Denim Deb Hay, hay, hay. Thank the Lord!

Mini Horses

Sustainability Master
Sep 2, 2015
Reaction score
coastal VA
You know, with your truck you could accomplish more than you do as you wouldn't have to rely on others, fit their schedule, etc. As I see it from what I read in the posts, hubby has a vehicle and you don't....he's worked on others, not yours, no priority for yours! My method would be to buy another truck without his approval, or take his vehicle and give him your truck to "drive". Sometimes we need to just stomp and dig in!!!!

My late DH did similar to me one year -- he came in and announced he'd sold my car. Hmmm. He'd get me another. Sold car left, mine didn't appear BUT, new co car for both daughters did. I just went out one day and bought one....drove in with it!! You like it? :smack He never did that again!!!!!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
I already told him that my truck is getting fixed this weekend. If I have to go out there w/a wrench and start working on it myself, I will. Last night, I had to go out. I was near the farm, so I took hay w/me. I don't know if he's found the tarp in the back or not.

The thing that bothers me the most is, I haven't been able to really ride. I'm not an arena rider, so no trail rides. I got on Misty yesterday-just for a few minutes. It was the first time I've ridden her since October.

Mini Horses

Sustainability Master
Sep 2, 2015
Reaction score
coastal VA
Nice of you to use a tarp.....consideration from you. Next time, no tarp and leave the hay scraps too. Haul a few bags of manure home to fertilize your garden & ask him to help unload them :eek:what? not in your car? ......uhhh, dreaming it was my truck, dear! :hu:hide

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
I'm taking a break. I've had a busy day so far.

I put away a load of clothes, ironed a few shirts and got 2 loads out on the line.

I took the mower, cart, chainsaw, etc. out in the woods and cut down some stuff and hauled it home. I still need to cut it up. I haven't needed a fire for a few days, but am going to need one this week. I should have at least enough to fill the wood holder in the basement and maybe have a bit left over.

I washed dishes. I'm almost caught up on them again.

And, I took all of my tomatoes and put them outside for now. I think I'm going to put them in the greenhouse. It's going to be cooler, but not cold so they should be fine in there. I'm wondering if I can figure out a way to make a fire in there to take the chill out.

I still need to cut up wood, and take some hay out to the farm. I still don't have my truck. Hubby had to fix DD's car and he's working on my Dad's Blazer. He doesn't think he's going to have time to work on my truck as well, but this will at least give me a vehicle.


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
Reaction score
Fallston, MD
Glad you're back to feeling normal and rocking on getting stuff done! We had a productive weekend, too, so that helps!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
Today I'm not feeling that great. I think it was something I ate. But, I ended u tossing my cookies last night. Now my IBS is flaring. Hubby never got to the brakes so he dropped me off on his way to work. I got in my tack shed and took a nap until 8:45! But, the horses have all been fed and I'm back in my shed. I haven't even eaten. I don't feel like it. And, it's a gray, wet miserable day, so there's not much I can do but hide in here. If I had my shed moved and all set up, I'd make some cookies. I have a nice toaster oven for in here. I'd eat sugar cookies if I had them. They normally don't bother me when I feel like this.

I didn't tell you about the ride I took on Friday. RU wanted to go for a ride. I didn't think it was a good thing to do yet since it had been months since I had ridden Misty, and I had no idea how Willow would act for LS. But, RU was all excited about going.

I did the smart thing and got on Misty for a few on Wednesday. I didn't have a whole lot of time, but I needed to be sure she wasn't going to act up. She didn't want to stand at the mounting block, but we worked thru it. And while she was fighting me some, she wasn't that bad, so I went.

We're almost to the trail when I realized we forgot the mounting block, so I had to boost LS onto Willow. RU managed to get up on the fender of her trailer, and I was able to lead Brandy over for her and held her while she got on. Then I tried to find a way to get on Misty. I led her over to some old RR ties, but they weren't high enough. And I can't mount from the ground on the "correct" side. But, I've worked w/Misty on being mounted from both sides. So, I walked around her and tried getting on on the "wrong" side. I had no trouble! So, off we go.

We haven't been to this place in a long time. It wasn't too long B4 we found ourselves back where we started from. So, we tried taking a different trail. All of a sudden, Willow decided that she didn't want to go that direction. I'm trying to tell LS what to do to get her going straight, but she didn't understand what I was telling her. (Which is why I wanted to work w/her in the arena first.) Then Brandy decides to roll! RU was able to jump clear. And while she was trying to find a place to get back on, Brandy rolled again! Then Misty decided that that looked like a good idea. If I had realized that she was going to do that, I would have driven her forward. As it was, I just had enough time to jump clear. I didn't bother to hold onto the reins because I was expecting her to just stand there like she did when she bucked me off on a trail. Nope, she took off. She ran around some, then let me catch her. I got my horn bag-which had come off, and remounted again.

By then, RU was back in the saddle, so we rode over to where LS was w/Willow. We were able to get her to get Willow going in the direction LS wanted to go, so we rode back to the trailer.

But, other than the rolling, Misty was well behaved. I should have more time to work w/her soon, so we'll have some good rides this year.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
Especially since I had just gotten done telling Misty how good she was and that she was the best behaved horse on the ride!