Denim Deb Hay, hay, hay. Thank the Lord!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
Well, it's going to be more seasonable today, warmer and dryer. I'm glad. And hubby felt guilty yesterday. Since I didn't want to get dropped off at the farm in the dark again, I took the bike. It was NOT a nice day for riding. He called at one point because it had started to rain where he was. Then I had to wait for him to get home B4 I could go to my allergist's. He wanted me to do some shopping. I had no time to do anything other than go to HD. I needed the rings for my RP. Now I jut need to finish the posts, get them in the ground, get the rings on and get the rope and get it on. If I can get the rope on Sunday, I may just have my RP by Monday! I'll be working on getting more posts done today. Tomorrow and Friday will be spent (hopefully) on getting it measured out and the posts in the ground.

When I get home, I'll be working on getting my garden cleaned out the rest of the way and then getting some peas in! If I don't have enough time to finish today, I'll finish it tomorrow. And I'll also see if I can't get the flowers started as well.

I need to get off of here and get busy. I still have dishes to do and a kitchen that needs to be cleaned.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
Today was a pretty good day. I got more of my starts transplanted into the cups, then took all that I had in the cups out into the green house. Since it was going to be warmer, I left the door opened. I'll transplant some more today, but may not be until this evening. I had some stuff that didn't come up, so I want to replant as I go.

Got my kitchen floor cleaned and washed all my eggs. I need to get a bunch of them to the auction on Tuesday. I would have taken them this past Tuesday, but couldn't do it on the bike.

Got everyone fed and blankets off. I need to fix Licorice's blanket B4 Sunday. They're calling for a high in the lower 40s w/rain and snow late.

Got some more posts rounded up for the RP and got them cleaned up. I didn't have time to drill the holes in them. I need 4 more and have them here. I had brought them home to work on them and it never happened. So, I'll take them out tomorrow. LS is supposed to be there today, so w/her help, I plan on marking out where the RP is going, and maybe even getting started on it!

When I got home, I got more of the garden prepped. I was going to plan peas today, but have decided to wait. W/the weather they're calling for, I need to get firewood in instead.

I had a bit of "fun" w/the chickens yesterday. I didn't quite finish everything I needed to for the pens and I've had a few hens that have managed to escape. Yesterday I realized that I had out a lot more hens than should have been. The rooster from the flock that I did let out was wanting to mate w/all these extra hens and the other roosters were going nuts. So, I opened all the pens up. I had to be in that area later and was already planning on stopping w/hay. My hope was that all the chickens would get themselves back into the correct pen by the time I got back. I did have to break up a fight B4 I left.

When I dropped off the hay, the chickens were still all out. And I saw no sign of the one rooster. So, I left. On my way home, I stopped back. I was hoping they'd all be back where they belonged and that the rooster would have shown up. He was the first bird I found and he was in the wrong pen. So, I picked him up and put him where he belonged. Then, I started sorting chickens. I had to move a few and can only hope I have them all back where they belong. I never got the bands I wanted on the legs and since some look alike, it was hard to tell. I'm hoping I don't have to do that again.

It's getting late, and I have housework to do-including laundry. I want to wash and hang out a load of sheets B4 I leave and maybe even do some more dishes.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
All the chickens were in the right pen! So, I did OK at sorting in the dark. Didn't get to the RP, but I did get the field cleaned and some fencing up for LF. The field is looking nice and green now, so while they're still eating the same amount of hay, they're also getting some grass now.

Yesterday is a day I would not have chosen to take out the bike if I had any other way to go. It was foggy in the morning, and was trying to rain when I was coming home! Hubby was going to finish the Blazer last night, but w/the weather, he couldn't. Since I refuse to take the bike to the chiropractor's, he's leaving work early and I'm leaving the farm early. I'll come home, get changed and have hay ready to load in the Jeep. Then, after the chiropractor's, I need to do a bit of shopping, then I'll head back to the farm, feed Stormy and drop off the hay. I only have enough hay to last until Sunday, and w/the weather, this may be the only time I can get it there.

Hubby is finally realizing that he is NOT going to fix my truck. DS has a friend that is a mechanic and is currently unemployed. So, hubby talked to DS yesterday about having the guy come over and fix my truck. Finally!

