birds penned up. I didn't have the top of the run covered, so hubby and I went home, got the part roll of mesh we had there and went back to the farm. We got it up-but not B4 a few of the birds got above where we were fixing. So, I'll have to get them in tomorrow evening.

I have one of my broodies that has both eyes closed-even after I bathed them w/warm water and got a bunch of gunk out of them. So, she's in one of the broody houses. I stapled a small piece of mesh over the door so she can't get out and none of the other birds can get in. And she has food and water.

Right now, it doesn't look like I have any new sick birds. And, those that were sick look like they're doing better. Hopefully I won't lose any additional birds.

The thing that is bothering me the most? The person who got the birds at auction refuses to admit that it could be her fault that my birds are sick. She insists that it couldn't be from them. And while there is the possibility that it isn't, the timing is right for it to be. I'm willing to apologize to her for thinking it is if it isn't. It would be nice if she were willing to admit it could be her fault.

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