Denim Deb Hay, hay, hay. Thank the Lord!


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
Reaction score
You work too hard! Here's an idea - take your parents OUT to dinner. No cooking, no cleaning --- it's totally worth it!;)

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
I don't like to go out on days like that. It's too crowded. I don't mind the cooking. I'm doing an easy dinner-pot roast. Plus, it's much easier to sit around and relax after dinner at home.


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
Reaction score
Fallston, MD
That's the trouble with going out, its almost as bad as staying in sometimes! LOL
Glad you've got the blazer back, I hope the truck can resolve soon. Maybe you should get the contact info for the guy that can work on your truck and talk to him personally and let him know that you're basically without a vehicle and need to get farm work done. Maybe pleading your case will help.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
I should be tired, but I'm wide awake. I started working around 6:00 this morning. It's going to get colder overnight and they were calling for rain today. So, I went out w/a flashlight and found some stuff so I can start a fire tomorrow morning. I wanted to get it B4 it got soaked. Then, I started working in the living room. I sorted thru some stuff, threw a bunch out, put some in the recyclables, and put the fire pit that my DD and SIL got me for Christmas in the Blazer so I could take it to the farm. It's now in my tack shed. Then I took stuff off the walls and washed that section of the walls. I didn't have time to put the stuff back up and had planned on doing it when I got home.

I left for the farm early since I had the farrier coming out. He almost didn't come. I don't have a good place for him to do the horses if the weather is bad. But, they had changed the forecast, so we decided to go for it. While I was waiting on him, I started digging holes for my RP. My niece and her BF showed up, so they worked on the holes while I held the horses for the farrier. Even though he's not really taking on new customers, he agreed to do Willow since she's in my field and she's good-at least for the farrier! So, all 4 of them got a trim job.

Once he left, I started working w/my niece and her BF. They couldn't stay long, but had managed to get 3 holes dug, and had started on the 4th. They are not as fast as I am. Even w/the stones we were hitting, it was only taking me between 8 and 12 minutes for digging the holes and setting the posts. So, once they left, I continued to work on the posts. When I had 5 left, DM came over to help me. The last post was the worst! I had 2 posts that were extra long. I decided to use them for the one "gate". We got down so far, and found it almost impossible to dig any deeper. So, I went and got my chainsaw and cut off about 9". All 26 posts are in the ground! I'll be able to finish it next week!

LS was supposed to come today and help. She had a Dr.'s appointment first, but said she be there after it. I couldn't figure out why she wasn't coming or calling. Finally, just as I'm getting ready to leave, she arrives. Her ex-husband's father had an aneurysm burst And while they did emergency surgery, he didn't make it. She was quite upset, and just wanted to spend some time chilling w/Willow. It was almost 6:00 by the time I was finally able to leave.

Nor could I go right home. EH had called me in a panic yesterday. She needed help w/something today. I told her I didn't know when I'd get there, but I'm come over when I was done at the farm. If I had known I was going to get done so late, I would have told her no. But, she needed it by tomorrow. So, I stopped over there and helped her for 45 minutes. Then, I finally managed to go home.

At home, I got the animals fed, then since I'm afraid of frost tonight, I brought all my plants in out of the greenhouse. Dinner was leftovers.

But, after typing all of that, I'm finally starting to feel tired. So, I think I'm going to go to bed.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
I have a ton to do today. I have to finish cleaning the living room, do dishes, do a load of laundry, and go shopping. And, if I have time, plant the flowers I bought the other day. They're calling for rain on Monday. I'm almost happy about it. I won't be able to do anything at the farm but take a nap

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
I got most of my living room clean! I have to finish vacuuming it tomorrow morning, and I have to put some stuff up in the attic space and that will mean this is the cleanest it's been in years! I also need to do dishes in the morning. I had hoped to get them done today, but just didn't have time. I need to get as much done now as I can. And, w/hubby working weekends as well as late during the week, I'm able to do it.


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
Reaction score
Fallston, MD
Feels so good to have things cleaned up, doesn't it!? We have gotten further along than we have in a long, long time, too, and it feels great. Now to keep it that way....
Hope you had a great Easter!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
It was pretty good. I managed to have everything done that I wanted to get done. I just didn't finish it until just B4 my parents got there! I'll admit to not doing much this morning after hubby left. I went back to bed for a bit.

Hubby came home from work early today because he's sick. So, I stayed at the farm late. I have rats in the feed stall! It doesn't help that there's still stuff in there that's not mine. But, I cleaned it the best I could. It looks much better.

When I was done that, I put the screw eyes in the posts for the RP. I also had to straighten up some of the posts. I think the horses were probably rubbing up against them. Then, w/the help of LS, I got the ropes run thru! All that's left is making the "gates". I'll be doing that tomorrow. I won't have time to work w/anyone then, but at least it will be done! So, come Wednesday, I'll be working both Misty and Licorice, then I'll be giving LS a lesson on how to work a horse in the RP. In exchange, she's going to help me figure out my video camera and getting my You Tube channel going! Hopefully by the end of the week, that will be up and running.

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