It's getting late, and I have stuff to do today, so I'd better get started.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
I am NOT happy. Hubby was supposed to fix the brakes on the Blazer yesterday. He left work early so I could go to my appointment and he could fix that B4 the weather hit. He didn't do it. And today is going to be much colder and it's supposed to start raining by noon. If he doesn't get it done, I don't know what I'm going to do. I am NOT happy right now. Monday starts a ton of over time for him, so he's not even going to have time to work on it after this.

Right now, I'm just waiting for it to get a bit later, and I'll be going and getting firewood. (Don't want to go out too early because of the neighbors.) Then this afternoon, I need to put the blankets back on the horses. We could get some snow as well, but at least it won't amount to much. I hope this is the end of winter!

Mini Horses

Sustainability Master
Sep 2, 2015
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coastal VA
Hubby is finally realizing that he is NOT going to fix my truck. DS has a friend that is a mechanic and is currently unemployed. So, hubby talked to DS yesterday about having the guy come over and fix my truck. Finally!

Sadly this seems true...and I would get DS to call the guy NOW to fix truck. Wouldn't worry about anyone else as they all seem to be having transportation and YOU are not:(. I just want to see you be treated with more concern than they appear to be showing to you. At least get him to come & see what's wrong, what/how/cost to fix and then decide if it is something you can do financially -- even if worth it, etc. You seem so strong in other areas that I just want you to "woman up" with this because you deserve to be treated with more importance for needed transportation. :hugs:love

Fair is fair.....this continual delay is just not fair. I spent years doing without my tractor, putting others first. One day I just bought it!!!! It may be the only payment I actually do not mind making :p It makes me happy to know, and be able to have, the help I need to do things is here without depending on others and with less effort, more speed, etc. You may need a "new" truck.


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
Reaction score
That stinks Deb, you NEED your truck! MH has a good idea to go ahead and call DS's friend to at least come over and evaluate it.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
Hubby did call DS to call his friend. And friend is busy w/other work right now, so he can't do it, at least not for now. I wish he had called him months ago.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
You and me both! I've already decided that, if I make enough money during the summer, I'm buying my own truck. He can then do what he wants w/the other one. And, I'll pay for any repairs on the truck I buy. That way, I don't have to wait on him.

We managed to dodge the bullet and only got a little bit of snow. I'll be pulling the blankets off the horses again tomorrow. I hope this is the last time I need to mess w/blankets until next winter! Licorice's is in desperate need of repairs!

Hubby was able to get the brakes fixed on the Blazer, so at least I have transportation. I still want my truck. I've been taking hay out 2 or 3 bales at a time instead of bringing home my trailer, loading it all in there and taking it out to the farm. It also means I've been giving the goats hay that I got for the horses. I had planned on having all of this hay out so I could get to the stuff I had planned on giving them. But, it can't be helped.

Tomorrow I plan on working more on my RP. I have all the posts that I need. 4 still need to be cleaned off and I have 9 that need to be measured, and have holes drilled in them or marked for the rings. But, I should have the posts all done, the RP marked out, and at least some of the posts in the ground.

Got my field cleaned today. When I was coming back in the field, Licorice got out. I didn't feel like chasing her. I figured that once I started putting hay out, she'd want back in. I didn't even have to wait that long. I parked the mower, and started cleaning more manure up. I didn't even get one bucket filled when I saw her come flying past me w/one of RU's horses in pursuit. She ran all the way down to the barn, then turned around and started coming up the other way. I went back to the gate. I had to chase Willow away from it on the one side, and make sure RU's horse stayed out on the other side, but Licorice lost no time in getting back in the field as soon as she could. When I went to spread the next load, she was no where near the gate. So, hopefully, she's learned her lesson.

This evening, I went out for an ice cream run on my bike! I wasn't going to take it. But the place we meet up is only about 4 miles from my house and the ice cream place was almost across the street. So I figured if I got cold coming home, at least I didn't have to go far. I'm glad I went. They also had tacos for $0.99, so I got a couple of tacos as well.

Hubby is drunk, and I'm waiting for him to fall asleep. Then, I'm going to go to bed. I'm not getting on much right now because I have so much to do. I've been washing the walls in my living room as well as trying to get caught up on other housework and laundry. I'm making progress. My parents are coming for dinner on Sunday. I want to have my living room as clean as possible, the dishes all done, the kitchen cleaner than it is now, my garden all prepped and the front yard and flower gardens all cleaned. I may even get some pansies and plant them. If I really work hard at it, I should have it all done.